Code Zulu Alpha: Nerd in the Apocalypse!

340 Past - She's my sister.(Chapter preview)

Mr. Cuervo sighed heavily before pulling himself up the bar and sitting on it while his legs were dangling. He corked the bottle of alcohol and then the glasses we were drinking from earlier were pushed to the side.

"You know, what I got from doing what I had to do was not all positive like you said. I was never even in their inner circle because I'm not pure Mexican. I was just a fucking son of a puta." Mr. Cuervo was looking up at the ceiling.

"I started in the business young because first, I never knew better, and second, I didn't have a fucking choice. The only thing that put food on our table was doing that and that's all I knew. I had to be the one to work my ass off even at a young age because my madre was a fucking useless piece of shit. Even so, I never ran away. She's a useless piece of shit but she's still my madre." Mr. Cuervo shook his head reminiscing.

"Years passed and I was still doing the same thing. I shot a lot of people and I slit a lot of throats. Next thing I know I was being sent back to where my madre used to live while she was still in Mexico. I moved up in the ladder but I was still not inside the circle. They tasked me to start the business here by moving in coke, meth, and even ecstasy. I have a small crew at that time and all of them were gone now. Before you ask, they didn't follow my rules so I killed them myself. Sorry, this story of mine is taking too long..." he faintly smiled.

"No, I like stories. Good or bad, I'll give a review later so please, go on..." I replied with a solemn look but with a faint smile.

"Well, if you know what happened to Miami back then when coke was just fucking new, my bosses wanted me to do that here. I had trouble because more people were inclined with meth which you call shabu here. Well, aside from a few rival gangs from other cartels and even the presence of triads, it was much easier here compared to the motherland. I easily managed to get people in high places and a lot of politicians. It ran deep for years that's why your president was having trouble when he got elected. Because the number of people that have power connected to the scene was just too much." he swung his feet around.

"But props to that crazy fucker, if I didn't get out that time, I would've been dead by now. Your president is fucking crazy I tell you that, heh. He's crazy but he got almost all of them in three fucking years. He didn't play by the rules and just ordered to kill them on sight. Granted my connection with them was still ongoing but your president couldn't find anything on me. It was because I was out for so long and my methods of staying away from their radars were already tested by time. That's why I'm an adviser and I vet people. Too bad all I could do was advise and not order them what to do. Those dumb fucks that got killed didn't follow me, they just want the connection from the mainland." he shrugged his shoulders.

"Wait, you advanced a little too far. You're talking about a few years back, can you go chronologically at least?" I said.

"Fuck- yeah, yeah~ I'm not good at telling stories hermano good thing you told me. Where was I? Ah! Getting out, I remember, let's see~ Twenty-some years ago, I met Veronica and as she said, it took me four years just to talk to her. I've spent so much time with whores I just wanted to have something real. I have money and I thought that was enough to get her but I was fucking~ wrong hermano. I thought all I needed was to have more but what I needed was to give up something I've known my whole life. This fucking thing, this business. And I was fucking ready to do that. I won't lie and say I'm not proud of what I've done here because of your past you haven't told me yet but this is all I know! Look at what I have here! I'll be dead if I don't have this! My family too!" he exclaimed.

"So you decided to get out because of her?" I asked.

"It's one of the reasons." he replied.

"One of them?" I asked.

"Yeah, the other is my madre hermano. That useless piece of shit that forced me to do this." he said with a pained expression.

I thought he wouldn't drink anymore but he took the bottle again and chugged it for a few seconds. He tried to offer me but I declined.

"You see, the only reason was supposed to be Veronica so I flew back to tell them my reasons personally, and to strike a deal so both sides would still benefit. Before I went to my bosses to tell them of my plan, I paid a visit to my madre first. I was fucking shocked. You're already friends with Cynthia, right?" he looked at me.

"Yeah, you could say that." I replied.

"She's my sister. I found her alone in our house. I think she was three at the time..." he said then he chugged the bottle once more.

I was fucking speechless and he continued.

"The same thing that happened to me was happening to her. I can't believe she managed to conceive one more time before us meeting again. My mom was either sucking someone's cock for a cigar while my sister was starving to death. I-" then I cut him off.

"Wait a fucking second, she's not your daughter?!" I exclaimed.

"What? I just told you, she's my sister! Sister! Hermana! Hermana! No Hija! Hermana!" Mr. Cuervo explained.

"That's why you two look fucking alike… I thought- damn." I was shaking my head in disbelief.

"That's why Jerry fucking took off." I thought to myself.

"Damn hermano, I thought this night would be fucking fun! Well, it is in the first half not gonna lie..." the bottle was now half-empty.

"What happened next?" I asked.

"Going back to what I was saying, I thought my mom was back fucking for scraps but she OD'd in the bathroom. Choked on her vomit for a couple of days already while my sister is waiting for food on the table. I fucking hated myself for not doing anything about her and what caused her death was the one that I was good at selling. If it makes it any better, I never touched that shit, only sold it. I didn't want to use that as one of my reason for getting out but I did. I'm not completely out but I'm fucking out. All I'm doing was talking to people and not handling that stuff anymore. I think that's out in my opinion. After that, Veronica and I eventually became together after a huge struggle." Mr. Cuervo started to faintly smile.

"Struggle?" I asked.

"Oh~ boy. The look on Veronica's face after I came back with a child is fucking priceless I tell ya. PRICELESS! She didn't talk to me for a time and avoided me for a year! I asked Jerry to tell her that she's my sister and not my child. Well, she believed me then and we took care of Cynthia. I thought it was smooth sailing after that but I found out my madre had her while she was shooting stuff in her arms and snorting the white. Drugs were in Cynthia's system even if she didn't touch a single dose. I was-" I cut him off again.


"Hermano! Hermano! Hear me out first! It was her idea! I swear!" Mr. Cuervo raised his hands in defense.

"WHAT?!" I was fucking lost. I almost beheaded him right then and there.

"She's still a Virgen! Virgen- ah~ what's this called in your langua- oh! Virgin! She haven't done it with anybody! Well, as far as I know... but it's all a ruse!" Mr. Cuervo exclaimed.

I got so mad since I never heard such bullshit before. I already had my katana on my left hand raised slightly by my thumb. All I needed was to hold it with my right hand and swing horizontally.


"Forgot what I did before?! I still have a fuckton of ecstasy pills still left vato! Before they managed to get to Cynthia, they're already high as a fucking kite! Then what we'll do is- AHHH!!!" Mr. Cuervo backed away a few centimeters but he fell down the bar. Listening to him, I pieced the puzzle together.

"Bait and switch..." I muttered.

"EXACTLY! FUCK! My head fucking hurts! But you got it without me telling you hermano! I was against it but Cynthia insisted she help me in any way she can! We made a deal to only do the bait and switch tactic on customers but not on the people she wanted to do it with! Well, the thing is, she never really liked anyone! Well, except for that Russian chick which is our female champion. It was the first time we saw her bring someone to her room but were confused as fuck when they were fucking quick! Oh, pun unintended hermano but- you understand what I'm saying. I don't know what her type is even vato! Please, believe me on this hermano, I'm telling the truth. Only I, Cynthia, Veronica, and Jerry knows that we're siblings. She'll just deny everything when you ask her." Mr. Cuervo said, rubbing his head.

He was already a bit drunk but all the words that came out his mouth were genuine. I was just angry hearing the stuff he said earlier and regarded it as bullshit but thinking it over calmly made me realize that my emotions were clouding my judgment. I had to decide what to do.

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