Another World’s Versatile Crafting Master

Chapter 796 - Under the Volcano

Unless Nefa became the new Dragon of Destruction, Tutankhamun would still pose a threat to Nefa, making him fear stepping into Anril. Although the strength of the two brothers was on par, Lin Li could more or less guess that Tutankhamun had some means that intimidated Nefa. At the thought of that, Lin Li nodded and agreed to Nefa’s request to limit the restraint of the Soul Oath to the realm that they were in.

After the Soul Oaths of both took effect, Lin Li immediately set off to the bottom of the volcano because he didn’t want to stay there any longer. The Minotaurs and other prehistoric magical beasts around him immediately moved aside for Lin Li, and even though the human smell of Lin Li’s body made them salivate, they had no choice but to let Lin Li saunter away, for they dared not act recklessly.

Although the volcano was rather tall, Lin Li didn’t use the Power of Flight, because he didn’t know what he might encounter. Instead, he walked all the way down the mountain. Lin Li could not estimate the height of the volcano, and he only knew that the top of the volcano could not be seen, and he had yet to reach the bottom. Along the way, he saw plenty of bare stones, and almost every part looked the same. The land was barren, and there were no signs of life at all. The only thing that Lin Li found to be different was the rising temperature in the surroundings that seemed to increase as he made his way down.

After walking for a long time, the surrounding environment finally changed, and the stones on the ground had also become dark red, while the temperature became warmer. It felt like a piece of metal that had just been taken out of the furnace, making it impossible for anyone to stand on top of it. Although Lin Li was able to withstand the high temperature, he still had to use his Power of Flight to leave the surface of the ground. At the same time, he also clearly felt that the density of the surrounding fire element had reached a rather intimidating extent.

Although Lin Li had yet to encounter any obstacles so far, he still didn’t let his guard down. Even though he was flying, he was still maintaining a slow speed. At the same time, Lin Li was continuously scanning his surroundings, while his mental strength absorbed everything that was beyond his field of vision.

In fact, Lin Li had seen such an environment before, but with more fire element. Examples included the nests of the Salamander and the Crimson Python, as well as the cave that the Crimson Dragon was imprisoned in the underground palace of the Dragon Mountains. However, that was also why Lin Li was more careful and paid more attention to everything around him. If nothing went wrong, there would usually be extremely valuable things around in such places where magical elements were extremely strong. The environment of this world had been existing for thousands of years, and even the most common stones on the ground would soon become fire element gemstones, what more those that were spiritual in the first place.

As the fiery red in Lin Li’s field of vision grew more intense, Lin Li suddenly paused while advancing forward, and a look of joy appeared on his face. He then turned around and flew away to the left. Soon, Lin Li found dozens of stalks of grass that seemed to be made of red crystals. They had an ordinary appearance, and if it weren’t for the fact that they were of the same color as flames and were glistening, they would probably be no different from the weeds in Anril.

It was called the Fire Crystal Grass, and was actually not very valuable. Even the ones of highest quality were not rare in Anril. However, the emergence of the Fire Crystal Grass had confirmed Lin Li’s conjecture—since the Fire Crystal Grass could be found there, there might be other fire element herbs too. To Lin Li, the Fire Crystal Grass was not just a kind of herb, but also a sign of life in the barren world.

Of course, with plants around, there would definitely be animals too. Since the Fire Crystal Grass had appeared, there would also be fire elemental magical beasts. Besides, given the environment of this world where fire element was rampant, the fire element magical beasts would definitely be extremely strong as well. Hence, while Lin Li was feeling happy about the discovery of the Fire Crystal Grass, he was also a little more vigilant and cautious.

Although the value of the Fire Crystal Grass was not very high, it still wasn’t easy to obtain outside Anril. Although the Tower of Dusk had access to the largest source of herbs in the Elven Kingdom, the Elven Kingdom could not produce such herbs that would only grow in harsh environments. Besides, herbs with such extreme attributes were usually the culprits of the failures in potion concoction.

However, Lin Li was a genuine pharmaceutics Guru in Anril, and he could put the common tricolored flower to amazing uses, what more the Fire Crystal Grass. During the preparation of most potions alone, some Fire Crystal Grass powder would catalyze the reactions of the potions significantly as long as the right amount was added. Of course, if the amount added was not suitable, the pharmacist would end up failing, and an explosion would probably be inevitable too.

Hence, Lin Li did not let go of this opportunity to make money, and soon put dozens of Fire Crystal Grass’ stalks into the Ring of Endless Storm. Generally speaking, when collecting herbs, one ought to leave some roots and seeds behind so as to allow them to keep growing. However, Lin Li reckoned that once he took away the branch of the Tree of Eternity, the environment of this world would not be able to last for long. It would be pointless even if there were 10,000 seeds. Hence, he decided to take all of them away.

After harvesting some Fire Crystal Grass, Lin Li’s movement speed became slower; it was rare for him to come to such places, and he had no idea if he would have the chance to come again. Even if he did, the environment would have changed again. Lin Li was obviously not willing to miss out on any good things. Since he already knew how he could leave, he no longer had to worry about the sealing of the spacetime rift. Besides, the branch of the Tree of Eternity wouldn’t disappear, anyway.

There was no difference between day and night in this world, so Lin Li did not know how long he had been walking for. He only knew that the further he delved, the more he gained and stowed away in the Ring of Endless Storm. He had collected various fire-element herbs of good quality, such as the Fire Crystal Grass, Flame Flower, and Lava Grass. As long as he saw them, he would never leave any behind.

In addition to herbs, there were also various magical metals like Fiery Iron, Lava Adamantine, and many others, which Lin Li looked out for too. However, Lin Li did not spend too much time digging for them. After all, it was rather time-consuming to dig up a vein, and Lin Li could at most afford to spend 10-14 days there, and not years. Hence, he merely picked the exposed ones that were of high purity, and placed them in the Ring of Endless Storm.

Finally, when intertwining lava rivers began to form on the ground, Lin Li discovered the most valuable thing he had ever seen—two black lotuses of excellent quality. Compared to the previous items that he had gained, which were dispensable, the black lotus brought him even more joy and euphoria. For pharmacists, the black lotuses were definitely a godsend, and a single petal was enough to make a pharmacist go mad. Pharmaceutics Gurus like Lin Li would definitely need black lotus for their formulas.

However, the conditions for growth of the black lotus were extremely harsh, and it would be impossible to grow them at all if there was something wrong. At the beginning, when Lin Li was still in the Endless World, he put up a notice for black lotus, and offered a handsome reward to those who could find him some. He even activated the players of the entire world, but failed to get even a single petal. After coming to the world of Anril, Lin Li was fortunate enough to get some black lotus. However, even though he used the petals sparingly, he only had a few left.

The reason Lin Li had been searching carefully without missing any parts was mainly because he hoped to find some black lotus by fluke. After all, the environment was rather rare. It was connected to the fire elemental world, but Nefa was suppressing the fire Elemental Power. Hence, it was not entirely engulfed by flames, allowing some time for the herbs to grow. Although the fire element herbs thrived in hot environments, and the surroundings were full of strong fire element, they also had their own thresholds. It was just like how humans could stuff themselves to death. For example, if Fire Crystal Grass was placed where the black lotus grew, it’d be burned to ashes immediately, and in the real fire element world, it would almost be impossible to find any black lotus.

Although Lin Li now wished that he could keep the black lotus in his pocket immediately, he did not do so, because there was a Crimson Python with huge red wings not far away from the two black lotus plants. It was staring at Lin Li, the uninvited guest, menacingly. Lin Li had seen it before, and knew that it had fire attribute.

Generally speaking, an adult Crimson Python would at most be at level-18 or level-19, even though it carried the blood of prehistoric magical beasts. Even the mutant Crimson Python of the Blackstone Mountains had only reached level-20 after the awakening of its bloodline. However, the Crimson Python in front of Lin Li now was much bigger than the one he had seen. The scales on its body were like rubies, and it seemed to be about level-21 or level-22. Lin Li reckoned that it had to have consumed plenty of black lotus over the past thousands of years.

Actually, even if the Crimson Python was of level-21 or level-22, it would no longer pose a threat to Lin Li. Even if he chose not to use any debris of the stars, he would be able to kill it effortlessly.

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