Death Guns In Another World

1009 Chapter 966: Chaos Seed

The man in the hoodie had one goal, and it started his plan with Kevin, the weakest; from there onward, he would make him take his brother join before the two would turn Camilla in. Being betrayed by your closest ones, being pushed into hell by them, was the greatest joy for this man who was watching everything from the dark.

It was exactly as Kevin thought, Dodolus was smart, but Camilla was more intelligent and more cautious; it was not like the man had not tried to approach Camilla, but he failed even before he could say anything, it was why he approached Kevin a few days later. Unlike his little sister, he fell for it.

'It would be fun. Should I try this method with Alex's group? Nah! It's better not anger a Touch, at least not now.' The man thought as if he must focus solely on this mission.

Meanwhile, the match between the two brothers was about to start. Kevin tossed a coin in the air, and the two waited for the coin to reach the ground.

Time slowed down on the coin, slowly reaching the ground.



Right after the coin touched the ground, Dodolus was the one who attacked; he shot forward with one hand holding a silver shield and the other holding a weapon. From behind his shield, he stabbed forward with his spear; however, Kevin, who should have been standing before him, vanished, and immediately Dodolus knew he was in trouble as he could not turn around in time to defend against his brother's attack.

In a split second, Dodolus activated his gravity domain to slower down Kevin.

'Not a bad decision, but you should do more than that if you wish to win, big guy.' The man watching in the shadow mumbled.

As if Dodolus had heard the man's words he immediately created earth spikes around him; with this he was sure to catch his brother off guard because he would have never expected this combination; however, it was Dodolus who underestimated his brother; Kevin had never intended to attack from behind, it was a diversion, he reappeared few meters away and flicked his fingers immediately as if he had already set them beforehand.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Multiple explosions rang out around Dodolus, the ground was blasted, and Dodolus was sent flying; however, he managed to protect himself by turning his shield into armor, but not natural armor. He could only use this skill once, and if he hadn't done that, he would have been gravely injured.

Even with the holy armor on, he still received a hard blow; he almost vomited blood. Dodolus shook his head and healed himself; from his analysis, Kevin must have secretly sent those small fireballs into the ground right after he launched his attack.

'Since when did this guy has become good at fight and could think so far ahead?' Dodolus wondered but immediately shook his head and decided to focus on the fight; he must absolutely win to get some answers.

'Shh! It's your loss, big guy.' Seeing Dodolus momentarily dazed, the man knew that this fight had concluded. He drew this conclusion because he had already predicted how Kevin would end this fight.


Dodolus's words were cut off abruptly when his eyes widened. In his pupils was reflected, his brother's face approaching at such high speeds that he couldn't believe it. He did not have the time to put his shield in front of him before Kevin slashed his chest open, and hot blood splashed out. Kevin kicked the injured Dodolus flying.

Bang! Crack!

His body traveled through the air for a few meters before slamming into a tree, breaking it. Dodolus's mouth fell open, and he vomited blood.

''Cough! Cough!"

His head felt heavier and heavier as each pulse of throbbing pain pounded Dodolus's senses over and over again. Sweat was pouring from his forehead, his hands were clammy and trembling, and his teeth were gritted. Ten seconds passed, then twenty, then thirty, and the pain never subsided. At least it wasn't getting worse, yet.

He began to feel thirsty and tired, and sweat stains were clearly visible now, but Dodolus was determined to keep going. But he felt sore all over; the injury was clearly taking its toll on his entire body. But he refused to give; biting his lower lip, he lifted his upper body and looked in Kevin's direction; the latter was slowly walking towards him.

Swallowing a mouthful of blood, he said to Kevin.

''It's my loss; you have become strong, stronger than me. I'm proud but immediately tell me what you want.'' Dodolus declared while trying to heal himself with a healing potion.

Kevin stopped and said bluntly. ''I know where Leonardo is.''

''What?" Dodolus was shocked to think his brother knew the answer but didn't tell them. What is going on? What is he planning?

Too many questions ran through his mind, but first, he must ensure that Kevin was not joking; therefore, Dodolus asked.

''You better don't joke with me, or else I'll get very angry, and you don't want to see me angry. So answer me, where is he?"

Kevin shuddered, recalling the only time Dodolus ever got angry; even his dad couldn't handle him; shaking his head to regain control over his emotions, he proposed.

''Of course, I'm serious; I know where Leonardo is, but I will only tell you after you swallow this seed.''

After saying this, he tossed a black seed at Dodolus, who caught and looked at it; this black seed reassembled a bean sprout. Dodolus could feel ominous energy coming from this seed, he wanted to toss it aside, but after looking at Kevin, he stopped as he knew he could never get any answer out of the latter if he were to do that.

Even if this seed was disgusting, he had to bear it; everything was for Leonardo and Camilla's sake.

Having made his decision, Dodolus tossed the black seed into his mouth, expecting some reaction but nothing happened after a few minutes, which made him sigh in relief.

''Okay, I have swallow-"

Before he could finish his sentence, an intense pain assaulted Dodolus. Panic took over for a moment as thoughts of endless pain crept up in his mind.

Kevin approached his brother to assist him.

''Don't worry, Big D, I'm here.'' He declared.

On the other hand, the man was satisfied with the outcome of this fight.

''Another chaos seed swallowed. Fufufu! Lord Thanos will be happy after learning this.'' She mumbled before disappearing; the man with the hoodie was not a man but a girl disguised as a man.

'Lilith, come back.' She received an order.

''Understood, Lord Thanos,'' Lilith answered.

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