Chapter 1282 - Core Battlefield

As Zhao Hai was looking at the forest, Yuan's voice was heard, "Let's go. I'll let you see our Machine Field's most magnificent creation. The Iron Bridge Fort"

Zhao Hai and the others were attracted by Yuan's words. Then when they looked behind them, they couldn't help but be dumbfounded. This was because in front of them was an enormous steel caste.

This giant steel castle was made entirely out of metal. But even so, it was miraculously floating in the air. But on the other end of the castle was a barrier that showed another similar-looking castle. If these castles were to accommodate people, then it wouldn't be a problem for them to house ten thousand.

The outside castle was built in the style of a bastion. Its walls looked like an open flower. Placed on various places in the castle were all kinds of weapons. Each weapon certainly holds an enormous power in it.

Yuan looked at Zhao Hai and the others' expression and said, "These two castles, one placed next to the other, guards the spatial rift. At the same time, it also acts as our headquarters, allowing us to rest peacefully. The two castles act as a bridge, with the spatial rift in between them. This is why the two castles are called the Iron Bridge Fort. Both the outside castle and the spatial rift's castle are made manually. You should have seen that the spatial rift only allowed two people to walk in parallel. This meant that large equipment couldn't pass through them. This limited the amount of resources that were sent over. People could only use spatial equipment to bring all kinds of materials so that the castles can be built. It took tens of years for the Machine Field to construct this fort. And ever since it was finished, our Machine Field was able to defend against the other realms."

Zhao Hai and the others nodded. They didn't really expect that the metallic hall they were just in was a castle.

Yuan continued, "Naturally, the Iron Bridge Fort is now acting as a rear headquarters for the Machine Field. People would only come here to exchange for rewards. Normally, other people would be stationed in other castles or bases. Later on, you will also only come here to rest. You can also use the contribution points you gained on the battlefield to exchange for rewards. Besides these things, there is also a lot of entertainment available in the fort. But if you want to use them, you will need to pay using your contribution points."

Zhao Hai and the others nodded. They now understood more about the Six Realms Battlefield. It seems like the Machine Field had already established its own stable foothold in the Six Realms Battlefield. Otherwise, Iron Bridge Fort wouldn't have been this peaceful.

Yuan looked at Iron Bridge Fort and then said, "Let's go to our base." Zhao Hai and the others nodded before they flew out with Yuan.

As they were flying, Zhao Hai looked at the scenery while also releasing silver needles. Since the Space had already masked its own presence, then the subspace wouldn't be able to discover its existence. Even if Zhao Hai used the Space, nobody would be able to discover it.

Moreover, Zhao Hai doesn't believe that the creator of the Six Realms Battlefield would pay any attention to him. It was like a person wouldn't pay attention to any of his hairs.

And just as Zhao Hai was feeling a bit of a crisis, making him think of upgrading the Space as soon as possible, he immediately obtained an advantage upon entering the Six Realms Battlefield. The Space's spiritual density has been upgraded to the Six Realm Battlefield's level. The Space's spiritual density was now much stronger compared to the Cultivation Realm. The density was almost approaching the level of a medium-grade spirit vein.

Although Zhao Hai was glad that the Space's spiritual density has been upgraded, this also made him realize his disparity compared to the Six Realm Battlefield's creator. His Space was already mysterious yet the Six Realms Battlefield was more powerful. Zhao Hai was now more vigilant with each of his actions.

The group flew quickly. It seems like Yuan wasn't worried about encountering any dangers nearby. And since this was the case, there was no need for Zhao Hai and the others to care about it as well. The group flew nonstop for several hours before Zhao Hai discovered a small fort in the distance.

This fort wasn't made out of metal but instead ordinary stones. However, this fort still had all kinds of magical cannons to provide it with defense. Moreover, magic formations were engraved on the entire fort.

However, Yuan just flew by that fort. As they were passing by, Zhao Hai looked at the fort and saw that there were also people guarding it.

Zhao Hai looked at Yuan in confusion as he asked, "Captain, which team does this fort belong to?"

Yuan looked at the fort and said, "It doesn't belong to anyone. It's just a relay station. It's mainly used for communication and rest. Also, those without any identification will be attacked by the castle if they approach."

Zhao Hai nodded and at the same time gained a deeper understanding of this subspace. The Six Realm Battlefield was indeed very large. They were flying quickly yet they only came upon a relay station. This meant that they were still quite a distance away from the frontlines. If this was the case, then how large was the Six Realms Battlefield exactly? Zhao Hai was beginning to wonder.

The group flew for a few more hours before resting inside a relay station. After two hours, they departed once more and flew continuously for three days before reaching the frontlines.

Upon arriving at the frontlines, Zhao Hai could immediately feel the tension in the atmosphere. Over the last three days, they mostly flew over forested areas. The rest were hills. And as long as there were hills, a fort would no doubt be constructed there. Relay stations weren't the only things constructed. Radar stations were also made. These radar stations were constructed so that people from the other realms couldn't sneak into the Machine Field's territory and wreak havoc.

The frontline was a defensive position composed of a large mountain range. This mountain range was known as Lock Mountain Range. On the entire span of the mountain range were small forts dotted at certain places. Also, there were radar stations in each mountain peak. As long as a person other than those from the Machine Field enters the Lock Mountain Range, they would immediately be discovered.

Yuan's camp in this mountain range was a small fort with around 50 guards inside. They were tasked with securing the nearby 100 li(50km). As long as an enemy appears on this 100 li distance, it was the camp's responsibility to attack.

The fort wasn't very large. It was also made like a bastion with magical cannons on its walls. Although Yuan's team was strong, these magical cannons could still provide extra help.

Yuan settled Zhao Hai and the others down before he gathered everyone to introduce the newcomers. It must be said that the condition in the fort was very good. Although there were only 50 people in this fort, there were about 1000 robots serving them. Moreover, this fort was made to accommodate 500 people. Since there were only 50 here at this time, the fort was very spacious. There was ample space for everyone.

This fort has a dining hall, amusement room, and private rooms that were complete with household appliances - computers and all. One would often forget that they were in the frontlines of the Six Realms Battlefield.

Zhao Hai didn't expect the situation here to be this good. However, Yuan also told them that beyond the Lock Mountain Range was no longer the Machine Field's territory. It can be said that outside the Lock Mountain Range was the real battlefield where true chaos happens.

Past the Lock Mountain Range was a large forested area. This area was very fertile and spanned millions of square kilometers.

However, this region was owned by nobody. Anyone can go there to mine, pick medicine, and even murder other people for treasure. No matter what you did there, nobody would care.

This region was the core battlefield of the Six Realms Battlefield - the true Six Realms Battlefield. Yuan's team's job wasn't only to defend their fort, but also to venture out to this battlefield in order to get plants and kill people.

The Six Realms Battlefield was just too large, this allowed each realm to hold on to their own territory. However, there's a strange phenomenon wherein the resources within each realm's territory wasn't very diverse. There were treasures that could only be mined or grown on another territory. Each realm established strong defenses to protect their territories. But at the same time, the six realms wouldn't dare attack another territory.

This was where the core battlefield became important. This was because this region had all resources that can be found in the other territories. Moreover, this was the only region that wasn't unconquered.

Because the core battlefield had all the resources of the Six Realms Battlefield available, its output was naturally rich. Therefore, all realms wanted to take it for their own. But after several battles, they discovered that nobody could take this land. Therefore, the six realms reached a tacit understanding making the core battlefield a common territory. Everyone can head to the core battlefield to collect resources. However, one would need to depend on their own skill to survive. If they were killed, then they deserve it for being weak. This made the core battlefield into a huge meat grinder. Every year, countless deaths and injuries were incurred in this region. However, nobody was willing to give up on this region. At any point in time, someone was being killed in this huge territory.

Chapter 1283 - Going Out

Zhao Hai stood on the fort walls and looked at the hills in the distance. These hills were high. They had all kinds of plants growing on them, making them look beautiful.

Zhao Hai and the others had been here for three days. They had yet to encounter a fight in these three days. They only accompanied Yuan as they were getting familiar with the surrounding environment. And to be honest, there was nothing special in the vicinity.

The guarded area of Yuan's camp wasn't very large, only about 100li(50km) around the fort. Even if this area didn't have a radar, powerful magic formation masters could still use their spiritual force to scan it.

Actually, there were almost no defending missions in the area close to Yuan's camp. And even if there was something that needed to be taken care of, the two closest camps would take care of it. Yuan's camp mostly went on hunting missions, killing people from the other realms in the core battlefield. Because of this, the camp's defense was handed over to other people.

Along with getting familiar with the environment, Zhao Hai and the others were also taken to the other camps to make other people aware that they were the newcomers of Yuan's camp.

After getting in contact with the other teams, Zhao Hai began to understand Yuan's position. Although Yuan was only a captain of 50 people, it was clear that his influence extended to the entire Lock Mountain Range.

Buddhist Warrior Yuan has been on the frontlines of Lock Mountain Range for seven years. And he had been the person who fought the most and also the one who dared to fight the most. More than a thousand small and large battles, a few of them where he almost died - it can be said that the Machine Field's Lock Mountain Range became peaceful because of Yuan.

Zhao Hai asked other people and heard that before Yuan arrived in Lock Mountain Range, people would come look for trouble every other day. And not to say about robbing, people were already lucky if they weren't robbed while at their camps.

When Yuan arrived at the mountain range, he began to lead people to fight the other realms repeatedly. Once someone from the other realms attacked the mountain range, Yuan would quickly deal with them with ferocity. Even if the Machine Field lost 100 individuals to kill 35, Yuan would still trade to teach them a lesson.

In these battles, it's natural that Yuan's team had the most casualties. The team has been reinforced multiple times, and there have been cases where it was wiped out, with Yuan as the only survivor..

Even with such dire consequences, Yuan continued to fight. He went all out and held nothing back. There were multiple times where he was severely wounded, almost losing his life.

But such battle style actually brought advantages. Seeing that they were beginning to lose heavily against the Machine Field, the other realms slowly stopped attacking the Lock Mountain Range. This allowed Yuan to lead people into the core battlefield, giving the Machine Field the breath of air it needed.

But in this case, more conflict was inevitable. After many battles, Yuan managed to gain a reputation. It was also at this time that the other realms gave him the nickname One-eyed Buddhist.

Naturally, the people from other camps weren't in the Lock Mountain Range from the very beginning. In fact, those from the Machine Field who battled here would stay for three years at most. Yuan's seven-year stay was actually very unique.

While Zhao Hai was thinking about these things, he suddenly heard heavy footsteps approaching him. He doesn't need to see who it was, it was certainly Yuan. Only Yuan would have such heavy footsteps.

As soon as Zhao Hai turned his head, he saw Yuan walking slowly towards his side. Then Yuan looked at the direction of the core battlefield and said, "What are you thinking about?"

Zhao Hai replied, "I'm just wondering why Captain stayed inside the Six Realms Battlefield for this many years. With your current contributions, you can be positioned at the rear and even return to the Machine FIeld. Your status would not be low. So why would you stay in this dangerous place?"

Yuan didn't move, he still looked at the core battlefield in the distance. Then after a while, he said, "Many people asked me this question, but I haven't told them. But I can tell you, it's because of revenge!"

Yuan didn't say much but Zhao Hai understood what he meant after recalling the story about Yuan's life. Zhao Hai nodded and said, "Alright, then I'll help Captain with his revenge. By the way, Captain. You have been doing this for several years, so why haven't you practiced a higher level Cultivation Method? Why are you practicing a low-level method?"

This wasn't news to anyone in the Lock Mountain Range, so upon hearing Zhao Hai, Yuan turned to him and then smiled as he said, "You must be thinking that one couldn't progress far if they practice low-level methods right?"

Zhao Hai was surprised when he heard Yuan, but he shook his head and said, "That's not necessarily the case. I have also seen basic methods from the Cultivation Realm. They're very clever and could make a person progress. However, the speed would be a bit slower. It was likely for their practitioners to die before they reached a higher level."

Yuan nodded. "That's correct. It seems like you have some experience. The progress of those cultivation methods are indeed slow, but there's something good about that. This meant that there would be steady progress with close to no threat of being possessed by a devil. Moreover, there would hardly be any bottlenecks in such methods. As long as one practiced hard enough, they would progress. Although the speed is very slow, progress is gained through hard work and stability."

Zhao Hai nodded. Yuan looked at Zhao Hai and said, "Little Hai, we'll be heading out to hunt. Once you meet people from the other realms, you will understand what I'm saying." Then after laughing, Yuan turned and left.

Although Zhao Hai didn't understand what Yuan wanted to say, he didn't mind it too much. In any case, he would find out about it tomorrow.

The next morning, after everyone had eaten, Yuan called the entire team over. Including Zhao Hai's group, Yuan now had 50 people present. But even if this was a small team, everyone knew that only under Yuan could one earn merit very quickly. But this also meant that they were more likely to die in his command. Because of this, very few people joined Yuan's group on their own decision.

Seeing his team, Yuan nodded and said, "We'll be heading out today to hunt. 30 people will be left behind here, the rest will follow me. Little Hai and the other new recruits will come with me. As for the others, decide upon yourselves."

Discussion was then heard in the dining hall. Nobody was thinking that they wouldn't go along with Zhao Hai and the others. On the contrary, people wanted to come with him. But including Zhao Hai and his brothers, there were only 20 slots in this excursion. There was an unceasing debate about who these 20 people would be.

If this was any other team, then people would definitely hide when it came to going to the core battlefield. Very few people would go there. But Yuan's team was different. All of these people had assimilated Yuan's attitude. So upon hearing that they would be going to the core battlefield, everyone wanted to join the team.

After arguing for some time, the 20 people were finally decided. Those who were chosen were excited while those who failed to qualify were depressed. Seeing this situation, Zhao Hai smiled faintly. His favorable impression towards Yuan has increased by one point.

A flaming eagle will have a flaming nest. Because Yuan was belligerent, then the other people in his camp would naturally be influenced.

Seeing that the team has been decided, Yuan nodded and said, "Alright, we'll head out soon, make preparations. Right, since Little Hai and the others are beginners, Wu Yang, you brief them." Then after he said that, Yuan turned around and left.

Zhao Hai turned to Wu Yang and asked, "Brother Wu Yang, what is Captain talking about? What do we need to know?"

Wu Yang wasn't selected this time, so he was quite dejected. But after hearing Zhao Hai, he answered. "Captain meant that you need to take some food and drinks along with you." Xiong Li and the others were also beside Zhao Hai, so when they heard Wu Yang, they looked at each other and laughed.

Wu Yang looked at Zhao Hai and the others and said, "Why are you laughing? Go make your preparations."

Xiong Li smiled and said, "Brother Wu, when it comes to drinks and food, then there's nothing to prepare. Every time Little Hai goes out, he would bring a lot of food and drinks with him. Even if we stayed a year or longer outside, we still wouldn't worry about starving. Hahaha. I can even say that when it comes to preparing food and wine, nobody can beat Little Hai." Wu Yang stared, then he looked at Zhao Hai. He couldn't really believe what Xiong Li said.

Zhao Hai laughed and then waved his hand as a giant crab appeared. He placed the crab on the table and then smiled as he looked at Wu Yang and said, "Brother Wu, I'll give this to you. It's freshly cooked, you can eat it directly."

Wu Yang stared at the crab. This was the first time he saw a crab as large as this. A crab as large as this was certainly a magic beast. But this beast was now boiled and was sending out thick fragrances.

Zhao Hai glanced at Wu Yang before chuckling and leaving. When he went outside, those who were going with the mission had already prepared. After a while, Yuan also arrived. He was wearing the same clothes, he didn't look like he was going to battle. His eyes swept through everyone and then nodded. He turned to Zhao Hai and said, "Little Hai, are you ready? We aren't going out for just a day, you should bring more food."

Zhao Hai smiled faintly and said, "Captain, rest assured. I have everything ready."

Yuan nodded, then he said, "Alright, let's go." After saying that, he flew and led the team towards the core battlefield. Zhao Hai and the others immediately followed closely behind.

Upon leaving Lock Mountain Range, the group immediately slowed down. They also took out their weapons and made formations.

Seeing the group being like this, Zhao Hai and the others became somewhat nervous. Xiong Li and the others also took out their weapons, only Zhao Hai remained unarmed. He just calmly looked at the scenery ahead. The other people in the team couldn't help but look at Zhao Hai. However, Zhao Hai didn't care, the same was true with Xiong Li and the others. In the minds of Zhao Hai's brothers, if Zhao Hai took his weapon out, then it would just be bullying.

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