Dear Commander-in-Chief

1861 Chapter 1863 the Wolf Pack was here to steal chickens! 1

The engineers were moved and tried their best to control their steps and speed so as not to hurt the snow wolves.

Soon, everyone climbed into the metal barrier.

The snow wolves also tiptoed and followed the people into the barrier.

Teuton’s nest was right in front of them. Everyone held their breath and waited for Gong Jue’s final order!

In the darkness, Gong Jue did not speak.

Instead, he raised his hand sharply and made a beckoning gesture!

The Snow Wolf that was originally following behind the team immediately leaped to the front. As if it was well-trained, it instantly formed a neat formation.

Immediately after, the alpha roared and charged into the distance. The second checkpoint of Teuton’s residence -- a natural dense forest!

With the Thistle Forest as the second barrier and countless night-watch bodyguards lying in ambush, it could effectively prevent the enemy’s sneak attack and detect the signal of the enemy’s approach at the first moment.

It could be said that Teutonic’s arrangement was very crafty.


This crafty design could defend against people, but it could not defend against wolves.

The Snow Wolves formed a neat formation and charged into the forest under the lead of the Alpha. Very soon, the screams of the s nation soldiers could be heard from the forest.

“F * ck! Who’s ambushing us in the middle of the night? Quick, sound the alarm!”

“AWOOO, Wolves, it’s Wolves! F * ck, quickly come and help me! My Neck is about to be bitten off... !”

“Why are there so many wolves? Are they here to steal the chicken to eat?”

“AWOOO, what a ferocious wolf, I can’t take it anymore...”

The S Nation people who were ambushing were caught off guard by the sudden attack.

After a period of struggle, the dead, the injured, and some who had the strength to escape all reported to the walkie-talkie, “Brothers, the wolf pack is here to steal the chicken. Quick, quickly get the veterinarian to prepare the animal trap and poison! ! !”

At the end of their lives, they had naively thought that the only uninvited guest was the wolves.

However, Gong Jue and the twenty-thousand-plus people had already soundlessly stepped into the thorny forest, killed the remaining enemies, and continued to move forward!

It was very late at night, and everyone was in high spirits as they arrived in front of Teuton’s last protective barrier.

There were ten thousand people here, and they could be considered as watchdogs. They took turns on duty every day and didn’t sleep all night.

At this point, there was no longer any need for sneak attacks. They were already at their doorstep, and the other party immediately noticed them. They could only fight head-on!

Gong Jue’s eyes darkened. Finally, he gave the order, “Let’s do it!”

It was simple and crude, as usual.

Without a word, the engineers activated the protective net and engaged in close combat. Each and every one of them put their life’s energy into fighting with the enemy!

On one side were the people of the Empire who were determined to fight 10 enemies by themselves even if they had to die. On the other side were the people of s nation who were living in luxury. It was already clear who was higher and who was lower when they were connected!

Originally, s nation could still rely on their numbers to engage in a sea of people tactic.

However, with Gong Jue holding down the fort, having more people was not an advantage at all. It could only be said that there were a few more leeks that had been cut off. The chief commander would command his subordinates to cut off a few more rounds!

In particular, the snow wolves and the engineers had gradually formed a very good cooperation. Usually, one man and one wolf would fight side by side, protecting each other. One would attack and one would defend.

Gong Jue’s 25,000 people instantly doubled their battle strength!

Very quickly, the enemy’s 10,000 people were unable to hold on by themselves.

“Requesting reinforcements, requesting reinforcements. The people of the empire have brought demons and wild beasts!”

“Quickly report to Lord Teuton!”

“Requesting assistance!”

Sharp roars rose and fell amidst the retreating crowd.

Gong Jue cleared the third checkpoint and finally, Teuton’s true lair was revealed in front of him.

The resting place of 500,000 people stretched as far as the eye could see!

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