Code Zulu Alpha: Nerd in the Apocalypse!

49 The President - Soundproof?(Chapter preview)

Everything settled down though Kaley and Olivia still wouldn't let go of me. Rin was just smiling by the edge of the bed as she was wiping her cheeks while the sisters' faces were still buried on my chest. They wouldn't budge an inch even if I ruffled their hair but the door suddenly swung open, and Oscar came in carrying a huge fucking case.

Oscar's eyes scanned over us then he exclaimed, "HOLY SHIT, KID! ARE YOU STARTING A FUCKING HAREM?!"

"What the fuck are you talking about?! I just-"

Olivia interjected, "W-What's that? A h-har-"

Kaley instantly broke away from me and she managed to wedge Olivia off of me, "DON'T ANSWER HER! DON'T ANSWER HER! WHY DID YOU EVEN BRING THAT UP, OSCAR?!"

Oscar stammered, "I, uh- I saw you three ladies here and I-"

I cut him off, "What are you doing here, old man? It's not what you thought… I just told them the story..."

Oscar looked like an imaginary lightbulb appeared by his head, "Oh! Then why aren't the three of you mounting him yet?"


"I'm kidding! I'm kidding! Sheesh!"

Olivia interjected once more, "M-Mount? W-Wh-"

Kaley and Rin were already beet red from what Oscar was saying while Olivia was still fucking oblivious. He was about to crack more jokes but I grabbed a pillow and threw it hard on his face.

"What the fuck, kid?! I was just trying to lighten the mood! Heh. Anyway, I'm just saying… you know… When he told me about that, I was shitting my fucking pants when the kid gave me that 'look'. Hah! Forty years in the military, FORTY FUCKING YEARS! It's like facing a tank while holding a fucking .22!"

Oscar kept on blabbering but the three almost went silent when he talked about the look I gave them. I was about to inquire about the huge ass case he brought with him but he suddenly dropped a fucking bomb.

"Oh, right! Kid! The president wants to talk to you."

Everyone lost it, "WHAT?!"

"Yeah, let me dial him."

Oscar brought up his sat phone and started fiddling with it. I was still half-sure if he was punking me but everyone waited patiently as the phone rang a few times. When it finally connected, he threw it on my lap and I placed it right next to my ear.

"Hello? This is Sky Ishiyama, to whom am I speaking to?"

[YO! This is Rod! The President!]

'Rod? As in Rodri- What the fuck?! Why is he so fucking casual?!'

[Hello? Kid? Are you still on the line?]

"Y-Yes, sir!"

[Haa?! Just call me Rod, you son of a bitch. Anyway, Oscar told me about your situation over there, and let's just say I'm pretty impressed. Good job on starting small and how I wish some of the people I know did the same thing. I'd give you an honorary rank or title if I could but I'm too fucking far from all of you.]

"That's r-really no problem..."

[You nervous, you son of a bitch? Heh. Anyway, I'm sending someone over to your location. She will probably arrive there tomorrow morning if everything goes well. I'm with the rest of her team and their captain but she's ordered to do whatever you want without question. That's all I could do, for now, be ready though. Heh.]

"Umm, I-"

[Well, that's it. Peace!]


'The motherfucker hang up on me...'

I was still in shock from what just happened but Kaley, Olivia, and Rin looked much worse. They didn't move a single inch the moment I picked up the phone and they were just starting to breathe normally.

Rin interjected, "I-Is that really the president?"

Oscar cackled, "Hah! Weird, huh? He surprised me too. The first time I dialed that number I thought I accidentally contacted a surfer dude. He told me a few things too though."

I asked, "Like what?"

"It's not mentioned in the broadcasts but several countries from around the world have managed to send their troops to different parts of the globe. They differ in size and whatnot but they serve the same purpose of gathering intel and helping countries like this one in exchange for it."

"So, something like a special unit? How did you even convince the president to send us a person like that?"

"Huh? Did you forget who you're talking to, kid? I still have some connections in the army so I told him about it. I also learned from your silver tongue and I must've maybe fibbed a bit to make us look good. What's coming is the real deal though..."

I nodded a few times, "She would be a great addition to our team since we're kinda lacking people that could actually fight or use guns properly. I've started training a few of us but they're still at the beginner's level. They would need some time to get decent. Do you have any idea where she came from? Germany? The USA? China? Russia?"

"I have no fucking idea, kid. What do you think?"

"Hmm, same as you then. What's important is that she's here to help even if she had a hidden agenda. We'll just use her as she uses us."

"Ah… You think she might be a spy, kid?"

"Maybe, we just need to be wary."

Kaley chimed in, "Won't she be dangerous then?"

"What do you mean? I'm here though?" I grinned after I struck a pose.

Kaley just mouthed 'Wow.' while Oscar started shaking his head. Rin and Olivia were just faintly smiling beside us and Zeus just peeked inside the room momentarily before rushing downstairs.

I continued, "On a serious note, we just need to keep our utmost attention towards her while treating her as our own. We, they, the world has a common enemy here. If she or the rest of their team had something planned against us, they would've just went for the president's neck and it's over right there and then. Once our president is gone, our vice president wouldn't stand a fucking chance. This country would just crumble and it would be chaos."

"Hmm~ No use mulling over it, kid. We'll just find out tomorrow. Oh, before I forgot, catch!" Oscar threw me a key and stepped on top of the huge-ass case he brought.

"Right, I was about to ask you about that thing you brought."

"That's the key to this M134! D'you think I wouldn't notice you two?! Hah!"

I chuckled, "You're really giving me that? For the record, I never agreed to the wager, and I for sure thought that you would 100% give me some BS reason just to keep it."

"Hah! I would've done that obviously but I swore on my wife, kid!"

Kaley interjected from hearing our conversation, "W-What's going on?"

Oscar sighed heavily, "Well… if you must know… I've been working tirelessly for this kid to be with someone permanently. I'm really not sure why he's taking so long with his looks, money, and everything, but he seemed to be waiting for someone *looks away* that might probably be in this room right now… Anyway! Back then, I've only managed to hook him up with a few beauties when he's wasted or when I managed to knock him out."

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! You've knocked me out?! When did that happen?!"

"Haa? I thought you knew… You know… pills, blunt-force trauma, chloroform, and etc. Semantics. Anyway, I was told that other 'story', and I foolishly bet my minigun with this little shit if you become together. I thought it would take some time given his track record but I did saw you two locking arms."

A smile was slowly forming on Kaley's face but she suddenly turned to me, "D-Did you just use me to get that g-gun?!"

"What? No! We're already… you know… When the old man told me about that bet, he didn't know at that time."

Kaley just side-eyed me, "Hmm~ Okay, I'll trust you."

"A-Anyway… old man, I'm sorry to say this but you'll have to carry it back to your place. It's cool and all but it's just a waste of ammo-"


"Hah! Easy down there! It really is too much, old man! I'm not the Terminator! How about this? We could ask Raphael to mount it on your SUV!"


Oscar just disappeared from sight while still carrying that huge ass case.

'Noisy old man...'

Kaley and the two started laughing but she asked, "Did that case really contain a minigun? Isn't it supposed to be heavy?"

"The old man is still strong as an ox, don't forget that. Heh. With that said, it really contains his M134 and he checks it every day. It's like his sleeping ritual, don't worry about it."

Olivia interjected, "Are we going to sleep now? There's too much that happened this night... I'm exhausted but I still have energy..."

"Oh, is that so? Wait a sec, I have an idea..."

"Hmm? W-Where are you-"

I didn't answer but I pulled out an old dusted box from one of my cabinets and I hooked it on my TV. Their eyes immediately lit up and they helped me set it up by connecting the mics and dusting off the songbook.

After making sure that everything was in working order, I handed them the mic and said, "So, who's going first?"

Olivia shouted, "YOU GO FIRST!!!!"

"I- uh… fuck it! Hand me the songbook!" I started flipping through the pages but Kaley suddenly asked Olivia and Rin to bring some snacks from the kitchen.

Olivia protested, "B-But!"

I felt that Kaley wanted to tell me something so I went on with it, "I'm still picking the song! Don't worry!"

As soon as the two went downstairs, Kaley immediately leaned with a hushed tone, "H-Hey… I n-need to ask..."


"T-This room… i-it's soundproof, r-right?"


"You know… last time I was a little- umm… I mean b-because it's late and we're g-gonna start singing… we migh-"

I finally got what Kaley was trying to say as I chuckled, "Oh, that. Yep, as long as we close the door like last time- or before we start singing, right?"

"Y-Yeah… g-good thinking..."

Kaley's face had a mix of worry and embarrassment but it didn't take long before the two brought some biscuits and a large bottle of soda.

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