Death Guns In Another World

1297 Chapter 1189: The Rulers' Decision

It was evening in the capital of the Foxia Empire, a few kilometers away there existed a forest.

The forest was limitless, impenetrable, and verdant. Its canopy was eclipsed by yew, linden, and maple, their crowns allowed cascading lights to shimmer through for a medley of plants to make use of the insect-riddled soils below.

Curling vines dangled from a couple of trees, and a mishmash of flowers, which desperately tried to avoid the shadows, highlighted the otherwise colorless backdrop.

A mishmash of animal sounds, which were caused by prowling animals, brightened up the forest and were backed by the raging river currents clashing against boulders.

In the deepest part of this forest was an isolated lake and in the isolated lake, the ladies were washing themselves.


Saeko swam around the lake like a champion. She was incredibly good at swimming, her speed is also superhuman!

"Jeez! You little girl."

Sera stopped her before lecturing her.

"Saeko, we are here to take a bath, we are not here to swim.''

"Ahahaha! I'm well aware of it."

Saeko started scratching the back of her head in embarrassment.

"It's so wide here, I subconsciously started swimming… kya?!"

Saeko moaned all of a sudden.

The reason, someone suddenly grabbed her breasts.

"Haha! I got you!"

The hands on her breasts started massaging them into various shapes. Saeko giggled while twitching in pleasure.

"Ahaha… Gracier… not there… that tickles… ahaha…"


Gracier showed her an evil grin. She increased her intensity.

"In other words, Saeko's weakness is over here, right? Hehehe, take my super booby attack!"

"Ahaha… Nooo… Ahahah…"

"Look, ladies…"

Sera observed them for a moment before shaking her head.

"Conserve some energy, don't come to me when you're too weak to even climb back on shore…"

"It's fine! It's fine!"

Gracier waved her off. A thought struck her before a mischievous grin climbed onto her face, she was eyeing Sera's body.

Feeling a chill, Sera stepped back.

"Wh-what are you doing? What's with that grin?"


Gracier released Saeko who almost fainted. Like a dirty old man, she slowly inched closer to Sera.

"Big sister, where is your weakness? I am very curious."

Sera immediately knew what Gracier wanted, her face turned red as she tried to scamper off. However, a pair of tiny hands held her shoulders in place. Sera froze up in surprise.

"In the end, this seems interesting…"

Kuina's pleased face entered Sera's vision. Like Gracier, she's snickering.

"Count me in!"

"Good job! Big sister Kuina!"

Gracier praised her accomplice. She pounced on Sera.

"Keep a super tight grip on her!"

"Hey! Gracier, knock it off… Kuina… stop… Nnn… Nyaaghh…"

Playful giggles echoed across the lake. Saeko was still heaving in exhaustion, Luna supported her less as she sinks into the lake. She watched on while chuckling in joy. It was good to see everyone playing together like this.

Looking at the other side, Artemia, Alice, Noire, and Maria were enjoying the water with their eyes closed and their backs leaning against the cliffs surrounding the lake. Their bountiful breasts lined up as Noire's lips quivered.

"That's an impressive line-up.''

Sakuya and Artemia opened their eyes when they heard Noire's sentence.

"Ara ara!"

Sakuya started giggling with a tilted head.

"We are nothing compared to…"

Artemia jutted her chin at a spot somewhere not far away.

"That victor over there…"

Noire also looked over. Her eyelids started twitching!

"Nn~~ This feels so good~"

It was as if Maria intentionally stretched her back, exposing those divine and demonic marshmallows for everyone to see. Those are some lethal weapons she was packing.

"Too bad this isn't a hot spring, there is also no booze to enjoy together with the bath.''

"Maria is incredible…"

Alice said with a half-stunned look. She wondered if those massive weapons wouldn't hinder Maria during a fight.

"Truly… impressive…"

Noire nodded expressionlessly.

"If only I am as big as her…"

''Fufu! Noire don't be sad…"

Sakuya started cheering Noire up.

"Small ones are good too, there are men who dig your figure, you know?~"

Noire widened her eyes. She nodded in a daze.

"Is that so?"

"She's probably right…"

Maria chimed in, she revealed a mysterious grin.

"However, I think Alex likes them big."


Noire said nothing.


Near her, Alice lifted her head, she shot a question in excitement.

"Then, if Alice grows up to be as big as Maria, will master love me too?"


Maria gave her question serious thought.

"That should be correct."

"Maria, what kind of example are you trying to set here?"

Artemia bitterly laughed.

"Don't teach them weird stuff…"

"Just telling the truth…"

Maria took out her fan from her item box. She covered her mouth as her eyes flashed with playfulness.

"Artemia, you are self-conscious of your size, no?"


The princess wanted to retort but her words got stuck in her mouth. Maria also started laughing while Artemia dived into the water in embarrassment.


Sakuya grumbled when she saw the ruckus the other ladies caused.

"Can't take a quiet bath at all, these girls…"

She started making her way over to the shore, attracting the others' attention.

"Eh? You are done already? Sakuya…"


She waved her arm.

"I wanted to stay just a while longer but my stomach's making a noise so I am heading out first…"

Luna and Saeko's ears twitched. They immediately made a beeline for the shore.

"Ooooh! Us too! We are hungry too!"

With the three making their way out of the lake, the pile of clothes lit up as the magic crystal throbbed for a second. A light orb expanded as a figure slowly materialized.

The ladies were surprised by the sudden burst of light. Before they could react, the light receded away to reveal the intruder.

Kuina's mother appeared. 

''Wow! You girls sure know how to play!'' She said flashing them a playful grin.

''Welcome back empress, how was the meeting?'' Maria said while approaching Kuina's mother. The latter observed Maria's up and down a few times before crossing her arms.

''Not bad you have the potential.''

Maria's mouth twitched but she did not dare to raise a question about what kind of potential Kuina's mother was talking about. She was sure that whatever it was she would suffer under this devil, playing her game, hence Maria ignored her.

''Tch! You are no fun at all. Well, the meeting went well. Follow me let's go eat you must be all very hungry.'' Kuina's mother declared before stepping across space and vanishing. 

Maria exchanged a look with Artemia and the others before nodding, dress magically appeared on their bodies before they teleported back to the castle where they ate dinner. 

Kuina was still unconscious but recently she was showing signs of waking up.

After the dinner, Kuina's mother told them how the meeting with the other rulers went, and what they decided. The content of this meeting wasn't that different from the previous one, they mostly discussed the things to do, how to prevent the small skirmish here and there from resulting in a war because it was probably the enemy's goal, there was also the possibility that it was to draw their attention elsewhere while achieving their real purpose. 

Once more at the end of the meeting, it was concluded that the best thing to do was to increase their strength, the strength of the few chosen ones for now until Alex succeed in his mission in the Infinity Maze, the core of Bahamut's curse, the curse placed on the world stopping anyone from stepping into the False God realm since that fight against the king of the dragon.

''I see.'' Maria nodded on behalf of the others, she understood that the rulers had taken this decision and was okay with it. She believed that she would have done the same if she was in their shoes, they should prioritize the elites first of all, it is the best outcome.

''If there's nothing else will we excuse ourselves first, see you tomorrow empress.'' Maria bowed her head before leaving with the others.

That night every one of them prayed for Alex's success, to quickly come back as they all missed him greatly.


The following morning in the same forest, same lake.

The calm lake reflected the sunlight like a giant mirror. One would have to squint against intense rays like these. The faint sound of flowing water reverberated wonderfully in one's ears. There must be a stream feeding into this lake.

It was a beautiful day, there are only a few clouds in the sky as the sun rained down at just the right temperature, providing everyone with a warm source of energy. The sun lit up the cliffs overlooking the lake.


There was a golden portal hanging over the lake. The portal rained down clear water into the lake.

Splashing sounds accompanied the spatial ripples of the golden portal. The lake slowly lit up as the clear water suffused the lake.

A miraculous power started acting on the lake. This mysterious power expanded as more and more miraculous water seeped into the lake.

It was clear that the miraculous water caused this strange change in the nature of the lake.

Kuina's mother sighed while pouring what remained of the miracle water reserve into the lake. She got this from the meeting, one of the rewards she was talking about.

She looked at the ladies standing near her.

''You should take off your clothes and dives in. How much you can acquire will depend on your luck and chance, the first effect will be an increase in your mana. Well, the luckiest will have some of their stats increased as well. Go!'' 

Maria and the others inhaled before undressing to enter the miracle lake.

Another strengthening journey has begun.

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