After all, the terrifying Retribution Knight was once the most powerful Guardian Knight of the Brilliance Shrine. Hence, who would know if he was immune to Divine Power? It was said that the prophet Willen had used the Requiem to purify him back then. Yet, he was still alive and well.

While surrounding Rodhart, Lin Li soon completed the Requiem Array using the baby Elemental Wyrm, Xiao Hua, which had infinite mana as the mana source. At this time, Xiao Hua already possessed Legendary power, and definitely couldn’t be compared to when it was just born. It probably would be able to maximize the power of the Requiem Array.

After putting up the Requiem Array, Lin Li did not pause for a single moment, and instead continued to place magic traps in his surroundings—such as the Blaze Trap, the Divine Cage, and the Brilliance Judgment Array. When arranging the magic traps, Lin Li did not hesitate at all, and decided to use all sorts of rare magical materials without even frowning. All he wanted was to exert the power of the magic traps as much as possible.

If it had been in the past, Lin Li would not have been so careful. After all, he had been unsure how terrifying the Sanctuary powerhouse was. However, during the recent period of time, he had seen the incredible abilities of the Sanctuary powerhouses, which were absolutely unimaginable. If he didn’t go all out, he would really die a wronged death.

After setting the magic traps around Rodhart, Lin Li retreated far, far away and carefully scrutinized his arrangements. Finally, he made up his mind and resolutely took out four Magical Crystal Cannons from the Ring of Endless Storm, and pointed the muzzles at Rodhart. He then began to instruct his subordinates to stay in their positions in the palace, and carefully explained what they would have to do after the changes.

At this juncture, the mages finally knew that the enemy they were about to face this time was the Retribution Knight who had almost destroyed the Breezy Plains. They were definitely terrified. After all, they had yet to reach even the Legendary-realm. However, after seeing the arrangements that Lin Li had made and hearing his detailed instructions, they felt a little less afraid. Besides, they could also tell that Lin Li didn’t bring them there as cannon fodder. Hence, they were rather attentive when listening to the instructions, and made it a point to keep them in mind.

After making all the preparations, Lin Li didn’t know what else there was for him to do. Hence, he finally took his two Undead servants and Connoris to the secret chamber according to his memory after passing by the throne that was made of the skeleton of a wyrm.

After breaking through the wall in the secret chamber, the world where water and fire fused appeared in front of Lin Li again. The blazing flames and freezing snow were completely different elements, and yet they were put together perfectly to form a peculiar world. The two streams of light in the sky were continuously chasing each other like two mischievous children.

Lin Li took a deep breath, and then chanted the mysterious and profound ancient demonic runes, after which magic symbols that exuded a magical glow appeared in front of him and began bouncing together with his chanting. Gradually, the world of ice and fire seemed to have been engulfed as the ice and flames gradually dimmed in a shadow which grew increasingly thick as if it were about to devour everything.

Under Lin Li’s command, the Throne of Darkness descended on the world of ice and fire, and used its overwhelming power to conceal that of the ice and flames.

Sensing the power of ice and fire, Lin Li couldn’t help but secretly rejoice. If this had happened before he experienced the events in the big rift, he probably wouldn’t have been able to devour all the power of the Ice and Fire Nature Magical Domain like Connoris mentioned, even if he had summoned the Throne of Darkness.

The Throne of Darkness was initially the Magical Domain that the Dragon of Destruction had created for his own projected avatar. Although Lin Li had learned the incantation for possessing the Throne of Darkness from Connoris, the Laws that constituted the Throne of Darkness had been created by the Dragon of Destruction, after all. Unless Lin Li reached the level of the Dragon of Destruction, he would not be able to completely control the Throne of Darkness.

At the end of the battle with the Flame Dragon Lothar in the big rift, Lin Li summoned the Throne of Darkness and managed to suppress the Flame Dragon Lothar by channeling the Abyssal force of the Throne of Darkness. The resistance of the Flame Dragon Lothar disrupted the Laws that constituted the Throne of Darkness, which turned out to be an unexpected gain for Lin Li.

Although the Laws of the Throne of Darkness were broken, the throne would not collapse. Lin Li could use his mastery of the Dark Force to restore the broken Laws of the Throne of Darkness. One benefit would be that he could have a deeper understanding of the Laws that constituted the Throne of Darkness, while another would be that he could infuse his own Spiritual Brand into it.

Due to the fact that Lin Li had added his Spiritual Brand to the Laws of Darkness that constituted the Throne of Darkness, it could be considered his own Magical Domain, just like the Light and Darkness Domain that he had created. When using the Throne of Darkness, he could also infuse his mental strength and allow it to fully penetrate into the throne so that he could achieve complete control of every morsel of power.

Finally, the world of conflicting elements of fire and ice was completely devoured by the Throne of Darkness, and became a dark abyss-like world which did not allow a single ray of light to enter. Lin Li was the only one who could sense that the world of fire and ice still existed. The streams of light from Polar Snow and Raging Flames were still moving in the sky as if nothing was affected at all.

At the very last moment, Lin Li took another deep breath, stabilized his emotions, and took out the magical crystals of the Ice and Fire Twin Dragons, which he had gotten from a trade with Prince Arthur. As he chanted a new stanza of the incantation, two magical crystals flew out of Lin Li’s hands and darted towards the world of endless darkness.

The magical crystals of the Ice and Fire Twin Dragons gave out magical waves and mana that were exactly the same as before. Just as Lin Li expected, there were no mana fluctuations at all after the two magical crystals were placed in the world of ice and fire. They gave out the same mana which spread throughout the entire world at the same speed, replacing the power of Polar Snow and Raging Flames while maintaining the existence of the two elements.

No one could see what happened in the world of darkness, and all they could see was Lin Li reaching his hand out slowly and sticking it into the world of darkness. He then pulled out two pulsating beams of light after a while.

“Done deal,” Lin Li said while looking at the Polar Snow and Raging Flames that were in his hands, feeling a sense of relief. He sent the Throne of Darkness that contained the Fire and Ice Magical Domain back into the spacetime rift. Once he returned to the Tower of Dusk, he would be able to use the Throne of Darkness and the Ice and Fire Domain on the Eternal Furnace. Although it wouldn’t be as overpowering as the Conquering Mageweath in the Sky Castle, it would definitely enhance the powers of the people in the Eternal Furnace.

However, at this moment, a deafening roar sounded from above, and the underground palace began to quake as if it was about to collapse at any moment. Lin Li had just felt a sense of relief, and yet he tensed up again. Clearly, the evil and heinous Rodhart had awakened nonetheless.

In the palace above the secret chamber, Rodhart was seated high on the throne made of the skeleton of a wyrm, but now the soul fire in his eyes abruptly started to burn at the instant that Polar Snow and Raging Flames were taken away. Death aura erupted from his body like black flames, emitting mana waves that had also surged at the same time. They were rolling towards the surroundings like a flood. The wyrm skeleton throne that Rodhart was seated on instantly collapsed like it was made of fine sand, and turned into ashes that emitted waves of mana which spread towards the entire palace.

Sensing the terrifying magical waves, the mages in the palace couldn’t help but instantly turn pale. A thought emerged in their hearts uncontrollably: that power was definitely not something that humans could rival! The magical waves alone were already suffocating to them, and it was as if their souls were going to be crushed by the unrivaled power.

The Death Knights who manipulated the Divine Power could also sense the aura of the Retribution Knight that was coming from Rodhart’s emerging mana. They could not help but get worked up. For the Death Knights, the Retribution Knight was undoubtedly their leader, but they could detect the aura of three Retribution Knights now, which made it impossible for them to react reasonably all of a sudden.

However, at the same time that Rodhart awakened, the Requiem Array detected his Undead aura and instantly lit up. The magic circuits and mana nodes began to shine with a brilliant glow. Melodious music echoed in the palace as if it could wash away all the filth in the world. The tension and anxiety within the hearts of the mages were gradually placated by the soul-cleansing music.

Amidst the light that was full of Divine Power and the melodious music that could purify everything, Rodhart who had just awakened from a deep sleep began to have his death aura that resembled black flames drawn out of his body by a powerful force. It floated in the air and was purified by the Holy Light, which made it vanish.

President’s magic arrays are indeed effective! Upon sight of such a scene, the mages finally felt a little relieved, but they were all still trembling involuntarily while holding their staffs tightly. They stared at the center of the magic array while praying secretly in their hearts and hoping that the powerful array could completely purify the daunting Retribution Knight.

However, they were not believers of the Holy Light, after all, and their prayers were destined to go unheard by gods. Rodhart, who was in the center of the Requiem Array, was obviously angered by the damned Divine Power. After letting out a deafening roar, he pulled out the Eternal Frost Blade that he had stuck in the head of the wyrm.

Together with the deafening roar that made their souls shudder, the white light that was full of Divine Power and shrouded Rodhart’s body instantly became filthy and murky. A large amount of death aura condensed in the light and gathered on Rodhart’s body again, causing the black flames to burn even more intensely. The melodious song suddenly became intermittent and particularly ear-piercing at this moment, and everything seemed to have been turned upside down.

The magic circuit of the Requiem Array was eroded by the death aura without any resistance. The black flames were ignited one after another, and the magic nodes seemed to have made cackling sounds as well while turning the pieces of precious magical materials into worthless waste. Finally, Xiao Hua, the baby Elemental Wyrm, had also left the Requiem Array like it was trying to flee. The entire array seemed to have suddenly collapsed.


Rodhart took a step out, only to step into Lin Li’s Blaze Trap, causing the entire palace to seem like it had fallen into the sun as the dazzling light instantly engulfed his tall body. However, the footsteps in the light were not interrupted. Rodhart walked out of the dazzling light while the death aura that resembled black flames became thicker and more intense when juxtaposed against the light.

The Divine Cage was activated, and the white beams of light were interlaced around Rodhart, forming a huge cage in the blink of an eye. The Divine Cage initially only required four Holy Light gems, which were each just as valuable as Legendary magical crystals, but Lin Li decided to use 16 palm-sized ones. The power of the Divine Cage was maximized. Lin Li thought that he would be able to at least buy some time for himself even if he couldn’t imprison Rodhart immediately.

However, in the face of the Divine Cage which Lin Li had invested greatly in, Rodhart simply raised his arm and caused the black flames on his body to surge out in the direction of his arm. The extremely solid white beam of light lasted only for a few seconds before it became stained by the black flames and collapsed. The 16 precious Holy Light gems shattered and turned into worthless waste one by one.

There was light condensing at the muzzles of the four Magical Crystal Cannons which were then aimed at Rodhart. The beams were interlaced and shot from all directions towards Rodhart. However, Rodhart didn’t dodge at all. He simply waved the Eternal Frost Blade gently, causing the four cannons to disappear without a trace. The four Magical Crystal Cannons only managed to fire one round of magical crystals; they all shattered abruptly.

It had only been a brief moment since Rodhart awakened, and yet Lin Li’s arrangements were mostly ruined already.

At this moment, the 40 Holy Death Knights also understood who their leader was just by judging the three Retribution Knights. They then raised their lances together under the command of the Retribution Knights. 40 beams of light containing Divine Power condensed in the void and blasted towards Rodhart at the same time.

Although the 40 Holy Death Knights all had level-19 power, except for a Retribution Knight, the power of the 40 condensed beams of light was still absolutely astonishing. Besides, the Divine Power could restrain Undead creatures, and the combined blow really made Rodhart slow down.

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