
That night, at the Zhou family's residence.

Zhou Xiaoyong sat in the living room unhappily. Seeing that the house was filled with bodyguards, impatience appeared in the depths of his eyes. "Mom, I say, you guys don't have to go that far, right? Didn't I tell you all? That Shi Kuo is nothing. Is there a need to be so afraid of him?"

A woman in a leather jacket and heavy makeup walked over in high heels.

The woman's makeup was very thick, but it couldn't hide the signs of aging.

She sat beside Zhou Xiaoyong and pinched his nose. "My little boy, something happened to your brother. How can your father not worry about you? I've had our men keep an eye on that brat. I heard that the police questioned him but didn't manage to get anything out of him. If he's really targeting you, won't you be in danger?"

"But there's no need to arrange so many bodyguards. It makes me feel like I'm in jail. So annoying." Zhou Xiaoyong looked at the bodyguards and rolled his eyes.

"Isn't it all because your father cares about you? Bear with it for a while. In a few days, when the police are no longer so vigilant, let your father settle that Shi Kuo. Then, we can rest easy." Zhou Xiaoyong's mother, Xiao Wei, advised him. She kissed his cheek. "It's been hard on my baby. You have suffered such a huge shock. When this is over, I will definitely make it up to you."

Hearing this, Zhou Xiaoyong became even more agitated. "Mom, I don't need you to make up for anything. Let me deal with Shi Kuo personally. I don't care how those four died. I just find him an eyesore."

Zhou Xiaoyong's family were not law-abiding citizens, to begin with. Xiao Wei especially doted on her son. Otherwise, he wouldn't be so spoiled and arrogant.

Xiao Wei didn't find this matter scary at all. She smiled and agreed without hesitation. "Alright, as long as my little baby is happy, you can do whatever you want."

/ please keep reading on MYB0XN0VEL.C0M.

Only then was Zhou Xiaoyong satisfied. He stood up from the sofa. "So annoying. I can't even go out. Mom, I'm going upstairs to play games. Don't disturb me."

With that, Zhou Xiaoyong returned to his room in his slippers. He switched on his game console. After sitting down, he picked up the controller and realized that something was wrong.

A cold wind blew in from the open window, causing the curtains to rustle.

Zhou Xiaoyong's heart was in his throat.

It was because he remembered very clearly that the window had been closed when he left the room.

Zhou Xiaoyong instinctively wanted to stand up, but a figure who had been hiding in the darkness suddenly darted out from behind the curtains, holding a sharp knife against his neck.

"Don't scream, or I'll kill you," Shi Kuo said with a cold smile, his eyes filled with killing intent.

Zhou Xiaoyong was so frightened that the hair on his back stood on end. He glanced at Shi Kuo from the corner of his eye.

At that moment, Shi Kuo was like a lunatic who had no rationality at all. The blade was pressed against Zhou Xiaoyong's skin. If he pressed just a little tighter, it would slice open his flesh.

Zhou Xiaoyong was scared out of his wits. His body started trembling. "Shi Kuo, what are you doing? Don't you know that murder is illegal?!"

"Murder is illegal, but school bullying is not?" Shi Kuo laughed softly, his eyes filled with madness.

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