Dear Commander-in-Chief

3709 Chapter 3712: her lips suddenly stopped swelling

Bai Lang: “It’s Lord Jue’s little flower, that little fairy Gu Qiqi. Doesn’t she know some medical skills? She insisted that she has seen this prescription before and that it’s for treating Vertigo.”

Gong Sheng narrowed his eyes and didn’t say anything. He only replied, “Got it.”

Then, he hung up the phone.

He didn’t think that there was anything wrong with Yun Qiao knowing a rare prescription.

Just as he had said to Yun Qiao, it proved that she was talented in medicine.

However, now that Bai Lang said that Gu Qiqi also knew the prescription, his heart skipped a beat and he became suspicious.

Who Was Gu Qiqi?

That woman was very mysterious. She was poisonous and knew things beyond common sense at such a young age. She even charmed his sick little brother so much that he didn’t even recognize his own family.

In other words, that Gu Qiqi wasn’t a normal person!

How could a careless and reckless girl like Yun Qiao know the same prescription as an abnormal woman like Gu Qiqi?

Yun Qiao was just an ordinary girl from the countryside who didn’t have much knowledge. She shouldn’t be as simple as Gu Qiqi.

A faint doubt rose in Gong Sheng’s heart.

= =

On this night without Gong Sheng at home.

Yun Qiao slept soundly without a care in the world.

A few days ago, when she woke up, her lips were swollen. However, when she woke up this morning, her lips were no longer swollen!

Yun Qiao looked in the mirror in surprise and licked her lips. She mumbled, “It must be that little thing called lip balm that Zhao Xiaoyue gave me. It’s working!”

She happily put on some more lip balm before going out for breakfast.

After hearing from the maid that Gong Sheng didn’t come back last night, she realized that she and Gong Sheng didn’t have a good time last night.

Seriously, why would her cheap husband object to her acting.

They were having a good talk earlier, and he had no objections to her going out to work.

Didn’t he even help her borrow a dress?

This was also a form of support for her work. How could she suddenly turn hostile and not allow her to film any action scenes?

Men were really unreasonable creatures.

Yun Qiao ate silently. She felt that men were extremely troublesome, and she didn’t want to put in any effort to guess.

After eating, she went out to the production team.

After resting for a day, the colleagues in the production team were full of energy, and the intensity of filming was different.

In comparison, Yun Qiao was a little stuffy.

While everyone was talking about where they had gone to play or what beautiful scenery they had seen in fragrant peak and Maple Valley, Zhao Xiaoyue asked Yun Qiao what they had played, and Yun Qiao couldn’t answer.

If she said that she had helped Gongsheng go to the disaster area to save people, wouldn’t that be too much of a boast.

After all, those girls were talking about shopping for clothes and taking selfies in scenic areas.

Yun Qiao, who didn’t fit in, sat by the side with her chin in her hands.

Li Pingan strolled over and saw Yun Qiao’s lonely look. He wanted to say something but hesitated.

Yun Qiao, on the other hand, noticed him and stopped him. “Director, are you going to tell me what to do?”

She was not in a good state today. She thought that Li Ping An had come to give her some pointers because she had failed her performance just now.

Unexpectedly, Li Ping an said lovingly, “It’s nothing, Xiao Qiao. You acted well just now.”

Yun Qiao said, “Director, if you say that I’m not bad again, I won’t be able to improve!”

Li Ping An was amused by her, he said helplessly, “You did act well indeed. Today, everyone was a little too excited, and your acting was a little over the top. You’re the only one who still maintained your usual standard, and you’ve grasped all the emotional points that need to be acted. But...”

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