Dear Commander-in-Chief

3749 Chapter 3752 she tried her best to protect the contract 1

The man rolled down the car window and said to Yun Qiao with a pleasant expression, “Xiao Qiao, don’t you have a car? Let Me Give You a ride.”

Yun Qiao saw that it was Huo Qingtong and did not treat him as an outsider. “Sure, I promised sister Chu Chu that I would attend a cocktail party tonight. I was worried that I would be late, so I’ll have to trouble the best actor to send me there. Thank you very much!”

Huo Qingtong was stunned.

When he heard Feng Chu’s name, it was as if all the cells in his body had come alive. His entire person’s expression had changed, he was rather anxious and tried hard to hide his excitement. “Xiao Qiao, do you think that Chu Chu... will be at the cocktail party too?”

Yun Qiao had already opened the car door and got into the car. She said casually, “Of course. She’s my manager Queen. She’s helping me sweep away the enemies ahead.”

Huo Qingtong’s heart was beating like a drum as he stepped on the accelerator. “Okay, I’ll definitely send you there as soon as possible!”

The two of them sped towards the imperial song club..

= =

The top floor of the club, the garden, and the swimming pool.

Feng Chu kept the contract and was about to put it into her bag. She told Yun Qiao not to rush over. She had already negotiated the contract and Yun Qiao would show up to meet the partners later. As long as the etiquette was right, it would be fine.

While she was putting the contract in her bag, she took out her phone and called Yun Qiao.

Suddenly, she felt a wave of pressure behind her!

She did not know when, but she was standing by the pool. There were a few unfamiliar faces around her. They were small models dressed in evening gowns.

The pressure behind her was not a stream of air that came out of nowhere. It was a woman’s hand. It was a punch at her waist!

Feng Chu was holding a bag and a phone in her hand. She was caught off guard by the sudden push, and she staggered and fell forward!

Her body was agile, and she reached out her hand to hold on to the lamp post beside her to steady herself.

Who knew that the small models surrounding her were not just casually standing beside her.

They were waiting for her to reach out to find something to support her, so they took the initiative to block for a moment and also reached out their hands to push her into the pool!

The weather in April and the chilly spring. The water in the outdoor swimming pool was just a decoration to enhance the atmosphere. No one would go into the water to swim because they would freeze to death!

And at this moment, Feng Chu was pushed into the pool by countless pairs of hands!

The penultimate thought of falling into the pool was -- it was really baffling. She did not know these women. Why did these people want to trip her up?

In the crowd, among a group of people who were gloating, she suddenly saw Wang Chunhua’s Sly Smile.

So it was her who was sneaking behind her back!

Feng Chu frowned. She really did not expect that Wang Chunhua, this woman, would be jealous of her job opportunity and would go to such an extent because of it. Despicable!

The penultimate thought that came to Feng Chu when she fell into the pool was -- it’s over, the contract!

She suddenly woke up and couldn’t care less about Wang Chunhua’s character. She quickly threw the contract out of the pool with all her might.

If the contract got wet, it would be ruined!

Those signatures and seals would be voided.

If Lu hanjiu went back on his word, the money would be lost. Two million was not a small amount!

Feng Chu was burning with anxiety. She only hated that her hands were not long enough.

And those women were too evil.

Especially Wang Chunhua. At the critical moment, she extended an arm from the crowd and threw the contract that Feng Chu threw into the pool!

Feng Chu:”... !”

This was too much!

She had seen mean and sinister people, but she had never seen Wang Chunhua so mean and sinister!

She still wanted to try her best to save the contract, but her body was no longer obedient and she pounced on the surface of the water -- !

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