Can't Take My Eyes Off You

1534 He Lost The Fight

"It's all because of that idiot Jiang Lei. He got into a fight with someone. Why is a man like him so angry all the time? I'm not mad even if someone says something, but he's angrier than I am. He rushed up to fight with that person without saying a word. After the fight, he refused to go to the hospital. He said he felt embarrassed, so he did not want to go to the hospital."

"Did he lose?" Jiang Yao asked with a smile.

"Could he have won? The other man was more than 1.8 meters tall and huge. He looked like he was almost as tall as him. How could Jiang Lei win? Before long, he was pinned to the ground and beaten up. The man didn't even apologize. Later, that man left after he had enough of the fight. I was so worried that Jiang Lei would be beaten to death. After that, I asked Jiang Lei to go to the hospital, but he refused. He didn't even come out today. When I knocked on the door, he didn't answer me."

Jiang Yao immediately sat up when she heard about Jiang Lei. Her voice also turned serious.

"What happened? Who beat him up?" Jiang Yao frowned. Beating her second brother in Jindo City was equivalent to slapping Lu Xingzhi in the face.

Slapping Lu Xingzhi in the face was equivalent to slapping Lu Xingzhi's brothers in the face!

That did not make anyone feel happy!

Jiang Lei was her brother. The two siblings quarreled constantly, but she absolutely would not allow any outsiders to bully her second brother.

"Someone from a film and television company said a few unpleasant words about me. Jiang Lei, who came to pick me up, happened to hear it. His temper flared, and he started fighting with him." When Lu Xiaoxiao said that, she was a little embarrassed. After all, Jiang Lei did it because of her. However, she was afraid of the other, so she did not dare say anything. However, she felt so aggrieved about it.

Even though Jiang Lei did not win the fight, Lu Xiaoxiao was still very grateful that he stood up for her.

Although losing the fight was a little embarrassing, she did not expect Jiang Lei to refuse to see anyone.

"Do you know his name?" Jiang Yao asked.

"I do!" Lu Xiaoxiao immediately said the person's name and nickname.

"I will get someone to send something to you later. Help me pass it to my brother." Jiang Lei was definitely embarrassed after losing a fight. Therefore, Jiang Yao did not call Jiang Lei to ask about that matter. After giving Lu Xiaoxiao a few instructions, Jiang Yao hung up the phone.

There were only two people in the room, and they had spoken so loudly over the phone. When Jiang Yao spoke on the phone, she was lying on Lu Xingzhi's body, so he could hear their conversation clearly.

After Jiang Yao hung up the phone, Lu Xingzhi sat up and asked, "Jiang Lei was beaten?"

"Yes, he was probably beaten up badly. Lu Xiaoxiao said that his face was bruised and swollen." Jiang Yao was a little angry when she said, "It was a small manager from a film and television company. He seemed to be related to the boss of that company, so he had some say in it. He looked down on people."

Those were Lu Xiaoxiao's words. Jiang Yao relayed what Lu Xiaoxiao had said to Lu Xingzhi.

"Okay, I'll get Chen Xuyao to deal with it." Lu Xingzhi searched around the room and remembered that his phone was downstairs. He was too lazy to go downstairs, so he took Jiang Yao's phone and sent a text message to Chen Xuyao, who had returned to Jindo City for a few days.

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