Can't Take My Eyes Off You

1161 Peeling The Cocoon

Du Chen did not ask any more questions. He knew all too well that curiosity was the last thing he would want to have in that society.

After the call with Du Chen, Lu Xingzhi put his phone into the drawer and looked at the information in his hand with interest. He did not tell Du Chen about that part because it was truly fascinating.

After Xie Qiuxiang served a week in Ping City prison, she was sent to the northern prison to continue her sentence because the prison was in renovation. At that time, Master Cheng was also in that prison. The conditions were tough at that time, and the male and female prisoners were not held separately.

Even though Master Cheng was serving his sentence, he had lived a very comfortable life there. He had food and drink, but he did not have freedom.

According to the information, Xie Qiuxiang had a good relationship with Master Cheng during that period. Everyone knew that she was Master Cheng's woman.

Xie Qiuxiang was released early after serving five years in prison. Then she went abroad.

The information came to an abrupt end. There was nothing else.

However, Lu Xingzhi already knew where Xie Qiuxiang was.

The woman that Master Cheng mentioned was Xie Qiuxiang.

How interesting!

Madam Cheng and Mrs. Sun were twin sisters. However, when Madam Cheng was in prison, Mrs. Sun did not visit her, not even once. And after Madam Cheng got out, she did not return to Ping City to look for her family.

The Sun family had been living in poverty for all those years because of Sun Xiaoshan's illness. Madam Cheng did not lack money from Master Cheng. If she were willing, she could have saved her younger sister's family.

Lu Xingzhi took out a lighter and burned the papers. As he looked at the flames, his thoughts jumped to the crazy person he met at the train station when he returned to his hometown last year.

The words that Lu Xiaoxiao said suddenly jumped in his mind.

"My friend said that the idiot's wife was a beautiful city girl. She was an educated young woman who went to the countryside back then. She was well-educated and very knowledgeable, and she wrote very well too. I heard that she even knew how to play the piano."

"I heard that the people in the village always praised her. When she was in the village, many people liked her; everyone took care of her. They did not let her do any heavy work."

Lu Xingzhi replayed those words in his mind several times. Was Xie Qiuran the wife of that lunatic? The woman who had disappeared without a trace?

Xie Qiuran looked very similar to Jiang Yao when she was young.

If that was the case, then where did Xie Qiuran's daughter come from?

Lu Xiaoxiao said that the old woman had buried her granddaughter alive. The child's death was why the lunatic's wife had left.

Sun Xiaoshan could not have been picked up by Mrs. Sun; she looked too much like her mother. Furthermore, Mrs. Sun's love for Sun Xiaoshan was not fake.

Only a mother could take care of a daughter with congenital heart disease for 20 years without complaints.

Lu Xingzhi took the pan that had already been burned. He sat back in his chair; his thoughts were a little complicated.

The information did not match. It was also possible that Xie Qiuran had nothing to do with that lunatic.

It could also be a coincidence that the lunatic had mistaken Jiang Yao for someone else.

A few seconds later, Lu Xingzhi took out his phone and made a call. After the call connected, he said, "Get some photos of Xie Qiuran when she was young and go to my hometown to check them out. Oh, right! You can focus on that lunatic's hometown and ask the older townspeople if they know Xie Qiuran."

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