572 Aiden and Mira (3)

After finishing his meal, Aiden exited the building, and from that point on, Mira and Erik were on their own. The remnants of their earlier conversation were still present, giving the atmosphere of the inn a gloomy, heavy quality.

"Want to get some fresh air?" Mira suggested, her voice soft yet eager. "I could go for an ice cream right about now."

Erik raised an eyebrow, a hint of a smile on his lips. "Ice cream, really?"

Mira shrugged with a playful grin. "Hey, sometimes the little things help, right?" Erik replied.

As a result, they found themselves out in the fresh air and were drawn toward a quaint and cozy ice cream shop sandwiched between two more significant buildings. The teeny bell started to jingle as soon as they walked through the door, and the aroma of freshly baked waffle cones welcomed them. Before making their decisions, they paused for a few moments to consider the variety of flavors available.




As they strolled along the streets, the day began to draw to a close, casting a warm golden hue that reflected the calm atmosphere that pervaded the area. They walked around until they found a nice bench with a fountain view and sat down there.

For a moment, they simply enjoyed their treats in silence, the sounds of the bubbling fountain and distant chatter filling the air. Erik finally broke the silence: "I realized I don't know much about you, Mira. How'd you come to be who you are today?"

Mira took a deep breath, her gaze distant as memories flooded back. "It's a long story," she began hesitantly. "But if you're really curious... Erik simply nodded, giving her an encouraging look.

Mira licked her ice cream thoughtfully. "I grew up in the town of Eleynard in the northeast. It's a secluded place, cut off from much of the world. My parents, Loral and Elia, were a healer and a mercenary."

She paused, taking a deep breath as if steeling herself for what came next. "Our town had always lived in harmony with nature, and I was taught from a young age about the balance of life. My mother often spoke to me about the importance of understanding the world around us, listening to nature, and letting it guide you."

"My dad taught me to use a bow, especially when I developed my brain crystal power," she said. "Of course, I was always fascinated with my dad's work because he killed Thaid and ensured a future for everyone. So, I decided to come here and become a mercenary when I left home."

"As months passed, my path crossed with Aiden, Kael, and Lila."

Mira leaned back, a playful glint in her eye as she remembered. "Erik, the story of how I met them is quite long. We were all hired for the same hunting job: to kill some terrifying monsters in the forest nearby."

"We were strangers, thrust together for a shared purpose. Kael, with his meticulous nature, took charge immediately. Even in our first meeting, he was going through plans, understanding every person's strengths, and plotting our approach. There's an analytical calmness about him that you can't help but trust."

Erik raised an eyebrow in curiosity. "And Aiden?"

Mira chuckled, her face alight with the memory. "Ah, Aiden. From the get-go, he was the silent, watchful type. His gaze always seemed to be assessing, calculating. But amidst that stoic exterior was a person of such integrity. I remember him stepping in to mediate when tempers flared during a disagreement on how to tackle a particularly tricky beast. He was always looking out for the team."

A smile danced on Mira's lips. "Lila was our group's heart. She could make people feel better with her energy and contagious laughter. It seemed like she was always in the moment, enjoying the thrill of the hunt and the adventure. I liked that she was like that."

Erik's face reflected Mira's buoyant mood, the joy of reliving happy memories. "It sounds like fate brought you all together."

Mira gave a nod and said, "I believe it was fate. Since that hunt, our friendship has only grown stronger. They're more than just teammates; they're family. Every day, the trust, the fights we've fought together, and the happy times remind me how lucky I am to have met them."

The atmosphere around them brightened, suffused with the comforting warmth of cherished memories.

As Erik and Mira watched the day draw to a close while seated next to one another, the golden tones of the setting sun flooded the city walls. The sounds of the city below provided a backdrop for the conversation about to be had in the serene setting.

"You know, Mira," Erik began, breaking the comfortable silence, "I was thinking of taking on a quest tomorrow. Fancy joining me?"

Mira turned to him, a gleam of excitement evident in her piercing eyes. "I really want to, but you'd have to take a lower-level quest if we teamed up because you're higher-level than I am. I don't want to hold you back."

Erik chuckled lightly, waving away her concerns. "Honestly, after all the high-tension missions I've been on lately, I could use a more relaxing quest. Don't worry about the rank. Think of it as a day off for me. "Moreover, even a boring task would become an adventure with your company," he continued with a sly grin.

Mira laughed, her worries alleviated by Erik's lighthearted approach. "Alright then, it's a deal. Where and when do we meet?"

"How about 09:00 at the guild headquarters?" Erik proposed, picturing the imposing stone building that served as the heart of all guild activities in the city.

Mira nodded, mentally noting the time. "Sounds good. Just promise me you won't oversleep and make me wait," she teased.

Erik mockingly placed a hand over his heart, feigning hurt. "Your lack of trust wounds me! I shall be punctual, scout's honor."

They both laughed, their camaraderie evident in the easy banter between them. The duo rose from their perch as the final rays of sunlight retreated, giving way to the encroaching darkness.

"Well, Erik," Mira exclaimed, "it's been a delightful day." I'm excited about our adventure tomorrow. Don't go with a boring one, okay?"

"Trust me, there's no chance of that with me by your side," he grinned.

They parted ways with a final exchange of goodbyes, anticipating the next day's exploits remaining in the air.

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