Another World’s Versatile Crafting Master

Chapter 870 - Battle Formation

It wasn’t the same for Connoris. Despite knowing that Connoris was not able to cast any Sanctuary-level spells after he took over the perfect body, it was a perfect body that was comparable to the body of deities, after all. Although Connoris was not able to reach the Sanctuary-realm, he definitely had the potential to display tremendous combat energy.

Joseph felt that he had gained a clearer awareness of the Tower of Dusk’s strength after looking at the situation over there. Knowing that it would be impossible to watch the tower make a fool of themselves, he turned to Claus and said, “Patriarch Claus, this is only the second level of the mausoleum. Perhaps we shouldn’t stay here for too long,”

Although the Ghost Warriors were powerful, the Mithril Alliance and Caesar Family actually had yet to put in their best in the battle. They had been waiting to bargain with the Tower of Dusk when they requested their assistance, but it seemed that this wish would never come to be. Hence, it wouldn’t be advantageous if they were to continue to delay the mission.

After speaking to Claus, Joseph took out his King of Flames Staff and cast a gigantic fire dragon at a few Ghost Warriors. Then, he flew towards the rest of the Ghost Warriors…

The sight of Joseph’s entering the battle put a mysterious smile on Claus’s face. He turned to assist the troops from the Caesar Family shortly after. He was gleeful when he thought about the Caesar Family’s decision not to agree to Mithril Alliance’s request to confront the Tower of Dusk prior to this battle. Although they had a little tension with the tower, it was fortunate that the Caesar Family did not establish an enmity with the Tower of Dusk.

On the other side, Lin Li and Hoffman did not immediately intervene in the battle, either. They hovered mid-air, and were observing the situation on the entire battlefield. They deemed the sneak attack from the Ghost Warriors as an advantageous move as it helped to spur the people into their most alert state of mind. This was not something that could be achieved with mere verbal reminders. It’d help the team to be more prepared for more formidable enemies in time to come.

“Felic, I didn’t expect you to master the Net Array so excellently in such a short time. I can even imagine the extreme disappointment Joseph feels,” Hoffman remarked as he squinted his eyes. Although he was gossiping about Joseph, he was definitely awed himself.

The rise of the Tower of Dusk was coupled with the amount of sales they made, and the tremendous improvement their mages had in the two years. When he witnessed the perfection of the Net Array, Hoffman just could not imagine what the young President Felic was unable to achieve!

Lin Li naturally could guess what the Mithril Alliance and Caesar Family had been thinking about before they entered the battle, but he was just too lazy to take it to heart. Hence, when he heard Hoffman’s words, Lin Li only laughed. “Master Hoffman, the battle formation employed by your men seems really well-trained as well. That definitely required great camaraderie between mages and Warriors for their formations to complement one another.”

Lin Li was not trying to be humble. The battle formation the Glittergold Trade Union was using was definitely something worthy of praise. Although it was not like the Net Array that had the ability to link the mana of all the mages together, the seamless cooperation between the mages and Warriors as well as their exquisite positioning certainly helped to unite the entire formation. It perfectly enabled the different occupations to complement one another’s weaknesses.

The dozen Ghost Warriors that were initially positioned in the middle of the formation started to disperse due to the transformation made to the formation. Very quickly, it became as if each of the Ghost Warriors had to deal with the entire formation single-handedly. There was no space for teamwork between the Ghost Warriors. If the Ghost Warriors had had the power to cast Magical Domains, they would have been able to suppress the Glittergold Trade Union by a little, but they didn’t. Hence, with the seamless integration of the mages and Warriors, it seemed like the Ghost Warriors had little chance of overturning their plight.

“Hehe, this battle formation was discovered by Master Thomas at one of the High Elves’ ruins. The owner of the ruins was said to be a proficient developer of battle games. This battle formation was one of his creations for a game. It is also called the Double-kill Formation of Magic and Martial Arts,” said Hoffman. He paused and smiled bitterly. He knew that the Net Array used by the Tower of Dusk was from the God of Mages, Geresco. As compared to something designed by High Elves for a game, the difference between the power of both formations was simply evident.

Lin Li only smiled and said nothing. He switched his gaze onto the Mithril Alliance and Caesar Family. Lin Li had read about the battle games Hoffman was talking about in many historical records. They were one of the types of punishment in the brutal ruling by the High Elves.

The High Elves had an extremely long lifespan. During the time of the leadership over the entire world of Anril after the Dark Age ended, there weren’t any legitimate battles to dispel their boredom. Hence, they developed all sorts of games. Battle games were one of the most popular games among the noble High Elves. Each of these games would require two teams to battle against each other in the battlefield. It was just like an evolution of wrestling.

Of course, the teams were made up of humans, beastmen, dwarves, and other races under their leadership. It would be considered as cheating if the High Elves were to join as one of the fighters. At that time, although humans could learn magic, the lousy environment made it extremely hard for them to do so. Hence, there were too few mages to form a team that was purely made up of mages.

The High Elves were a group of extremists who had tremendous ambition to emerge victorious in every circumstance, including games. Hence, they would invest immense time and energy to research every game. After all, they had the luxury of a really long lifespan. Doing so would never be seen as a waste of time.

Seeing that Lin Li had shifted his attention to the Mithril Alliance and Caesar Family, Hoffman rubbed his non-existent chin. “The formation they are using was passed down from the High Elves’ battle games. It was said that the 13th generation of the Mithril Alliance specialized in providing battle games for the High Elves as a form of recreation. It was just like an operator of the arena.”

In fact, Lin Li could see from Mithril Alliance’s formation that there was a resemblance with arenas. Additionally, as the Caesar Family was once a member of the Mithril Alliance, there were many similar formations used by both forces despite their separation many years ago.

In the battle formation of both the Mithril Alliance and the Caesar Family, boundaries were distinct within the different occupations; the team of Warriors consisted of the Great Shield Warrior, Great Ax Warrior, Long Spear Warrior, and Shield-sword Warrior, and they were respectively in charge of defending, attacking, and strategizing; for the team of mages, they had some who were in charge of attack and others who had the duty to support the Warriors with their spells; as for the Assassins, there were some who were in hiding, ready to strike at their enemies with the most critical attack, and those who stood behind the Warriors with their crossbows, being in charge of supporting the Warriors with further attacks against their enemies.

Every occupation was split into their respective roles, and every one of them was committed to their own duties. Yet, after joining forces, they were just like a delicate and highly functional war machine with zero faults. Although such a formation might not be the most flexible, its structured approach made it difficult for its enemies to locate their weaknesses.

However, the battle formation of the Mithril Alliance and Caesar Family was still lacking as compared to the Double-kill Formation of Magic and Martial Arts from the Glittergold Trade Union, not to mention the Net Array from the Tower of Dusk. Lin Li only needed a few glances to spot some of the loopholes. What was worthy of his attention was the abilities of the few higher-ups in the Legendary-realm.

There were at least a total of 20 Legendary powerhouses in the Mithril Alliance and Caesar Family. A few of them had just entered the realm not long ago, and were at level-20 and level-21. Their ability would barely pose a threat to Lin Li and his Tower of Dusk.

Of course, the Mithril Alliance and Caesar Family were not to be trifled with. Their ability to survive a thousand years in the Breezy Plains to emerge as the top forces of the Breezy Plains was not mere luck. The first person who caught Lin Li’s attention would be Elvis, who suggested the partnership. Despite being old and blind, he was more powerful than anybody would expect him to be.

The present Elvis was totally not as beggar-like as before. His white hair moved with the wind, and the ebony Dragon’s Eye Staff in his hands radiated with a blinding light. The Magical Domain he created was of Frost and Magic Storm, where streaks of silver hurricane moved in the wind persistently, entrapping the six Ghost Warriors within it. The Frost and Magic Storm continued to drain their energy.

The six Ghost Warriors were not less powerful than six Legendary powerhouses, but they were like lost sheep in the midst of that Frost and Magic Storm, only capable of staying put where they were. Regardless of whether it was physical techniques or magical spells, they were all dissipated by the force of the storm at the very moment they were released or cast. Their immense defense against magic also appeared to be no match for the slowing effect brought about by the Frost. It caused the Ghost Warriors to become not as agile as before.

If one were to disregard their hidden cards, Elvis would be the most powerful among the many Legendary powerhouses from the Mithril Alliance and Caesar Family. Of course, Joseph and Claus were not fools. They would not want to expose all of their trump cards before their competitors on such a critical mission.

It was said that Elvis relinquished all of his responsibilities a few years back to prepare for his last lap towards the Sanctuary-realm, but while it seemed that Elvis had the ability to dash towards the Sanctuary-realm to Lin Li, it would be a different matter if one were to look at the distance he was from the Sanctuary-realm.

Many new Legendary-mages would choose to use Frost to create their first Magical Domain. One of the reasons was the fact that spells that were made of ice element were not weak. Most of them would have enjoyed using such spells before they entered the realm, so they were more familiar with it. Another reason would be the fact that the Frost Domain was an extension of the Water Domain. Apart from clashing with the Frost Domain, it had great endurance facing other types of laws.

Of course, it was not impossible to use both Ice and Fire to craft one’s Magical Domain. After all, Lin Li had the ability to create a contradicting Magical Domain of Light and Darkness. It was just that the difficulty was not something any common man could overcome. Normally, most Legendary-mages would be able to use their understanding of every other rule (apart from fire) to enhance and refine their Magical Domain after they created one with Frost.

This was considered one of the more traditional routes. Although there weren’t many advantages, it was sufficient not to misdirect anyone from heading towards the Sanctuary-realm. When Lin Li had just gotten into the Legendary-realm, he used the Frost Domain as his basis to create his Light and Darkness Domain. His possession of Holy Light and Gloomy Dark just helped him directly craft his Magical Domain of Frost, Light, and Darkness.

It was obvious that Elvis had used the Frost Domain as his foundation, and added his understanding of Storm to create the Magical Domain of Frost and Storm.

To Lin Li, Elvis had made a really small and cautious step towards the realm. Compared to Elvis, although Lin Li made use of the Frost Domain as his foundation to work towards the Sanctuary-realm, he had long ditched the laws of ice. Now, he would require neither the Holy Light nor the Gloomy Dark to create his Light and Darkness Domain instantly.

After all, the law of ice was just an extended law. Unless one were to advance and comprehend the laws of water, it would be a dream to use an extended rule to enter the Sanctuary-realm. Elvis, on the other hand, did not give up on the laws of ice. Instead, he made use of his comprehension of the laws of ice to extend his domain into the laws of storm. Although he was still advancing towards the Sanctuary-realm, it was a really small step towards the realm. If he were to continue with this, he might not reach the Sanctuary-realm even if he was given another 1,000 years.

Apart from Elvis, Joseph and the other patriarchs from the four forces and an elder from the Dida Family were also worthy of Lin Li’s scrutiny, but Lin Li could clearly tell that they all held back in this battle. Despite it, the ability they displayed would be considered immense to any common man. It was obvious that they had the upper hand as compared to the Ghost Warriors whom they were battling with.

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