Dear Commander-in-Chief

1840 Chapter 1842 was crushed by a woman

The man sobbed as he spoke. “This time, we engineers were surrounded and sent a distress signal to Wu de, but he completely ignored it and directly moved the remaining 20,000 of his men! “If he could drive over and cooperate with us, we wouldn’t have lost 5,000 of our brothers for nothing! “Lord Jue, did you know that?”? “He even ordered us not to face country s head-on. Anyone who falls into the encirclement of the enemy, unless all of them die, will be treated as spies if they come out alive!”

“Deputy Zhang, what did you say?”Gong Jue was finally furious when he heard this.

These three Wu brothers had actually turned the gong group into such a mess.

One was a bear who only knew how to play with women, while the other was an idiot who did not know anything about scientific research and only knew how to kill.

Wu de actually gave such a brainless order?

Under such an order, wouldn’t the gong group’s engineers only have one way out?

That was to hide and hide all the way! Or Die!

Who would still dare to take the initiative to attack? !

These people were here to repair the technological defense system, not to throw their lives away!

Deputy Zhang nodded in grief. “Lord Jue, Old Zhang, I swear on the lives of my entire family and my unborn son that what I said just now is true!”

This deputy Zhang was once one of Gong Jue’s old subordinates. When he was fighting the enemy with his life, he was also one of the bravest people to charge forward.

Gong Jue knew that he had always been honest and loyal, and it was impossible for him to lie.

However, the truth that he revealed was too shocking, and Gong Jue found it hard to accept it for a moment.

Even Gu Qiqi, an outsider, could not help but frown. “Could it be that Wu de gave this order because he doesn’t want the Empire to win? Could it be that if they lose, what benefits does the Wu family have?”

It had to be said that Gu Qiqi’s words really hit the nail on the head, revealing the crux of the problem.

Everyone looked at each other in dismay. Finally, amidst all the clues and riddles, they vaguely sensed the Wu brothers’true purpose.

-- let everyone spend all their money and stock up.

-- all the stockpiled goods were stored in the Wu’s warehouse.

-- the situation was developing towards the end of losing.

-- after losing, the Empire would fall into chaos, and prices would soar.

-- the Wu’s would make a fortune and leave.

If the engineers died in the snow, they would lose all their money and become penniless. In the end, they would still die!

If they lost, the Wu brothers would become rich. Wherever they went, they would be able to laugh proudly and spend money like dirt!

The entire logical chain of events was deduced step by step according to Seven’s train of thought.

It was shocking!

It was terrifying!

The crowd was speechless for a long time. The feeling of being tricked into the urn and being roasted over the fire was really too terrible.

They had lived for so many years in vain. They were even worse than a woman who could see things clearly!

Their intelligence had been crushed by a woman!

Deputy Zhang kowtowed with tears in his eyes. “Lord Jue, please lead us! “We are not afraid of suffering, nor are we afraid of death. To be honest, my son has yet to be born. I only hope to rebuild the scientific and technological protective net so that my wife and son can enjoy a peaceful and prosperous era in the future! For this, I am willing to die! However, following the Wu brothers, my wife and child will become slaves or even prostitutes in the future. I really am not willing! Sir, we know that the Empire has let you down. We are asking you to come back because we are too thick-skinned and selfish. However, we are sincerely begging you, not for the empire, but only for our own wives and children. Please, give us a chance to protect our family! “Please!”

Deputy Zhang spoke out the thoughts of all the soldiers.

Thousands of people knelt on the ground and kowtowed with Deputy Zhang in tears, pleading with Gong Jue.

Gong Jue, who had planned to leave, was caught in a dilemma!

He looked at Gu Qiqi!

For the first time in his life, when he made a major decision, he instinctively asked for a woman’s opinion first.

It was because he had promised not to lie to her, not to hide from her, and to discuss everything with her!

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