Another World’s Versatile Crafting Master

Chapter 484 - Element Annihilation

Panda Novel

Gerian the fatty forgot to close his mouth as he looked on. He, who knew Felic better than most, secretly thought to himself, Damn it, he was only a level-7 or 8 mage when he first arrived in Jarrosus, and only started learning magic not too long ago. He seems to improve at a tremendous speed, and just like that, he has become a Legendary-mage.

Ever since Andoine, there had not been a figure like that in Jarrosus, and Gerian was upset that he had nothing boast about whenever he met other mages.

“Damn it, this Felic is from Jarrosus’ Guild of Magic; if we were to trace it all the way back and his teacher is Andoine, that old fellow’s from Jarrosus too.” After recovering from his shock, Gerian immediately started happily picturing what he could boast about in the future. “A Legendary-mage at the age of 20? None of the geniuses that the Guilds of Magic in Felan boast about can measure up to him.”

While the old fatty Gerian was happily thinking about everything he could boast about, the others in the Tower of Dusk saw hope. They saw how wonderful the future of the Tower of Dusk could be. A good background and backing were important in every occupation, and if one’s boss was influential, then they would be able to enjoy the benefits of it too, but if one’s boss was lacking, then there was a limit to how far one could go as well.

“Legendary, Legendary-realm indeed!” Gavin initially only joined the Guild of Magic because of Mr Basel’s request, and he was ambitious too. He had thought about taking over after seeing that Lin Li was so young, but after seeing how Lin Li dealt with the Syer Bandits, this thought had been banished.

The fact that the President was now a Legendary-mage did not only concern him. The Malfa Family was able to flourish because they had a Legendary-mage. The Tower of Dusk had only been established not long ago, and they had thought that they would have to work incredibly hard for a long time before they could enjoy some fame. Now that their President was a Legendary-mage, it would not only serve as deterrence to others, but also attract many mages who wished to receive some guidance from a Legendary-mage even at the expense of paying for it.

Gavin was elated and thankful at the same time; thankful because he had been discerning and did not leave a bad impression on the President, and elated because the reputation of the Tower of Dusk would be better now that the President was a Legendary-mage. Since he was the President’s right-hand man, his status would also rise accordingly.

Mr Basel was said to join as the Head Referee too, and then, once the Tower of Dusk had two Legendary-mages leading them, who would dare belittle them? Gavin was still an ambitious man, except that now, his ambition had become motivation for him to help the President manage the Guild of Magic well instead of vying for the President’s spot. When the Guild of Magic became more influential, so would he as the right-hand man of the President.

The other mages of the Tower of Dusk were all thinking about the same thing as Gavin as they all knew that having a Legendary-mage in the organization made a world of difference. No matter how powerful an organization was, if it lacked a Legendary powerhouse, then it would always seem to be lacking in foundation as though it might fall any time.

The mages of the Malfa Family finally understood why Hutton had emphasized time and again not to come into conflict with the people of the Tower of Dusk. They had thought that the Malfa Family had a Legendary-mage backing them, and thus they did not care much for a newly established Guild of Magic. Now, however, they realized that the Tower of Dusk also had a Legendary-mage, and a young one of only 20 years old at that.

Nobody could say for sure whether they would become an Archmage or a Legendary-mage or a Sanctuary Master. However, it was almost certain for a 20 years old Legendary-mage to become a Sanctuary Master as all he needed was time. After all, the God of Mages Geresco had received top-notch education when he was younger, yet he had only become a Legendary-mage at 30 years old.

The mages of the Malfa Family stared at the mages of the Tower of Dusk with envy and a tinge of awe.

Nothing was perfect in the world, and even though the Alchemy Colossuses were so powerful that even Lin Li would have a hard time going against them, he was an Alchemy Guru who knew everything there was to know about the Alchemy Colossus. There was no need to go head-on against them.

Lin Li immediately flew towards the four Alchemy Colossuses after he finished making the Disintegrating Array instrument. It was tedious to make an Alchemy Colossus, because it was very time-consuming, and that was not considering the various magical ingredients that were needed. It would be much easier to just steal them, especially since he did not have to disintegrate all the Alchemy Arrays on the Alchemy Colossuses, since he could just use the Disintegrating Array to disintegrate some of the core ones for the machine to become useless.

Given that Lin Li was an Alchemy Guru, it was all too easy for him to locate the core arrays on an Alchemy Colossus’ body.

Damn it, this was good stuff. Even though there were flaws in the arrangement of the Alchemy Arrays, it would save him a lot of time compared to actually building one. He could just modify it a bit, and maybe it would reach the Legendary level. Then, he would have another trump card he could use. Lin Li held the Disintegrating Array instrument in his hand, already regarding the four Alchemy Colossuses as his new possession.

These four Alchemy Colossuses could be controlled by any Magic Shooter, and if he could have four nearly Legendary-level Alchemy Colossuses to help him in battles, then they would definitely be a treasure of the Tower of Dusk.

Everyone’s attention was on Lin Li as they wondered how this young Legendary-mage was going to turn the tables around. Some of them thought that a Legendary-mage would easily capture the Alchemy Colossuses, but others were worried that he would not be able to do so, since even Legendary-mages differed from each other. While Lin Li was definitely a Legendary-mage, he was only 20 years old, and surely he must have only been in the Legendary-realm for a short while—it was worrying to think about how he was going to face four Alchemy Colossuses which were comparable to a Legendary magical beast each.

Even the enemy had stopped as the 10 Archmages hovered in the air, holding their magic staffs tightly in their hands as they anxiously watched Lin Li. The wide brim of their hats hid their expressions from the others, but if one were to look closely, they would notice that they were slightly trembling, and their hands were white from gripping their magic staffs too tightly. They had not thought that their opponent had a Legendary-mage, and nobody could ignore the strength of a Legendary-mage.

The four Alchemy Colossuses stood in a straight line beneath the 10 Archmages as the Alchemy Arrays shone on their bodies. Each machine was controlled by a human, after all, and even though their Alchemy Colossuses were almost as powerful as a Legendary magical beast each, the person controlling it was only an average Magic Shooter of about level-14, or maybe they had just reached level-10. The fear of a Legendary powerhouse was deeply ingrained in their souls, something that they would not forget even though they were sitting inside an Alchemy Colossus.

The whole battlefield became quiet, and even the injured had forgotten their moans of pain. Everyone’s attention was on the young man—the President of the Breezy Plains’ Guild of Magic, the owner of the Tower of Dusk, and the 20 years old Legendary-mage. The Legendary-realm meant that anyone who attained that level could become a legend in Anril, leaving their awe-inspiring story behind for others. Everyone present, no matter which side they were on, had to admit that Lin Li was indeed a legend amongst the legendary.

After the initial shock, however, Lin Li’s age made everyone’s fear of a Legendary powerhouse lessen in this case. He was only 20 years old, and even if he was born in Legendary-realm, then it would only mean that he had been in the Legendary-realm for only 20 years—not like that was possible. Sendros completely disregarded Cheyenne who was from the Malfa Family even though they were both Legendary-mages because Cheyenne had only been in the Legendary-realm for a few decades, while Sendros was much more experienced.

If the 10 Archmages ran into a Legendary-mage as experienced as Sendros, they would definitely run as far away as they could—or perhaps they would not be able to run at all. However, since they were facing a newbie Legendary-mage, and they also had four Alchemy Colossuses which were comparable to a Legendary magical beast, nobody could say for sure who would win. Hence, even after the shock, the people on both sides did not think that this Legendary-mage could really turn the tides of the battle.

The 10 Archmages hovering in the air exchanged a look with their leader, not needing any words based on the chemistry they had developed over the years. They raised their magic staffs in front of their chest almost at the same time, and the magical crystals on their magic staffs started glowing with a faint light as they chanted. The four Alchemy Colossuses also raised their arms and aimed them at Lin Li, the Alchemy Arrays on their arms lighting up one by one as mana was channeled into them.

The 10 Archmages and the four Alchemy Colossuses all aimed at Lin Li, waiting for him to approach before they’d strike quickly. Maybe it would not be a fatal blow, but it would definitely show the opponent that even a Legendary-mage would not fare much better against them.

As Lin Li flew closer and they were getting ready to release their magic, they suddenly heard Lin Li chant. They were in shock, but they could not stop their magic spells, either, and thus an avalanche of magic was hurled at Lin Li.

A flurry of magic rained down on Lin Li as though he was at the bottom of a funnel. Yet, none of those spells—be it ice, fire, wind, or lightning elements, and no matter how powerful they were—could approach within half a meter of Lin Li. They could not see what was blocking the spells, as the latter seemed to dissipate naturally.

“Element Annihilation!” some people exclaimed in shock at the sight.

Element Annihilation was not a foreign magic to mages; more accurately, it was not usually in the form of magic that most mages knew it, since it was usually used in mageweaths. The Element Annihilation worked as its name suggested, eliminating the effect of magic within a certain area. In places where mages practiced magic or dueled, Element Annihilation mageweaths were often used to prevent damage to the buildings.

While this magic was commonly seen, it was hardly used in the form of spells, as the chants were difficult even for a Legendary-mage. There were many Archmages present, and the 10 Archmages from the Syer Bandits were close to the Legendary-realm, so while they did not know how to use this magic, they definitely had a deeper understanding of it than others.

Seeing that their magic had no effect on the opponent at all, the black-robed Archmages all had a look of shock on their faces. They were aware just how difficult this magic was as even the difficulty in casting the spell would place it in the top 10 most difficult spells amongst all the spells in Anril. The unusually long and complicated chant was not the main reason why this was such a difficult spell—the truly intimidating thing about it was its ridiculous elemental structure. This meant that more mental strength had to be devoted to it, and it required more mental strength than an average Legendary-mage had.

This Element Annihilation spell was forcefully converted from the field of Inscription, and that resulted in the difficulty of casting it. It was like linguistic translation—while it only took one word to describe something in one language, it might require a few words to describe it in other languages.

One had to have an incredible understanding of the element structure in order to use the spell, and understanding the element structure of an Element Annihilation spell would require a deep understanding of the study of mageweaths. Lin Li did not lack mental strength, and he had devoted a lot of time and effort to understand element structures. On top of it all, he was also a Guru in mageweaths; hence, the Element Annihilation spell was really nothing particularly difficult for him.

What were they to do now?! No matter what spell the black-robed Archmages used, they could not cause any harm to Lin Li at all. If he had used a magical shield of sorts, he might become dizzy due to the impact of the explosions, but due to the Element Annihilation, the magic dissipated even before it had the chance to do anything. They could only curse at him silently while they watched Lin Li fly towards the Alchemy Colossuses on the ground.

Someone could not help but ask, “What is he trying to do!?”

It was something everyone wanted to know as well. This was because the Element Annihilation prevented the user from casting spells aside from rendering others’ spells harmless. This was the reason why the spell version of the Element Annihilation was not highly regarded by people, and thus nobody thought to improve on it.

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