Dear Commander-in-Chief

3847 Chapter 3,850 what if he steals my business in the event of a divorce? 1

Yun Qiao was in a good mood as she had unexpectedly earned a large sum of money early in the morning.

She swiped open her phone and prepared to write down this huge sum of money in a small notebook.

Only then did she realize that Gong Sheng had sent her a wechat message.

“The viewership rating is 8.01% . Are You Satisfied?”

“Don’t forget what you promised.”

“Woman, last night you said that the viewership rating was going to go through the roof. What did you want to Do?”

“Yun Xiaoqiao, are you trying to renege on your promise? !”


A series of short and powerful words suddenly appeared in front of her eyes.

The corner of Yun Qiao’s lips twitched.

Oh My God, she had been busy criticizing those small actors in Group B, predicting, and slapping her face. She did not have the time to look at her phone at all.

Who knew that her cheap husband would send so many messages over.

He even told her about the viewership ratings eagerly.

Although his tone was very arrogant and he kept reminding her to keep her promise, she still felt a warmth in her heart when she saw it.

Yun Qiao quickly replied, “Yes, yes, I know. I’ll make you some delicious food when I get back.”

She just pressed send.

Suddenly, she felt that something was wrong.

She glanced at the time that Gongsheng had sent the message. It was past eight o’clock!

The official time of the viewership ratings was 9:01!

Gongsheng knew the official viewership ratings just after eight o’clock? And the numbers were exactly the same?

Yun Qiao was stunned for a moment.

The next second, she muttered to herself, “So my husband has the ability to predict things too. Since that’s the case, why don’t I ask him to resign and set up a fortune-telling stall with me to earn a lot of money!”

Then, she thought again, “No, no, no. What if one day we get divorced and go our separate ways? This colleague is my enemy. What if he steals my business? “No, I absolutely can’t let him enter this line of work. It’s better to let him continue working as a rescue team! “It doesn’t matter even if he earns less money...”

After this thought popped up in her mind, Yun Qiao Snickered secretly and went back to filming in a good mood.

If Gong Sheng knew her current state of mind, he would probably be so angry that he would punish her on the spot.

= = =

Ever since Yun Qiao’s divine prediction had led everyone to earn a fortune, she could practically do whatever she wanted in the production team.

No matter what she did, a group of followers immediately surrounded her. “Sister Qiao Qiao, let me help you!”

“Sister Qiao Qiao, let me massage your back!”

“Sister Qiaoqiao, let me get you some water!”

“Sister Qiaoqiao...”

Oh My God, she almost had someone to support her in the Upper Hall!

Yun Qiao was once a princess who was surrounded by tens of thousands of people. Even so, she was still surrounded by people everywhere, she was not used to it. “Ahem, um, everyone go ahead. I’m not disabled yet, I can do it myself.”

Everyone rubbed their heads awkwardly, but in the next second, they still couldn’t change their minds. “Sister Qiao Qiao, let me open the door for you...”

Yun Qiao:”... !”

Alright, perhaps it was the princess’fate that had led her to this life.

After filming for a whole day, because there were people waiting on her everywhere, her body wasn’t tired. It was just that her ears were a little tired, as if there was a constant buzzing sound in her ears.

As soon as Yun Qiao got home, she quickly fell asleep after washing up.

In the middle of the night.

When a certain man habitually came into the room to kiss her.

She thought that someone was waiting on her in her sleep, so she waved her hand and muttered, “I’ll do it myself!”

The corner of Gong Sheng’s lips twitched.”...”

Do It Myself?

Woman, are you going to kiss me on your own accord?

After waiting for a long time, Yun Qiao didn’t do anything. She still closed her eyes and slept like a little piglet.

The palace saint gave a helpless laugh and savagely trampled on her lips again.

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