Chapter 1299 - Plan for the Space's Beasts

Planet Number 30 was a low-level Cultivation Background. There's nothing inside it besides a large mansion. Zhao Hai made Jia Ding Shan live there in order to cultivate as well as teach the armored race inside the Space.

The armored race in the Space weren't ordinary pangolins. As it turns out, the pangolins in the Space were the Dwarves' iron armor beasts. Not only were their defenses very strong, they also have incomparably sharp front claws. When Jia Ding Shan has been subdued by the Space, his genes were extracted and injected into those iron armor beasts. This made the beasts more formidable.

After knowing about this, Zhao Hai thought that if the World of Cultivation could have a Monster Demon Race, then why can't the Space? Therefore, he let Jia Ding Shan teach the iron armor beasts how to cultivate, then perhaps the Space would be able to produce a Demon Pangolin Clan.

Jia Ding Shan had a very few understanding about the Space. Although he doesn't understand what Zhao Hai wanted to do, he didn't ask and just complied. Zhao Hai had Cai'er send Jia Ding Shan to Planet Number 30 and then arranged some iron armor beasts for him.

When Jia Ding Shan saw Planet Number 30 as well as the iron armor beasts, he became happy. The spiritual density of Planet Number 30 was like a small spirit vein. Jia Ding Shan was a rogue cultivator and doesn't have a family, he always took to heart the fact that he doesn't have a successor.

One must know that inheritance was different for Cultivators and Demons. As long as one can practice, then anyone can become a disciple for a Cultivator. In this way, a sect can continue existing.

On the other hand, there were a lot of limitations for the Demon Race. The first issue was the race. There were many kinds of Demons and they all had specific cultivation methods. Take Hao Sha, for example. He's from the Mouse Clan. His cultivation methods would only work for other Demon Mouse. It was impossible for him to teach those that weren't from his race. Imagine, how could a Mouse teach a Cat how to cultivate? It was impossible no matter how you thought about it.

Besides the race, one should also take into account spiritual wisdom. If a Demon wanted to cultivate, then they would first need to develop spiritual wisdom. Otherwise, no amount of effort would work. Under such restrictions, finding a successor wouldn't be very easy. Because of this, Demons pay more attention to their successors compared to other realms. It was also for this reason why Hao Sha was enraged upon knowing that Hao Donglai had been killed.

But for the pangolins in the Space, they didn't have an appropriate cultivation method. Therefore, they couldn't practice and only ponder on their own. This would certainly not yield any great results. One must know that the methods of the Demons were developed over many years. The beasts in the Space had just started, so it's normal for them to not have any results.

As for the spiritual wisdom of the beasts in the Space, it was being controlled. For example, beasts in the Space used for consumption couldn't have spiritual wisdom. Beasts that could have spiritual wisdom were those who could help Zhao Hai fight. After all, those with spiritual wisdom were more effective in combat compared to those who don't.

And once beasts develop their spiritual wisdom, they can practice and would become a Demon. At this point, Zhao Hai hadn't subdued a lot of Demons, and most of them were Undead. Naturally, because of this, Zhao Hai didn't hold back and prepared some planets so that the Space's beasts could be trained. The Undead Demons would be the ones teaching them.

It was almost daylight when everything had been arranged. Zhao Hai called Jia Ding Shan out again. When they head out this time, he would have Jia Ding Shan close up. This way, nobody would suspect him once he goes to the Space.

Even if Jia Ding Shan was left behind, Zhao Hai still had Hao Sha. Hao Sha's fighting strength was on par with Jia Ding Shan. And now that Hao Sha has been turned into an Undead, his fighting strength had increased.

When Zhao Hai went out of his room, Yuan and the others had already gotten up. Jia Ding Shan was also standing outside his own room. This was something that Zhao Hai deliberately set up. Yuan also prepared a room for Jia Ding Shan to stay in. This way, when other people went out of their rooms, they would see that Jia Ding Shan wasn't together with Zhao Hai.

When Zhao Hai came out of his room, Jia Ding Shan stepped forward and then gave Zhao Hai a bow as he said, "Young Master, I have a sudden feeling of enlightenment. I'm asking for your permission to allow me to close up."

Naturally, this was Zhao Hai's plan all along. So when he heard Jia Ding Shan, he pretended to frown as he said, "You want to close up?" At this time, Yuan and the others went closer. It's clear that they heard Jia Ding Shan.

Yuan laughed and said, "It's no big deal. If he wants to close up, then he can close up. Our Lock Mountain Range has places for these kinds of things. Let me send a request so that Jia Ding Shan can go there."

Zhao Hai nodded and said, "Alright, you can listen to Captain." Jia Ding Shan expressed his gratitude towards Yuan. Then everyone went to the dining room to eat.

After their meal, Yuan led Jia Ding Shan to the place where he can close up. Once Jia Ding Shan entered, the entire place was sealed. Yuan was also aware that people from the other realms can survive without food for a very long time, so he didn't bother preparing any for Jia Ding Shan.

After sending Jia Ding Shan away, Yuan and the others went to the fort's training grounds in order to divide the spoils. The spoils included artifacts as well as Demon corpses. The Demon corpses were those who followed Jia Ding Shan. Since they weren't that strong, Zhao Hai didn't bother making them into Undead and just handed them over to Yuan to become loot.

But now, because of his earlier plans, Zhao Hai wanted to turn these Demons into Undead. This way, he could have more beasts in the Space cultivating.

However, since he already told Yuan that he didn't want these corpses, Zhao Hai naturally wouldn't go back on his word. And even if he could ask for these Demon corpses when he refined their weapons later on, Zhao Hai still wouldn't do it. In the end, he decided that he couldn't ruin the impression these people have of him just for a few Undead. In any case, he could just return to the soft gold mine in order to hunt more Demons.

After taking out the spoils, Yuan looked at the pile before turning to everyone and saying, "These are all of our spoils. How do you think we should split it?"

Nobody spoke for some time. But it was clear that they were incredibly excited. In the past, the person with the most contributions would be able to choose first and then the Demon corpses would be transformed into contribution points which everyone would divide.

But this time, everyone knew that most of the contribution was held by Zhao Hai. Without Zhao Hai, then they wouldn't have gotten these spoils. Therefore, nobody was able to say anything.

Yuan looked at everyone and then smiled as he said, "Brothers, I have an idea. To tell you the truth, these artifacts are relatively useless to us. So we might as well give all of them to Little Hai. We've already confirmed that his refining is very good. He can reuse the artifacts and use it as raw materials for our weapons. With this, we can save the trouble of looking for raw materials ourselves. What do you think?"

Upon hearing Yuan, everyone looked at him strangely. These people knew that although what Yuan said was reasonable, this wasn't the real case.

Weapon refining of the World of Cultivation was unusual. There were plenty of weapons made with different styles of refining. The Machine Field currently doesn't have any means to reuse these materials. And if the process went wrong, then these artifacts would be destroyed and then turned into scrap. Such matters were incredibly common in the Machine Field. Yuan's words pushed all of the benefits towards Zhao Hai, this was the reason why everyone felt strange.

Zhao Hai also gawked when he heard Yuan. He looked at Yuan and knew that Yuan wanted to give the weapons to him. But to say that Yuan wouldn't provide him with raw materials was impossible. Yuan just relayed that these weapons weren't useful to them, so they might as well give it to Zhao Hai.

Then after a moment, Zhao Hai smiled and said, "If fellow brothers don't have any problems, then I'll receive these and you won't need to prepare any materials when I refine your weapons."

Upon hearing Zhao Hai, Yuan gawked, then he quickly said, "Little Hai, don't misunderstand. We'll give these artifacts to you in hopes that you can make use of them. If they turn to scrap, then it's fine as well. We'll still be providing you with materials regardless. We wouldn't make you suffer a loss." Yuan was truly afraid that Zhao Hai had misunderstood him for wanting to profit off of the situation. Therefore, Yuan hastily explained.

Zhao Hai smiled and said, "Captain, I'm not kidding. If you give me these artifacts, then I can deconstruct them into useful materials. And even if I were to add more materials, it wouldn't be that expensive for me. Moreover, I killed Hao Sha yesterday and turned him into my Undead. In fact, I've taken benefits away from you all. So you can let this be my contribution."

When he heard Zhao Hai, Yuan's eyes shone as he said, "Little Hai, are you really confident about recycling these artifacts? Even if they're high-quality?"

Zhao Hai smiled faintly and said, "As long as you bring them to me, I can deconstruct them."

Yuan laughed and said, "Alright, fantastic, then that's settled. I also have some artifacts on hand from previous events. I'm unable to use them so I'll hand them over to you. As long as you prepare me a good weapon, then I don't care what you do with them."

Zhao Hai smiled and said, "That won't be a problem. You can rest assured."

After he said this, Zhao Hai was approached by the others. Besides newcomers, everyone in the Six Realms Battlefield had advanced-level goods in their hands. Since these artifacts were high-level, the materials used to make them were high-quality as well. Since the success rate of recycling these artifacts was very low, they didn't dare try it. Now, upon hearing that Zhao Hai was confident in his ability, they would naturally hand these goods over to him. If they could trade these artifacts for 1 or 2 good weapons that they could use, then it would be worth it.

Naturally, Zhao Hai didn't decline. This wouldn't be a hassle for him and he could also gain some advantages. At the very least, the Space would obtain more types of materials. As for the others, they would be able to get rid of things they can't use. So it was a win-win situation for everyone.

Seeing Zhao Hai accept their artifacts, more people handed their artifacts over. Naturally, Zhao Hai accepted everything. At this point, the only thing left to be divided were the corpses.

Yuan looked at the corpses and said, "We've processed these things before. It's useless if we keep them here, so let's sell them to the Machine Field and turn them into contribution points."

At this moment, the nearby Liu Zhen shook his head and said, "Also, don't forget that we need to pay Little Hai. So let's just give them all to him. It's the least we can do for his efforts."

The others didn't speak, but a lot of them nodded. The most important thing for them was a good weapon. They could just earn contribution points later on. Compared to contribution points, a good weapon from Zhao Hai was the biggest priority.

But this time, Zhao Hai actually waved his hand and said, "No need. To be honest, the artifacts that everyone will hand over to me can make me a lot of money. So I won't be greedy and ask for the corpses as well. They should be exchanged for contribution points for everyone. No matter what, we can't make everyone work for free."

Seeing that Zhao Hai doesn't want the corpses, Yuan nodded and said, "Alright, then let's go with what Little Hai said. By the way, everyone should head back and get the artifacts that you don't need. Otherwise, don't blame me if Little Hai tampers with your weapons." Everyone laughed at Yuan's joke. They experienced life threatening events together, so they wouldn't mind these kinds of jokes. Then everyone headed back to their rooms in high spirits.

After Yuan took the Demon corpses, he turned to Zhao Hai and said, "Little Hai, do you need me to prepare you a room for crafting?"

Zhao Hai initially thought that he would decline, but since he was heading back to the Space, then he would need a place where he wouldn't be disturbed. Therefore, he nodded and said, "Captain, prepare a place for me where I won't be disturbed. It would be best if this place is a little bigger. Also, when everyone returns, please have them write down their requirements for their weapons. I'll keep an Undead outside and have it receive their requirements."

Yuan nodded and said, "Alright. That's not a problem. Wait for me here, I'll be back right away." Zhao Hai nodded, then Yuan flew towards his own room.

Chapter 1300 - Soft Gold Mine

Zhao Hai's body appeared inside a tunnel. This was a tunnel inside the soft gold mine. Zhao Hai handed over the weapon refining task over to Cai'er while he returned to the mine. His purpose this time was to get more Demons for the Space so that he could increase the Space's beasts' fighting strength as soon as possible.

The weapons used by Yuan and the others had a lot of requirements. Moreover, plenty of these weapons were nonmetal. Instead, they used some special wood or bones from Demons.

These kinds of things were no longer useful for the Space, but they were good for refining weapons. Although there wasn't any shortage of these things in the Space, Zhao Hai wouldn't deny having more. And since Yuan and the others wished for him to make them good weapons, then he would naturally comply.

The Universal Processing Machine was formidable because of its two functions: to make any material into weapons and also fusing two materials together which was almost impossible to fuse in any other way.

The weapons that Yuan and the others use were simple weapons made by the Machine Field. The reason why they have high requirements for their weapons was because of their experience in fighting in the Six Realms Battlefield. At the same time, they also had deep understanding regarding the weapons used by the other realms. Even Sprites, who fought mainly with their summons, use artifacts. If someone from the Machine Field wanted to contend against people from the other realms, then they would need a weapon specially made for them. Naturally, it would be better if the weapon had weapon shattering.

However, weapon shattering had a high requirement when it came to weapons. The more weapon shattering weapons a weapon has, the more high-quality materials it would need. This was because ordinary materials don't have the means to withstand the pressure of weapon shattering.

Most metals couldn't handle this intense shaking. Therefore, these metals needed to be fused with other materials such as special wood or bones.

These special wood and Demon bones couldn't just be simply classified as wood or bones. One should know that these things were mostly from weapons from all kinds of environments and were excellent materials. Whether they were wood or bones, they could be considered as treasures of the heavens and earth. Their properties could be used in all kinds of manners.

And before using these materials, Zhao Hai also ran them under the Universal Scanner in order to analyze their properties. Fusing them into artifacts wouldn't reduce the artifact's strength. Instead, this fusion would instead cause the artifact to be more powerful.

Zhao Hai had a lot of ores inside the Space. However, he doesn't intend to abuse these ores. Take soft gold, for example, if he used it in everyone's weapon, then how could he explain where he got them? One shouldn't think that Yuan and the others don't know anything about refining. A weapon was a Warrior's second life, so how could Yuan and the others not know about them? If they discover anything suspicious, then Zhao Hai would find it hard to explain.

After seeing that the weapon refining was going well, Zhao Hai shifted his attention to Jia Ding Shan. Jia Ding Shan was currently busy teaching the pangolins in the Space. These iron armor beasts have become very smart. Jia Ding Shan also discovered that they were very suitable for Cultivation. Zhao Hai arranged 1000 iron armor beasts to be taught to cultivate. At this point, these pangolins were almost equivalent to Qi Condensation-stage Cultivators.

Jia Ding Shan was very satisfied with this result. One must know that it wasn't easy for a Demon to reach Qi Condensation. As long as a Demon reached this stage, however, their Cultivation would become smoother.

Actually, for Demons, Qi Condensation was akin to building their foundation for practice. Once this foundation was established, then their later stages would become easier. But if this foundation wasn't properly set up, then they would face disadvantages in their further practice.

The Pangolin Family wasn't a huge clan in the Demon Realm. They also weren't as powerful as the Mouse Race. The Mouse Race can be considered to be a medium-sized power in the Demon Realm. This was because they had a large population, allowing them more disciples to train. And the more Mouse they could train, the more powerful they would become, and in turn they would get more resources. And the more resources they get, the more Mice they can train. It was an upward cycle.

This was also the development cycle for other influences in the World of Cultivation. This explained why, despite being in a rich environment, small sects were still having difficulties expanding.

Jia Ding Shan was now Zhao Hai's servant. He taught these pangolins not only to make them stronger, but to also train a group of soldiers for Zhao Hai.

Hao Sha was also the same. Zhao Hai arranged some mice for him to train. His results were also doing great. Although Hao Sha was now an Undead, he could still pass on his cultivation method to the other mice. After seeing that this project was doing great, he prepared to leave for the soft gold mine.

The soft gold mine was too chaotic. Every day, groups of differing numbers arrive in order to hunt other people. This made this place the best place to kill people.

Zhao Hai stood in the tunnel of the soft gold mine and looked around. There was nobody present - as he had seen in the Space. This time, Zhao Hai changed his appearance and wore cultivator robes. He also didn't hold his staff and instead stepped on a silver sword as he flew.

No matter who sees him, they would regard Zhao Hai as a Cultivator. Nobody would think that he was a Mage from the Machine Field. Zhao Hai also didn't inform Yuan and the others that he would be hunting people in the soft gold mine. One must know that everyone was currently thinking that he was refining weapons.

Zhao Hai doesn't think that news in the soft gold mine wouldn't reach Yuan and the others. One shouldn't underestimate the means of communication of people in the Six Realms Battlefield. In this place where computers were popular, all kinds of communication methods emerged endlessly. Zhao Hai had no confidence that his presence here would remain unknown. Therefore, he can only change his appearance.

After looking around him, Zhao Hai chose a direction and flew along it. Zhao Hai was here to kill people, so he doesn't care about who he came across.

Not long after Zhao Hai began flying, he met a team of ten people. Unexpectedly they were Spirits. Although Zhao Hai hadn't fought with them before ,he didn't avoid them and directly flew in their direction.

These Spirit Cultivators were also quick to discover Zhao Hai. They also didn't avoid him and instead waited for him to arrive. Although these Spirit Cultivators were only at Core Formation, in their minds, ten people besieging Zhao Hai should be enough to deal with him.

It was very rare for two groups to speak when they met each other in the soft gold mine. If their strength was the same, then maybe they can negotiate to leave. But if one side was strong while the other was weak, then the stronger party wouldn't hesitate to make a move. At this point, communication was unnecessary.

This was also the reason why Zhao Hai didn't talk and just immediately engaged the group of Spirit Cultivators. The Spirit Cultivators rely on their spirits to attack. And Core Formation Spirit Cultivators couldn't be underestimated. Once Zhao Hai approached, they immediately unleashed a large amount of spirits to attack.

Some of these combat spirits were spirits captured by the Spirit Cultivators and made into their own summons. The strength of a spirit was generally related to their master. Spirits also have some intelligence of their own. If a spirit was too strong for their master, then the spirit might devour their master. Therefore, spirits used by the Spirit Cultivators were those on the same level as them or a level lower. In this case, they relied on numbers to win.

Besides combat spirits, the Sprites also have their life source spirits. Their life source spirits were different compared to the Sprite Race's life source spirits. A Sprite's life source spirit was a spirit that was generated by splitting their own soul. They could command them freely and make them attack their enemies. This made them terrifying on the battlefield.

On the other hand, a Spirit Cultivator generally won't let their own life source spirit participate in the battle. The connection between a Spirit Cultivator and their life source spirit was too intimate. Any damage done to the life source spirit would heavily impact the Spirit Cultivator.

When Zhao Hai saw these combat spirits, he smiled faintly before releasing large quantities of Undead as well as Hao Sha.

Seeing the Undead, the Spirit Cultivators immediately knew that they were in trouble. However, it was already too late for them to run away since the Undead had surrounded them. Zhao Hai didn't give the Spirit Cultivators and opportunity to attack as he immediately ordered the Undead to attack.

Due to Zhao Hai's presence as well as Hao Sha and the other Undead, the battle was finished quickly. Zhao Hai also made the Spirit Cultivators into his Undead.

After obtaining the Spirit Cultivators, Zhao Hai immediately cleaned the battlefield. He doesn't want to leave any traces otherwise people might find him for trouble.

It must be said that there were a lot of people in the soft gold mine. Zhao Hai didn't need to fly far before he met another group. This time, he met a group of 15 Demons. This was a group of Core Formation Demons led by a Nascent Soul Demon. Zhao Hai wasn't polite and released large quantities of Undead as well as Hao Sha. The other party was destroyed completely in a blink of an eye. This team of Demons comprised various races. There were Snakes, Toads, Ox, Bears, and the Nascent Soul Demon which was a Hawk.

These races were enemies before they achieved their spiritual wisdom. But after they developed intelligence, they belonged to one race, the Demon Race. Now that he gained a lot of Demons, Zhao Hai didn't stay in the soft gold mine. He returned to the Space and arranged for more beasts to be taught cultivation.

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