Dear Commander-in-Chief

2260 Chapter 2262, his, Little Lemon 1

Xiao Ning felt like she was sitting on pins and needles. She was extremely nervous!

Bai Yeyuan could have called whenever he wanted, but it had to be when she and Niu bin were out on business.

Right now, there were a bunch of innocent dogs in the wilderness, as well as a few dog-torturing scumbags who had been arrested... no matter how she looked at it, it was not a good time to talk. If Bai Yeyuan found out that she had escaped.., and even came out to pick up work, she would die a horrible death.

But... !

If she did not pick up the phone, she could foresee that her death would be even worse.

Xiao Ning was terrified and had no choice but to make up her mind!

She gritted her teeth and picked up the phone. "Little uncle..."

On the phone, Bai Yeyuan's voice was as cold and deep as ever, as if he could see through people completely. "Where are you?"

Xiao Ning's heart skipped a beat and she closed her eyes in fear.

Oh No, it really was!

"I... I..."She stammered and could not answer at all.

Bai Yeyuan sneered. "You're at Gu Qiqi's law firm? What are you doing at her firm?"

Xiao Ning's heart was racing! ! !

Oh My God, little uncle was too resourceful.

He actually knew that she was at Qiqi's company?

Even if the servants at home reported that she went out, they could not possibly follow her and even know where she went, right?

How did little uncle find out?

Bai Yeyuan seemed to have completely seen through her thoughts at this moment, he sneered. "How did I See Through It?"? The toilet bowl in universe law firm was the only toilet in the capital. It was the same brand, model, and color as the one in the Bai family's villa. The tiles on their walls were sent to Gu Qiqi by Gong Jue from France. "I was the importer at the time. "Do you think I wouldn't be able to tell?"

Xiao Ning was really dumbfounded.

She knew that her uncle was a big shot in the business world and could do anything he wanted, but she did not know that her uncle was so awesome.

He even had a monopoly over the import rights of a luxury brand of tiles.

He even knew the brand of the tiles qiqi bought. What else did he not know?

Wait a minute, he did not mention anything about his internship at the law firm... Maybe, he had not found out yet?

With this hope in mind, Xiao Ning brought up her last bit of courage, she said timidly, "Sorry, little uncle, I was at Qiqi's place that day. "I, I haven't seen Qiqi for a long time. Moreover, Aunt Qiqiang and Qiqi might be related by blood. If that's the case, Qiqi and I are cousins. We're on the same side, so I've been spending the last few days with her..."

"Qiqi, at this critical moment, I can only rely on you to fight against the Devil.".

SOB, please bless me!

"You won't blame me for being plastic sisters, right?"?

On the other end of the phone, Bai Yeyuan was silent for a few seconds.

Of course, he knew about the conflict between Gu Qiqi and the beigong royal family. Also, Bai Qiqi had been visited by the Beigong royal family many times and wanted to be related to them.

Although Bai Qiqi had not relented, it was still an unsolved case whether the two families were related by blood or not.

But as Gu Qiqi, it was normal for her to visit the Bai family frequently at this juncture and to be in close contact with Xiao Ning.

From the looks of it, there was nothing strange about it.


Bai Yeyuan went back to the original question. "Where are you now?"

Xiao Ning was extremely nervous. If she did not answer this question well, all her efforts would be for naught.

She took a deep breath and said, "Qiqi and I are going out to eat something..."

Bai yeyuan ordered coldly, "Show me the video. I want to warn that girl. Don't let her lead you astray."

Gu Qiqi's unruly and willful personality must not be transmitted to his little lemon.

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