Another World’s Versatile Crafting Master

Chapter 332 - Peculiar rate of mana recovery

Panda Novel

Everyone stood in the room with a blank expression as they were still deep in shock due to what had just happened. It was the most mind-blowing experience of their whole lives—could a human really cause a Humerus Wyrm to melt? Was this a joke… Well, even if they did tell someone about it as a joke, they would probably be laughed at for being childish.

But this was the truth: the young mage named Felic had melted a Humerus Wyrm just like that, and it all happened right in front of their eyes—they even remembered all the details clearly. From the melting of the first bone to the Humerus Wyrm disappearing into a green puff of smoke, it was all too real to be a dream…

And amongst the 20-odd people in the room, Jason was the most overwhelmed.

As one of the best Adventurers in Doland, he had seen and heard more than the average person, and while he could not decipher what that light from before was, he knew how terrifying the power of a Humerus Wyrm was. Right… and the world covered in corpses, he was sure that it was the legendary Magical Domain…

Jason felt a chill run down his back at the thought of the word “Magical Domain”…

Think about it…

That bit of light had killed the Humerus Wyrm and tore through the Magical Domain of a Legendary-mage! What kind of strength was that? That was no strength a mortal should possess.

Jason did not dare imagine what kind of monster could hold such strength. Perhaps this monster would shake up the whole of Doland, and even Breezy Plains, soon…

He would have to report this to the Adventurers Guild when he returned. This fellow was much too dangerous. Jason even thought that he was probably more so than the nightmare of the Breezy Plains, the Ashen Warlock. While the Ashen Warlock held devastating power, he lived a solitary life and disliked contact with people—as long as nobody was dumb enough to trifle with him, they would not have to worry about his existence. The fellow in front of Jason, however, looked nothing like a solitary man…

Right, this fellow had mentioned something about Breezy Plains’ Guild of Magic…

Jason had thought nothing of his words at first, but after the Humerus Wyrm was melted and the Magical Domain torn open, Jason felt like something was not quite right as he repeated it in his mind. His expression suddenly changed. My God, don’t tell me that the Supreme Council has finally decided to extend their influence to the Breezy Plains?

No way, I have to report this to the Adventurers Guild soon… Jason could not keep a calm expression as he thought of the scary tales from the Dark Ages.

At this moment, however, Sienna was silently rejoicing at the side.

He could not believe that he was still alive.

One had to know that he was nowhere near friendly towards this young mage, and even though he looked respectful at times, he was always thinking of something else. Given the intelligence of this young mage, there was no way he could not tell, which was why he had suddenly turned against Jason and him just before entering the Bell Tower. Sienna could not help breaking into sweat at the thought of it—he had already drawn his machete, waiting for Weathor to grab this guy before he sliced through him…

Fortunately, Weathor had been too weak, and was hit by magic before he could even retrieve his daggers. Otherwise… Sienna would have been dead by now if he had really slashed at Lin Li with his machete…

Sienna mopped the sweat on his forehead as he silently celebrated.

The over 20 Adventurers were still deeply in shock, while Jason and Sienna were both lost in thought. At that moment, the atmosphere in the room seemed unusually strange as everything seemed to come to a standstill save for the trembling skeleton.

“Right, where is Mage Felic…?” The strange silence was broken by Jason after some time. After his enquiry, everybody suddenly realized that the person who had single-handedly killed the Humerus Wyrm and saved them all was lying in a heap on the floor, with Norfeller standing guard by him.

“Oh no…” Jason and Sienna were dumbfounded as they quickly gathered around him. Lin Li’s face was pale and his breathing was weak; if not for the faint heartbeat, everybody would have thought he was dead. The scariest thing was that neither Jason nor Sienna could detect any magical wave from him—it was like the person lying on the floor was no more than a weak man instead of a powerful mage.

“What do we do?” Panic was evident on Sienna’s face. They had met a Humerus Wyrm. Who knew what other scary creatures could be hidden in Syer Town? It would not be an issue if Mage Felic was around, but should anything happen to him, it would be difficult for Sienna and his men to return to Roland City alive…

While Jason said nothing, he was no less strung up than Sienna. Of course, he was not worried about whether he could return alive. In fact, he was worried about the legendary Supreme Council’s reaction should anything happen to this young mage…

“There shouldn’t be a problem. Mage Felic has overdrawn his mana while using magic previously…” Rotiah’s voice was weak, but her words set Jason and Sienna at ease immediately.

“That’s great, that’s great…”

Time went by. Nobody knew how long later it was before they heard a faint whimper as the sky was just turning bright.

“Master, you’re awake!” Norfeller was the first to realize that Lin Li had awoken, and a rare expression of happiness appeared on the high-ranking Vampire’s face.

“Wonderful, Mage Felic, you’re finally awake! How do you feel?” Jason and Sienna quickly gathered around him again as they, too, sported expressions of happiness.

“Well, terrible…” Lin Li rubbed his temples as he frowned deeply. It was a terrible feeling; he had never exhausted his mana so thoroughly ever since his coming to Anril. He even had to tear at his mental strength to squeeze out the last of his mana, and after it had been released, Lin Li felt empty, like everything in him had been sucked away…

Lin Li had never understood why Andoine placed much importance on how he used every ounce of his mana, nor had he understood why all the other mages were so passionate about techniques to conserve the use of mana until today. Only after he experienced the feeling of truly exhausting his mana did he understand how pathetic a mage who had lost all his mana was—it was like turning from a god to a helpless mortal, like he had just died once…

But this should only be temporary.

After all, it was just the usual exhaustion of mana that every mage would encounter; it was only because Lin Li’s mana was somewhat different that he had not encountered this before. Now that he had, he was finding it hard to adjust to it, but given his mental strength, he should be able to make a complete recovery soon.

Truth was, as Norfeller was helping him up, Lin Li could already feel that his mana was slowly coming back.

In fact… the speed of recovery was much faster than usual: it felt as though he had broken past another bottleneck, and now that he had, more and more water was gushing out of it at once…

Lin Li thought it was a misconception at first, but soon he realized that it was not the case—his mana was indeed recovering at a much faster speed than he expected, probably boasting more than 30 percent increase in speed. It was too huge an increase for Lin Li to think it false.

What’s going on? Lin Li’s brain was muddled. He knew that, based on his mental strength, the usual speed at which his mana recovered was already shockingly fast, but to think that such a strange thing would happen after exhausting his mana this time round. It seemed like he would have to discuss this with Andoine some time soon after they returned.

While his mana was recovering at a frightful speed, the effects of depleting his mana were still lingering. Truthfully, Lin Li felt his head throbbing ever since he had woken up. It was like somebody had knocked him out with a hammer, and there was a constant buzzing sound in his ear that resulted in him having to tilt his ear toward the person speaking in order to try and hear them. This made Lin Li look at Jason and Sienna with some suspicion. “The two of you didn’t beat me up while I was unconscious, right?”

“No, no, no…” This question almost scared the two of them out of their wits as they denied repeatedly while shaking their heads, their faces turning pale. Is this a joke? No matter how brave we are, we would never do such a thing! Isn’t it just like suicide?

“It was just a joke, don’t be so nervous…” Lin Li had never thought that his joke would scare the two of them so much, and could not help feeling awkward all of a sudden. Fortunately, he was a shameless guy, so after laughing at it, he quickly changed the topic. “Right, where’s the old Lich?”

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