Dear Commander-in-Chief

3361 Chapter 3364: Bai Yeyuan is here! 1

“Do what we should do. There’s no need to think too much about it. It’s unnecessary to worry about it!”

Only a woman with great confidence and wisdom could say such words without changing her expression even when Mount Tai collapsed in front of her.

The chairman had truly poured his heart and soul into the Bai Corporation. He did not rely on others, but only relied on his own wisdom to pave a path for the BAI Corporation’s development.

If he were the minority shareholders sitting below the stage now, he would definitely vote with both hands and feet and pray for the chairman to be re-elected.

The game of scheming by a capital boss could not compare to the chairman’s painstaking plan for the development of the company!

The secretary was filled with emotions.

He could not help but sneak another glance at Ouyang Xiong.

TSK TSK, at this moment, Ouyang Xiong’s expression was extremely ugly!

It could be said to be extremely ugly!

Perhaps he did not expect a woman to be able to come up with such a magnificent development opportunity. Instead of sticking to the old ways, she was constantly expanding the BAI Corporation’s new business territory.

This kind of adventurous spirit and extremely charming methods were usually only displayed in men.

He had underestimated the enemy.


After a short period of depression, Ouyang Xiong regained his composure and started to question Xiao Ning again --

He sneered and said, “Chairman Xiao’s idea is not bad, but unfortunately, it’s just words on paper. Besides, you might not be the chairman. It’s meaningless for you to talk so freely here. I think the new chairman should be the one to announce the plan. Maybe it’s better and more ambitious than your idea, and more in line with everyone’s expectations. I suggest we move on to the next segment as soon as possible! Vote for the new chairman! Who will be the future chairman of the Bai Corporation? Let the votes speak!”

What Ouyang Xiong said seemed to make some sense.

Xiao Ning’s plan was very good, but could there be a better one?

For a moment, some people in the audience started to waver and hesitated.

On the other hand, Xiao Ning was still calm and her tone was steady, neither servile nor overbearing, she said, “As long as it’s for the benefit of the group, all the shareholders of the BAI Corporation have the right to come up with a plan. If there’s a better plan, I, Xiao Ning, will support it with both hands. Even if I’m not the chairman, as long as the plan is good, it can still be pushed forward. So... Ouyang, where is your so-called better plan? Tell us about it for everyone to hear? We can totally evaluate the PK on the spot, how about that?”

Ouyang Xiong:”... !”

He was just making an analogy to stop everyone from being confused by Xiao Ning.

However, he was here this time to use his capital to buy tickets. Also, according to what Liu Rushi said, Bai Yeyuan was in a stable mood now, he could transfer the shares to him... and use other means to get the position of chairman.

He was relying on these schemes and schemes. How would he have time to prepare a project proposal?

Furthermore, he did not care about the future development of the BAI Corporation at all!

He would not be able to produce such a detailed and effective proposal even if he was given a few days or a few nights.

Ouyang Xiong’s face was as pale as a pig’s liver. He did not expect that at his age, he would be forced to retreat by a young lady’s questioning.

His eyelids twitched viciously. “Xiao Ning, you keep saying that you want to fight. I think you’re afraid of voting. There aren’t many shareholders who really support you, right?”

Xiao Ning lifted her chin. “What Am I afraid of? I believe that everyone will be fair and just. According to the interests of the group and individuals, they will vote the right way. Since you like voting so much, fine, next round, let’s Vote!”

Ouyang Xiong’s heart skipped a beat.

Why did this wretched girl agree to vote?


Bai Yeyuan had not brought his shares to the meeting yet. He did not have as many shares as Xiao Ning. Even if he bought over a group of minority shareholders, it would not be enough.

No wonder... HMPH!

Ouyang Xiong was about to rack his brains and continue to stall for time.

Right at this moment, the door to the meeting hall slowly opened.

The slowly rocking steel wheelchair pushed the man in front of everyone!

Boss ye is here!

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