Can't Take My Eyes Off You

1867 Cold And Aloof

That medicine was able to keep the cells in the wound alive and secure the survival of the various tissues. The chance of reattaching the severed limb might be ensured with that treatment.

After Jiang Yao was done with the treatment, she picked up the severed limb and walked back to the injured soldier. The young soldier kept looking at the somewhat strange scene, but there was one scene that made his eyes well up with tears.

A young girl in plain-colored clothing crouched as she dealt with the severed limb, her demeanor unchanged. Then, with a serene expression, she picked up the severed limb and walked toward him.

"It's good to keep it. Could be a memento for him." A man should not shed tears easily, but when the young soldier saw his brother like that, he could not help his tears.

"Why would he need it if he could no longer walk?"

Jiang Yao looked at the young soldier with a crazy expression. "Send him to the hospital for surgery in half an hour."

The doctors from Lanning Hospital arrived just as Jiang Yao finished speaking.

Jiang Yao stood in the foreground, commanding the situation. "Carry the injured to the ambulance," she told the nurses and doctors who had arrived. "Inform the hospital that an operating theater must be prepared promptly, and then return to the hospital to perform surgery on him."


The doctor agreed and handed the task to the nurses. Then, he used a stretcher to carry the injured into the car.

The doctor did not look terrified until he saw the girl, who had given the order earlier, get into the car with the severed limb. He asked, "Are you a military doctor?"

Jiang Yao did not say a word. At that time, it was best for her to remain aloof. Otherwise, if the doctors found out that she was only an ordinary university student and asked more questions, they would not trust her and would not allow her to interfere in the patient's affairs. She was not in the mood and did not have the energy to argue with those people.

Furthermore, Lu Xingzhi was still buried in the ruins and could not come out. No one would give her authority to complete that surgery alone.

Since they mistakenly thought she was a military doctor, it would be fine if she did not say anything.

When the matter was over, she could say that she had not admitted it if someone asked again.

When the doctor saw Jiang Yao sitting there coldly, he rubbed the tip of his nose and looked at the severed limn in Jiang Yao's hand. He stopped asking after a few seconds of staring at it.

On the other hand, the two nurses whispered, "Are all women military doctors as arrogant as her? She doesn't even wear a uniform. I don't know what military rank she has. I heard that one would have a rank after graduating from a military medical university."

"Maybe she's a military doctor who was temporarily transferred here on vacation," another young nurse said. "Look at her. She looks even younger than us, but she's holding the severed limb with a blank face. If it were us, we wouldn't be able to do it. She deserves to be a military doctor. She has extraordinary courage."

The two nurses' voices were very low. They thought that Jiang Yao could not hear them, but she heard every single word.

She wanted everyone to think that she was a military doctor without having to explain herself.

It was often very advantageous to act aloof, especially in a small town like Lanning. Some people were naturally fearful of those in positions of power.

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