Big Shot Little Jiaojiao Breaks Her Persona Again

Chapter 675 - You Killed My Family

Panda Novel

“Then, tell me. The old lady in your village who died from pneumonia half a month ago, if she was sent to the hospital for treatment, would she have died?” Chi Jiao asked him.

“No,” the witch doctor replied honestly.

He was already completely afraid of Chi Jiao.

This young girl had strange skills and astonishing strength.

She was a little monster!

Chi Jiao nodded and asked, “What about the woman who died during labor? If you had sent her to the hospital then, would she have died?”

“No.” The witch doctor’s voice trembled.

He could clearly sense two angry gazes from the crowd on him.

One was the husband of the woman who died during labor, while the other was the son of the old lady who died of pneumonia.

“Were there many people in your village who died from their illnesses after you treated them? If they had gone to the hospital, would they have died?” Chi Jiao asked.

Cold sweat trickled down the witch doctor’s forehead. He didn’t dare to answer Chi Jiao’s question.

His answer was going to push him into the abyss.

“Speak!” Chi Jiao’s tone suddenly intensified, and her gaze towards the witch doctor was as cold as ice.

This person clearly knew that if those people went to the hospital, they would be able to live!

But he feigned ignorance.

It wasn’t an exaggeration to say that he was their murderer!

Seeing Chi Jiao’s small feet move, the witch doctor thought that she was going to step on him again. Nearly peeing his pants from fright, he hurriedly nodded. “Yes! Yes! If those people went to the hospital, they might not have died! I… I didn’t mean to leave them in the lurch. I did try to use the power of the Deity Stone to save them, but for some reason, I couldn’t smoothly absorb the stone’s power. There seemed to be a barrier around it that sealed its power. Without the Deity Stone’s power, I had no way of saving them…”

The way he saved them was to first absorb the power of the Deity Stone to himself, before using it on the sick or injured people.

When he first became a witch doctor, he could successfully absorb the power of the Deity Stone to save people.

However, for some reason, the amount of energy he could absorb over the past few years had decreased.

And two years ago, he discovered that he could no longer absorb any of the energy.

He was worried that he would be chased out of the village if the villagers discovered this fact, so he hid this matter and pretended that he could still save them.

When those people died, he said that it was the Evil Deity’s will. Just like that, he fooled everyone for two years.

The villagers were furious.

“Shi Dalin, you liar! You killed my family!”

“Shi Dalin, you are nothing!”

“You’re too much! What kind of witch doctor are you?!”


Shi Dalin was the witch doctor’s real name.

Shi Dalin kept quiet as the villagers cursed him.

He was finished.

“Everyone, do you understand now? There’s no such thing as the Evil Deity in this world. If there was, your family wouldn’t have died so tragically.” Chi Jiao looked at the villagers. “But it’s not too late for you to realize this now. You’re still alive and your family is still around. For your family, it’s time for you to let go of your superstitions. If you’re sick, go to the hospital to see a doctor.. I promise you that if you cooperate with us, I will donate money to your village to build a hospital and school.”

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