Dear Commander-in-Chief

3358 Chapter 3361 my Mommy’s new Daddy 1

Ouyang Xiong did not get angry after being scolded. Instead, he looked happy and smiled happily. “You can’t even get a verbal agreement, can you?”

Xiao Ning:”...”

There was no point in arguing. It was better to look at reality.

Although, in reality, the situation was also very disadvantageous to her --

That boss ye had not come yet!

It was unknown if he did not come on purpose or if he had completely forgotten about it.

Xiao Ning did not have the time to wait for him. Instead, she cleared her throat, raised the microphone and announced the start of the shareholders’meeting.

For the first segment, she had to represent the board of directors and make a summary of the operation of the group this year.

A clear and determined voice slowly sounded in the venue..

= =

Outside the venue.

In a low-key black limousine.

Bai Yeyuan was holding his phone and talking on the phone. From time to time, he would slowly nod his head, and the curve of his lips would also slowly rise along with the other party’s words.

He was obviously very happy.

From the phone, a soft and sweet girl’s voice could be heard, “Late at night, you’re a big liar. You said that you would celebrate my second birthday, but I’ve been back in the imperial capital for so long, and I still haven’t seen you!”

Bai Yeyuan’s voice couldn’t help but lower a few degrees for her. It wasn’t as cold and sharp as usual. “I’m not lying to you. I’m already in the capital.”

Xiao Li pouted. “I know you’re in the capital. Your Company is on TV, but where are you? Are you a coward? Are you afraid that I’ll buy diamonds from you?”

A series of questions made Bai Yeyuan unable to hold back his laughter.

He had never been on TV before. It was the ye group that released the new drug on TV, but the little guy had actually seen through that he was the CEO of the Ye Group. This IQ..

Even if his daughter was a fool, her IQ was still online.

He smiled and said, “I’ll come for your birthday. Don’t worry.”

Xiao Liwei asked, “Do you know when my birthday is?”

Bai yeyuan replied, “Yes.”

Not only did he know? It was etched in his heart.

That night, he gave birth to Xiao Ning’s child. The most painful c-section without anesthesia was carried out by him through gritted teeth.

He knew better than any other woman how painful it was to give birth, okay?

Therefore, how could he forget the day Xiao Liwei spoke.

Xiao Liwei said in satisfaction, “Then, will I be able to see you then?”

Bai Yeyuan smiled. “Maybe a little earlier... if everything goes well.”

Xiao Liwei said, “Great! Since you’re so trustworthy, I’ll introduce you to Mommy and convince her to put you on Mommy’s new Daddy Candidate List!”

Bai Yeyuan’s eyebrows jumped!

Did the little boy like him that much?

Was he willing to introduce him to Xiao Ning and make him a daddy candidate?

This was a natural genetic connection that could never be broken.



What did he mean by “My Mommy’s new daddy”.

He wanted to be a man for Xiao Ning, not a father for Xiao Ning. The seniority was not right.

This brat... he decided to retract his comment about Xiao Lidian’s “IQ online”.

His poor child was still lacking in IQ.

After chatting with Xiao Lidian for a long time, he asked her in detail what she was doing and who she was with. He also reminded her to stay close to Qiu Xinxin and not run around. Only then did Bai Yeyuan put down his phone.

The secretary reminded him anxiously, “President, we seem to have been delayed for a long time. I’m afraid the shareholders’meeting has started. We’re going to be late...”

Bai Yeyuan put on his sunglasses and loosened his tie casually. “It doesn’t matter if we’re late or not. What’s important is that we don’t miss any crucial moments...”

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