
Panda Novel

“You’re saying that the mage’s name is Felic?” Vanskore had only heard half of it before he stood up suddenly.

“Why, you know him?”

“Of course I do…” Vanskore teeth were clenched in anger. “Do you remember the previous time I came to Aminya City? I told you about this unknown mage in Black Clouds Town who seemed pretty powerful, and that I was trying to get him to join the Syer Bandits…”

“Yeah, I do.”

“In order to get him over to have a talk, I even sent a group of trusted men, but guess what? That bastard did not even bother with my invitation, and killed all 30-odd men! Damn it, that bastard does not respect the Syer Bandits at all. If not for your letter asking for help, I would have brought men to Black Clouds Town to teach him a lesson!”

“Isn’t that great? You won’t have to make a trip to Black Clouds Town now that Felic will arrive at the campsite in about an hour’s time. You can do whatever you wish then…” Hutton lowered his voice, and added, “Also, Master Sendros will be helping out as well, so don’t worry about this Felic escaping…”

“Sendros?” Vanskore could not help feeling a chill run down his spine when he heard this name…

Honestly speaking, it would be an honor for Vanskore to fight alongside a Legendary-mage, but why did it have to be Sendros? There was no trace of life in this man, and he was a creature that seemed more like a corpse than a human. Even looking at him gave Vanskore nightmares, much less fighting alongside him…

When he thought of how scary Sendros was, Vanskore could not help but grumble at Hutton. Fancy doubting what the Syer Bandits were capable of after having worked together for so many years! He had even brought all the elites of the Syer Bandits in order to help Hutton this time, and they would be more than enough to deal with 10 mages, much less a young mage in his twenties! Why did he have to bring that monster Sendros into the picture?

“Master Sendros has already agreed.” Hutton could tell what this ruthless bandit was thinking with just one look, but he could not explain anything to Vanskore in such circumstances, and thus that was all that he could say.

“…” Vanskore lost his voice after hearing that.

There was no way he could say no to this. Who was Sendros, after all? A Necromancer in the Legendary-realm, and the most powerful High Priest of the Darkness Shrine! Who would dare go against his words? They would have to be tired of living…

Vanskore was both happy and afraid when he walked out of the tent—happy because he would finally have a chance to vent his anger, and afraid of the monster that was Sendros at the same time. While gathering his men, Vanskore could not help but think that he would be plagued by nightmares for a while after this…

Vanskore was indeed a good working partner as he had brought along almost all the elites of the Syer Bandits to help the Malfa Family. There were over 300 men, and they were all above level-10, including a dozen who were above level-15. They were a formidable force no matter where they were.

All 300-plus men were Bandits who were experienced with breaking into homes, and thus they were naturals at sneak attacks. Vanskore only used 10 minutes to arrange everything, and soon, the road leading from the Scar of Death to the campsite was covered with traps.

As the sky darkened and the blood-red sun sank beneath the horizons, all the bandits held their breath as they waited quietly for the fight to start.

There were suddenly another dozen or so figures alone the rocky mountain road of the Scar of Death.

“Mage Felic, thank you so much for your help and for letting me copy down the treasure map of the Immortal King. I’ll be sure to tell my teacher Cheyenne everything when we get back.” Adelo thanked him continuously as he had owed him a huge favor indeed. After all, this Mage Felic could very well have taken both relics at the Scar of Death and killed Adelo and the other two Warriors…

No choice. The difference between their strength was too huge indeed, so there was no way they could have defended themselves. A Legendary-mage and a Humerus Wyrm, that was power far beyond what an Archmage like him could comprehend. The Legendary-mage did not even have to lift a finger, either, as all he had to do was to summon the Humerus Wyrm, and they would be smashed to pieces.

Luckily, this Mage Felic was merciful indeed…

He did not attack them after getting both relics, and even graciously allowed him to replicate the map.

It seemed like he would have to tell Hutton that this Mage Felic was a man worthy winning over. It would be worth any price they had to pay if they could do it.

Oh, right, he would have to get Hutton to teach his brother a lesson this time. That was a stupid move on Harvey’s part indeed. How could he offend him without making sure whom he was dealing with? He almost got himself into huge trouble. Thank goodness that this Mage Felic was merciful, and did not take what Harvey and Hahn did to heart…

“Mage Felic, you’re very gracious indeed…” Adelo was in a good mood, and could not help praising the man in his heart again.

“You’re too kind, Mage Adelo…” Lin Li had a humble smile on his face, but he already sent a Warlock’s Eyes to scan the surroundings of the rocky mountain road.

After he reached level-19 in the fight with the Lich, Lin Li realized that his mental strength became much more sensitive. It was as though he suddenly had another pair of eyes, allowing him to react quickly to whatever happened around him—just like earlier, when he stepped on the rocky mountain road, for he could already sense that there were hundreds of pairs of eyes staring him down, full of malicious intent…

Lin Li would not feel it so clearly in the past, but after he reached level-19, all of this could be seen clearly by him. He could even tell for certain how powerful the owners of those eyes were.

Under his control, the Warlock’s Eyes swept through the bushes at an incredible speed, and it was only a moment before it detected nearly 10 traps ahead of them.

So much effort too. Lin Li chatted with Adelo as though nothing was happening while he silently praised them in his mind.

Much effort had been put into making these traps indeed. Unfortunately, this effort was misplaced. While these traps stood a chance against an average person, they were useless against a level-19 Archmage—terribly futile.

Lin Li was perfectly capable of destroying all of them with just a snap of his fingers.

The only reason he did not do so was because he was in no rush…

He thought that it was too time-consuming to seek them out one by one. Why not just wait for all of them to reveal themselves…?

Of course, he could pull a few tricks to make them reveal themselves faster…

It was about 200 to 300 meters away from the road leading to the Scar of Death. This was where the first toxic fume trap was laid—right at the end of the road. When Lin Li neared the trap, he coincidentally tripped on a rock, and fell unceremoniously…

Then, a “pop” was heard before greenish toxic fumes started spreading along the mountain road, and covered the surroundings in a pungent stench. Lin Li was entirely engulfed by the fumes as he was right at the front.

Then, a piercing sound followed as hundreds of arrows flew towards the green toxic fumes.

Adelo had been walking alongside Lin Li, but just as they were reaching the trap, Lin Li picked up his pace and created a gap of a few meters between the two. It was only because of this gap that Adelo had been spared from the burst of toxic fumes.

When the hundreds of arrows came firing, Adelo conjured up a Frost Shield, and thus even though he was the nearest to Lin Li, he was left unscathed even after the violent attacks.

“Mage Felic, are… are you alright?” Adelo’s face was pale, and his voice trembled as he already guessed who was behind these attacks.

The Malfa Family’s campsite was less than 300 meters away. Given how cautious Hutton was, how would he allow anyone else to set up a trap here? Adelo was willing to bet his life that this attack was permitted by Hutton.

Adelo was ready to die at this moment…

What was Hutton thinking? How could he think of attacking now, and even use such terrible methods? He was dealing with a Legendary individual who’d got rid of a Lich by himself! What good would such terrible methods do besides angering him?

Unfortunately, it was all too late now as the terrible ambush had become reality, and Adelo could not stop it even if he wanted to. He could only pray that this merciful young mage could be merciful yet again and forgive Hutton for being a fool.

However, just as Adelo was praying, a strong wind started blowing within the green fumes, and Adelo heard the young mage he’d thought merciful begin chanting…

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