Death Guns In Another World

1278 Chapter 1174: The Wedding?

When consciousness returned to him, Alex slowly stirred into consciousness while groaning.

He shook his head while struggling to get up. He slowly opened his eyes with a hand to his head.

The first thing that entered his eyes was the setting sun.

Upon seeing this Alex flinched.

"Sunset? It's already that time?"

Alex tried to steady his blurry mind.

He was stuck in a land of green colors. He lost consciousness within the green fog area.

Why did things return to normal?

"Is the fog gone? The land looked like this?"


Alex tilted his head.

"So there are normal places in this named dungeon…"

Alex threw out that sarcastic remark before remembering someone very important.


She was gone.

Alex looked around in shock. The scenery astonished him once more. 

Not only is the green fog gone, but the land of verdant greenness also disappeared. It looked like the environment transformed, only the setting sun was here to accompany him.

Alex noticed that he was on the red carpet. There were long benches to his sides. Floral decorations were all around him, the chapel bell tolled with a melodic tune. The tune lifted one's mood.

Alex couldn't believe the scenery he was looking at.

"Wh-where is this? Why am I in a place that looks like a wedding venue?"

Alex was confused, he scratched his cheek only to notice another thing.

His sleeve was white.

No, Alex was wearing a white coat.

Specifically, he was wearing a white tuxedo.

Alex was flabbergasted.

"Wait, I am the one getting married?"

"Yan! Gosh, what are you doing here? Don't you know everyone's waiting for you?!"

A light voice called out to him. He turned around to see another amazing scene.

The one who called out to him was a very beautiful lady.

Her blonde hair danced in the wind. With the petals flying all around, she smelled nice although one couldn't be certain if that was her perfume or the flowers around her. Her eyes were gold just like her hair. The most enchanting feature of this lady was her breathtaking face.

She stood with arms akimbo. It was like she was scolding a brat who wouldn't listen. She puffed her cheeks. But, this act couldn't hide the bliss brimming from within her. She was truly the most joyful girl on earth.

She wore a white wedding dress. The dress accentuated her captivating figure. The hem of her dress also fluttered with the wind.

She was in a wedding dress. Alex called out the name of the lady who yelled at him.


That's right.

She was Luna who he hadn't seen in a long time.

Alex's first fiancée.


Alex resisted her entrancing figure, and joy and excitement started taking over. At the same time, confusion also rose within.

"Wh-why are you here?"


Luna gave him a dangerous look.

"Don't tell me you don't remember why you're here?"

"I mean…"

Alex started awkwardly laughing.

"If you will tell me that will make me very happy…"


Luna leered at Alex. She placed her palm on her forehead.

"I thought you were just klutzy when you woke up from your long sleep."

Luna shrieked at him.

"Don't tell me you seriously forgot this is our wedding day?!"


Alex paused for a second. He roared.


"What's with that face?!"

Luna became mad at Alex for looking like he was having a hard time believing this.

"Is something weird about us getting married?! Are you getting cold feet?!":

"No no no!"

Alex shook his head. He wanted to marry Luna, that he was sure.

"You know my true feelings…"

Luna's expression turned better. She marched over and grabbed his arm.

"Anyway, everyone's waiting for us, let's go!"

Luna pulled Alex along by his arm. He couldn't help but saunter along.

A beautiful church appeared before the two.

People are waiting for them. When they heard the two most important VIPs, they turned around to cheer.

"Yo! Good job making us wait! The model husband and wife duo!"

A handsome man who looked like he would have a fine career as a gigolo waved at them.

"Haha! I thought you guys would be late for your wedding!"

An old man with a messy beard teased them, he looked like he needed some sleep as if he was a workaholic.

"I hope wouldn't be late when it would be my daughter's turn.''

Said a handsome middle-aged man with blue hair and a crown above his head.

Many other male voices reached his ears.

 Alex gasped.

"Leon! Smith! Julius! Ren! Leo!''

"Big brother, you came…"

A young girl resembling Leon beamed at Alex.

"If you guys didn't come we would have gone looking for you two…" She said.

"Look, didn't I tell you guys? I totes said they would be coming!" 

A vibrant lady with blue hair and hair of nobility said with a smirk.

"Alex might be guilty but Luna is the one who couldn't wait for this day to come sooner!"


A cute girl with twin tails bobbed her head.

"Weddings are great, no way would Alex and Luna forget this day…" A girl with brown hair and honey-colored eyes said.

"They should thank me!" 

A black-haired beauty puffed out her chest in pride while standing with the other girls.

"This wedding event was drafted and executed by yours truly!"

"Lea, Katherine, Sera, Maria, Sakuya…"

Alex wasn't sure what to say.

Although he didn't say anything, the others were moving things along.

"Alright, let's start the wedding ceremony!"

"Let's go!"

"Hurry up!"

The groomsmen and bridesmaid pushed the two along. Alex was still a bit puzzled while Luna had a flushed smile on her face.

Soon, they were at the altar. A young girl with crimson straight hair waited for them here.

The petite girl immediately bloomed radiantly when Alex and Luna approached.

"Big brother! Sister-in-law! Congratulations!"

Gracier was present too.


Alex panicked with Luna giggling by his side.

"Thanks, Alexandra!"


Gracier shook her head.

"No need to thank me. I am the one who is the happiest to see Big Brother and big sister getting married."

Gracier walked over to Alex and she presented a box with a pair of rings in it.

She gave him a sweet smile.

"Big brother, take care of her, okay?''

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