Another World’s Versatile Crafting Master

Chapter 423 - I Don’t Believe

Panda Novel

Furthermore, Hutton had personally witnessed the exchange between the two people. Although Felic managed to achieve a draw with Sendros, it was a fact that he had his mental strength drained in the process. If Sendros cast another spell on Felic upon descending from the sky instead of patting his shoulder friendly, that mage should have turned into a corpse by now.

The difference between level-19 and level-20 was not one that could be balanced out by strong mental strength. This fact should be common sense to Adelo. How could he spout such a childish nonsense? Could it be that he damaged his brain due to the dangerous journey?

“Nothing is impossible…” Adelo emphasized. He knew that it was difficult to convince Hutton. In hindsight, the happenings in the Scar of Death were so unrealistic that it was hard for himself to believe everything. Hence, Adelo did not insist that Hutton be on the same page as him.

“At the beginning, my thinking was similar to yours. I thought that a mage aged 20 would not be able to become a hindrance to us, for I could easily pin him down with my abilities. But, my mindset changed shortly after we encountered a large group of Vampires…”

“A group of Vampires? Didn’t teacher Cheyenne tell us that most of the Undead creatures in Scar of Death had already been eliminated?”

“Mentor Cheyenne was wrong,” Adelo said as he shook his head. “Throughout these 20 years, the Undead creatures in Scar of Death actually multiplied. It was as if there was a mysterious force that enhanced the abilities of those Undead creatures. The Skeletal Warriors there were around level-8, and the horrifying Vampires we met were level-13…”

“Erm…” Hutton frowned. If those words came from other people, Hutton would ignore it casually, or take a revenge on them for harming Mentor Cheyenne’s credibility. However, when the man before him was Adelo, he could not help but consider those words seriously…

Adelo started following Mentor Cheyenne since he was a teen. Now that 20 years had passed, his loyalty to Cheyenne had surpassed that of anyone else. He would adhere to anything his mentor say, even if it would cost him his life. Now that he was saying that Mentor Cheyenne was wrong, it meant that he was really wrong…

However, the thought of level-8 Skeletal Warriors and level-13 Vampires was one that seemed impossible.

It was not uncommon for Undead creatures to level up. As long as they could obtain an unlimited supply of soul fire, they would be able to surpass their present capacity and reach the next. For instance, one of the three Skeletal Lords of the Shadowglen rose to where he was from engulfing sufficient soul fire. Yet, how many Skeletal Lords could there be in Anril? Soul fire could strengthen the abilities of ordinary Skeletal Warriors. For one to rise to a Skeletal Lord, it had to engulf many other Undead creatures that were at the same level in the process.

These Skeletal Lords were lucky enough to have survived to this stage, and thus were one in a million. Hence, how could Adelo be making sense when he said that the entire place was filled with Undead creatures that had reached the cap of their abilities?

“Furthermore, apart from Vampires, there were many Death Knights, among which the stronger ones had reached level-18. I thought we were dead… Then, it was Mage Felic who stepped out. He used a level-21 spell and eliminated all the Vampires…”

“Twen… twenty-one?!” Hutton exclaimed in shock.

“That’s right, level-21, the Eternal Light Spell.”

“I… I don’t believe it!”

Hutton felt as though he was turning crazy. It was already absurd enough for a 20 years old mage to reach level-19. Hence, it had to be impossible for him to cast a level-21 spell! Adelo should have suffered a trauma in the Scar of Death to spout such a nonsense. That should be it!

“I did not believe it at first, but that is the reality. He used the level-21 Eternal Light Spell to eliminate hundreds of Vampires instantaneously, and made a group of Death Knights submit to him. Oh, yes… I forgot to tell you that Mage Felic brought the group of Death Knights out of the Scar of Death as well. Amongst them, the weaker ones are at level-15, and the stronger ones are at level-18…”

“That’s nasty…” Hutton commented as he drew a deep breath.

“That was what made Vanskore’s attack so foolish. Even if Mage Felic were not to interfere, the group of Death Knights would kill them within 10 minutes.”

“What happened afterwards?”

“We went into that cave, and met a Lich at the spot Mentor Cheyenne talked about. That Lich summoned a Humerus Wyrm there…”

Adelo started to talk about how they discovered the altar, how the Lich fell from the sky, and how surprising the battle was. Along the way, Adelo also answered Hutton’s questions. The recount of his journey in the Scar of Death ended only in the late evening.

“To be honest, I’m really shocked. Although we have been together in the Scar of Death for so many days, I still could not judge how powerful he is. He has too many secrets. Every time I thought I knew his background, he would give me a bigger surprise, such as casting a level-21 spell and employing Legendary-realm powers. This makes me start to wonder if there is anything in the world he is not capable of…”

“That is because he hasn’t met someone stronger than him…”

“I know what you want to tell me…” Adelo said as he smiled helplessly. He had been with Hutton for more than a decade. How could he not know what was on Hutton’s mind? “Do you think that Mage Felic would have died if Sendros had had the same perspective as you?”

“Could that not be so?”

“That’s because you have only met Sendros, and not the Humerus Wyrm. I saw it with my very own eyes that when I was standing behind Mage Felic. When Sendros descended from the sky, one of Mage Felic’s hands was already on that oil lamp, ready to summon the Humerus Wyrm. Yet, the crucial part lies in his other hand. I don’t know where he hid it, but every time he did so, he would create impossible occurrences like the level-21 Eternal Light Spell and the sudden appearance of Legendary-realm powers…

“I dare bet my life that if Sendros had attacked Felic back then, he would’ve been the one to die instead of the mage.”

Hutton remained silent. He stared at Adelo in a daze as though he was trying to figure out Felic’s real identity in his eyes.

After 10 minutes of silence, Hutton spoke. “Senior Brother, it is not that I do not want to believe you, but what you said sounds really unbelievable. Why don’t you return to Aminya first to speak to Mentor Cheyenne?

“Oh, yes. Senior Brother, did you suffer an attack from any mental spell when you were in the Scar of Death?” Hutton asked in a serious tone.

“Forget it, I knew you wouldn’t believe me…” Adelo said as he shook his head in disappointment. How could he not know what Hutton was implying? By suggesting that he return to Aminya City, it meant that Hutton hoped Adelo would stop interfering with the activities in the Blackstone Mountains.

Adelo did not have a strong objection to it. Furthermore, he planned to hand the Immortal King’s treasure map over to Mentor Cheyenne.

“I will return to Aminya tomorrow…” Adelo replied. “Hutton, please stop going against Mage Felic. Now that Vanskore is dead, and Sendros’s action turned out to be a misunderstanding, I feel that he shouldn’t be greatly offended. If you were to challenge him, I’m sure he wouldn’t give you any chance to regret…”

“Yeah, I will be careful,” promised Hutton.

Even without Adelo’s reminder, Hutton had no plans to challenge Felic for the time being. Now that he knew that Sendros had a close-knitted relationship with that fella, it would be the end for him if he were to enrage that Necromancer in the Legendary-realm.

There would be a lot of chances for him to deal with that Felic in the future.

“That fella wanted to kill you…” Sendros spoke in a very casual tone. It was as if the matter was not one which concerned life and death, but a possibility that somebody had the intention to borrow some money.

“I knew it long ago…” Lin Li replied as he pursed his lips unaffectedly.

One would not expect from their calm expressions that they were discussing something as serious as murder. No one would have expected that the “fella” mentioned in their conversation was the first heir of the Malfa Family, the mage with the greatest potential in the Breezy Plains, Hutton.

It could not be helped, though. Sendros’ rationale was different from that of normal people to begin with. To him, this type of things did not deserve to be invested greatly. If Hutton had the intention of challenging Felic, he could just kill him with ease. If the Malfa Family were to show any sign of disapproval, he could also eliminate them in the process.

As for the small favor he owed Cheyenne, he could repay it easily through other means. It certainly was not as important as Felic’s safety. Sendros knew that Felic was the strongest Pharmacist of Anril in history, and could very well break into the Guru realm within 10 years.

He was a man born to rewrite the history of pharmacy! The Malfa Family would be nothing in comparison to Felic.

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