Many Flameyellow Divine Pillars shook, but they didn’t break. They were structures of an imperial-class world, after all, and wouldn’t be fragile.

“This is taking a bit of effort. It's like trying to drink from a whirlpool, but it isn’t that hard,” Wudi said. His analogy was apt. Violetglory was like a sphere of water that was relatively calm and easy to absorb. However, Primary was a nova source vortex. Although it took effort and was spilling everywhere, it didn’t have the protection of a fusion formation so it was actually being absorbed faster.

For Violetglory, the compression of its nova source inside made it seem like it was ‘frozen’, resulting in a slower process.

“How long do you need?” Tianming asked.

“A few days will be enough. You aren’t needed here, go handle your matters!”

“Yes!” There were many people around to help him absorb Primary, as well as settle the primalwingers. If Lingfeng and Qingyu hadn’t left, he would have had even more talents on the sun.

Thus, Tianming was now free for his own personal matters. He had been missing Feiling every day and night.

The Ninedragon Imperial Tomb shot into Primary, moving toward the entrance to the Kunlan Realm in its deepest depths. “The nova source around is getting fainter. The astral hole will slowly vanish, but the Kunlan Lake should still persist.” Normal nova source worlds would still have their outer shells left. However, astral holes would have nothing.

The Ninedragon Imperial Tomb landed and Tianming disembarked alone. The dreamlike Kunlan Realm entered his sights. Apart from it, the entire Primary astral hole was now empty. There was a woman in black robes quietly standing next to the lake, seemingly in a daze as she looked at the lake, not having noticed Tianming’s arrival yet.

“What are you looking at?” Tianming arrived next to her.

“So, you finally take some time from your very busy schedule to come here?” Xiaoxiao asked.

“Can’t be helped. Life’s too fragile and I had to protect many of them first. I made you wait,” Tianming said.

“It’s fine, I was just kidding. I don’t even know what condition Ling’er is in right now, anyway.” Xiaoxiao shook her head.

Tianming had joined her in looking at the lake ever since he got there. “You said that several primalwings flew out from Kunlan Lake, and that it had fallen silent for a long time before that?”

Tianming flew above the lake. Mist wrapped around his body and the water below rippled. The deeper he looked, the more dreamlike it seemed. The world below seemed to resemble the world within the Primodragon Cave. The Xenoworld was just as fantastic, but it was much more in the vein of being strange, while the Kunlan Realm and Primodragon Cave were more dreamlike.

“Yes. I thought she was about to return for a while, but nothing’s happened since then.” Xiaoxiao was sorrowful. “I don’t know what she’s experiencing down there.”

Tianming didn’t know, either, which was why his heart ached. He thought about that seemingly fragile, yet strong girl that had journeyed together with him. He remembered their stories about heavenly pattern barriers and Grand-Orient Swords, her laughter, their cheesy love talk.… Nostalgia filled his mind.

This was the longest time they’d been separated and the time Tianming had missed her the most.

“Hey!” Xiaoxiao shouted next to him, breaking his train of thought.

“What?” he distractedly asked.

“What are your plans now? Are you going to bring your world and run for now, or wait here for her? You brought away the primalwingers and Violetglory, so you can’t possibly leave her here alone, right? But if you stay, you run the risk of being captured and the sun being destroyed. So, between the nation and all living things within, and a beauty, which one do you choose?” Xiaoxiao looked at him.

Tianming had been fretting over that recently. When he left this time, when would he ever return? But he couldn’t stay. All living things on the sun, including those formerly from Violetglory and the primalwingers had placed their faith in him.

“Eight months have passed since the sun’s war. If their fleet is moving together, they’ll be slow. It’ll take at least two years. If they send an advance party and the experts prioritize speed to arrive first, they won’t be able to surround the sun. Using the Ninedragon Imperial Tomb as an estimate, I should still be able to wait for Ling’er for five months, even if a skypiercer-class astralship is on its way.” Tianming’s mind was still clear.

“But what if it’s the Three Sovereigns Mysterium and a deific-class astralship?” Xiaoxiao asked.

“It won’t be. They wouldn’t expect me to come to Violetglory instead of running away,” Tianming said.

“It’s very risky,” Xiaoxiao said.

“She’s worth the risk.”

“Then how will you take responsibility if something happens?” Xiaoxiao asked.

“I’ll believe in myself and in everyone. Be bold, but not reckless, and act courageously! Most importantly… I believe in Ling’er!” On the sun, Tianming was someone with the determination to make big decisions. Since he was unwilling to let go and willing to believe, what reason was there not to fight?

When Xiaoxiao heard that, her eyes suddenly turned red. “She’ll hear it. I sometimes feel she can hear me speak.”

“Can she hear us?” Was it a misconception? However, Tianming believed it. He didn’t know whether she was alive or dead. Even if she was alive, she was in another world, too far away from him. When he dreamed, he dreamed of her.

“Ling’er, what have you gone through? Tell me, okay?” Tianming looked at the ripples and light blue mist below, unable to resist going closer to her. The Kunlan Realm was forbidden ground. Supposedly, you couldn’t come back out after entering.

Tianming’s white hair had been soaked by the mist and a layer of mist was covering his eyes. He extended his hand and felt the light blue mist. Water droplets formed on his palm and the back of his hand, and were starting to stick to his hair.

The barrier between worlds below was growing clearer.

“Don’t go down there.” Even Xiaoxiao’s voice was becoming fainter and more indistinct.

“Ling’er, I’m here to fetch you. I came here riding on a sun, so surely that’s spectacular enough, right? Can you come and meet me?”

Tianming looked into the mists ahead of him, wanting to find a Feiling within.

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