Another World’s Versatile Crafting Master

Chapter 1205 - Where Did This Clown Come From?

Panda Novel

“See, I told you not to take this guy here,” said Connoris, who, as a demon deity, supposedly had a strong tolerance level. However, at this point, he couldn’t quite stand Angelano anymore.

Unlike Angelano, Connoris could be considered a handsome man. His current body was the perfect body that Highlord Osric had created, and the perfection was not only reflected in his strength, but also in his flawless appearance. After all, the High Elves were a beautiful race to begin with as the men were incredibly suave, while the women were gorgeous. Highlord Osric was an impressive figure himself, so the perfect body he prepared definitely wouldn’t be inferior.

Lin Li took his subordinates on a shopping trip on the streets. One was revoltingly hideous and looked ridiculous, while the other was a handsome dreamboat. Yet, their master Lin Li seemed to belong with either. Of course, Lin Li wouldn’t be jealous of them, but the thought of taking the two of them to the market made him feel troubled and helpless.

At this moment, Lin Li couldn’t help but think of his two Undead servants. If he was accompanied by Ujfalusi and Norfeller, others would probably be quick to shun them given their cold Undead aura, so they wouldn’t attract any attention.

However, as soon as Ujfalusi returned, he started getting busy with refining the Ice Phoenix’s corpse, though he had no idea what would come out of it at the end. Apparently, he intended to combine the corpse of the Ice Phoenix and Humerus Wyrm Crimson to create an unprecedented Undead creature, and then combine the two to reach the Sanctuary-realm using their power.

Although Norfeller was already a Sanctuary powerhouse whose strength was in the middle of the Sanctuary-realm, he had only recently stepped into the Sanctuary-realm, so he needed some time to let his body adapt in order to fully exert his power.

No matter what, Lin Li, Connoris, and Angelano finally arrived at the Gift of the Sea market. When they got there, there were finally fewer people who looked at them. After all, commoners generally wouldn’t visit this place, and the patrons of the market were often those who were capable or competent figures of status. Hence, they wouldn’t surround them and gawk at them like nobodies who hadn’t seen much of the world.

“Indeed, it’s the Divine Sea Pillar,” said Connoris, who saw the so-called Divine Sea Pillar that Lin Li had seen previously soon after they entered the market. However, there was only one Divine Sea Pillar left in the store now because Elder Zumar had already bought the other one.

Hearing Connoris’ words, Lin Li stopped in his tracks, and turned to look at the Divine Sea Pillar in the store before asking Connoris, “What’s the matter? Is there any special use for that thing?”

Connoris smiled, glanced at Angelano, who was scrutinizing the rare metal, and then said to Lin Li in a softer voice, “Felic, I’m sure you’re well aware of the power of the Divine Sea Pillar even if I don’t tell you about it. This thing is really not very useful for you.”

When Lin Li visited the market last time, he saw the Divine Sea Pillar, and was aware that it was used either for ships to suppress the wind and waves, or for mages who specialized in water elemental magic to comprehend the laws of the sea. None of its functions was useful for Lin Li, so it wasn’t worth his gold coins. Lin Li was rich, but he wasn’t a wastrel, so he would only spend money when necessary, or it would be a waste.

“Yes, this thing is indeed of little use to me, and it’s not worth spending so much money on,” Lin Li said with a nod as he told Connoris what he was thinking.

However, after hearing his words, Connoris shook his head, and said, “This thing is of no use to you, but it’s very useful to that dwarf. Think about it carefully, I believe I don’t need to say anything more.”

As the saying went, two heads were better than one. Lin Li frowned slightly after hearing Connoris’ reminder while mentally linking the Divine Sea Pillar to Angelano’s Alchemy Colossus. The power of the Divine Sea Pillar helped with the comprehension of the laws of the sea, but the Alchemy Colossus definitely wouldn’t need it. So, the function that would be useful for the Alchemy Colossus would be the resistance to wind and waves. On land, Alchemy Colossuses were definitely the most powerful steel monsters, but on sea, they could not exert massive power. Hence, if the Divine Sea Pillar was used on the Alchemy Colossus, it would be able to exert power on sea as it did on land!

With that thought in mind, Lin Li gradually stopped frowning, while his eyes were filled with a tinge of excitement. If his theory worked, he would be able to create a terrifying Titan-level Alchemy Colossus that could move freely on sea and exert great combat power, even without a major increase in power!

Seeing that Lin Li and Connoris suddenly stopped in their tracks, Angelano, who was dressed in comical armor, shook his head and walked over. He asked, “What are you guys dawdling about? There isn’t any good stuff here, let’s go in and take a look elsewhere.”

“Angelano, let me ask you, can that Alchemy Colossus go onto the sea?” Lin Li asked in a bid to confirm something in case Angelano’s Alchemy Colossus had an incredible ability to fight in the sea. If that were the case, the Divine Sea Pillar would not be of much use to him.

“Go on the sea? What a joke, it’ll sink! Is there something wrong with your brains?!” Angelano panicked immediately, afraid that Lin Li would develop funny ideas again. Alchemy Colossus were steel giants, not alchemical warships. If they were thrown into the sea, they would definitely sink and be destroyed. As the controller, he would definitely drown to death as well.

Hearing Angelano’s words, Lin Li knew what the answer was, and he pointed at the Divine Seal Pillar while asking, “Do you have a way to put that thing in your Alchemy Colossus?”

Although Lin Li also had studied and gained a deep understanding of the Alchemy Colossus, Angelano, who was the owner of the Alchemy Colossus, would definitely know better in terms of understanding its structure. The Alchemy Colossus was not a big box that could fit anything. Although the Titan-level Alchemy Colossus was as large as a hill, its structure was very precise, and could not be altered haphazardly.

“What is that?” Although Angelano had also lived for tens of thousands of years, he really might not be able to compare with Connoris and Lin Li in terms of knowledge, especially that of the products of the sea. The Goblins might have prospered on land before, but they had yet to reach the level of expanding to the Endless Ocean, so he naturally had very little understanding of the sea.

Lin Li patiently told Angelano in detail about the power of the Divine Sea Pillar. Angelano was confused at first, but after hearing that the Divine Sea Pillar could allow his Alchemy Colossus to travel on sea and dominate it as if on land, his eyes gradually lit up too.

“Hey, Boss, give me that Divine Sea Pillar or whatever it’s called!” Angelano exclaimed without hesitation after hearing Lin Li’s introduction. He didn’t even consider the price of it at all.

Angelano had already calculated and planned everything thoroughly. He was now in the Gilded Kingdom which was a kingdom at sea. If his Alchemy Colossus could move in the sea, he would have another means of survival in this place that was surrounded by the vast ocean!

However, after hearing Angelano’s exclamation, the owner of the store said in disdain, “Get lost. Where did this clown come from? Go elsewhere to make trouble, don’t affect my business.”

It was not that the owner of the store did not want to sell his items, but rather that he felt that Angelano’s appearance and outfit were really too funny and ridiculous. Hence, he thought that Angelano was a clown who performed for donations at the Sea Market. Besides, he felt that Angelano was too casual about the purchase of the Divine Sea Pillar, which was considered a treasure of the store—its price was sky-high, and not something that everyone could afford.

“What? Clown?! You’re a damned catfish monster, what right do you have to call me a clown? Do you do anything about aesthetics? My outfit is so popular with the ladies, how dare you call me a clown?!” Angelano flew into a rage as soon as he heard the owner call him a clown. He pointed at the catfish-headed boss and stomped his feet furiously.

Although Angelano’s colorful armor did make him look like a clown, no one had ever dared to call him a clown in his face. In the Tower of Dusk, everyone knew that he was a brilliant master of alchemy who was also the president’s prestigious guest. Hence, they merely thought that it was a special interest of his to wear that comical costume. Meanwhile, since Lin Li had blatantly attacked and insulted the Gilded Kingdom, its people naturally did not dare to provoke the people of the Tower of Dusk.

As a result, Angelano really thought that his armor was opulent and dazzling, giving him the confidence to whistle at the passing women when they were in the market. When he saw them smiling back at him, he felt that his ego had been fed. However, a catfish-headed Sea Clan member actually called him a clown now. Angelano obviously couldn’t take that lying down.

Although the owner of the store indeed had the head and the face of a catfish monster, he was naturally also immediately provoked when he got insulted. He immediately wanted to attack the dwarf Angelano and kick him out. However, before the shopkeeper could do anything, a group of people came in from outside the store led by a luxuriously dressed man, who was obviously a nobleman.

Although the Catfish Clan was from the Sea Clan, it was different from the other Sea Clan members. They basically each had their own territory on sea, especially the overlords of the seven seas that also occupied the boundless ocean. However, the Catfish Clan did not occupy their own territory, though their presence could be found in every territory of the Sea Clan. The Catfish Clan sold sea specialties for a living, and their businesses spread throughout the four seas. Their existence also provided a great deal of convenience for the Sea Clan because they were not implicated even during the great battle at sea.

For the Catfish Clan, business was the most important, and everything else would be secondary, even if there was a major feud. Hence, when the Catfish-headed owner saw a human nobleman walk in, he knew that there was potentially going to be a huge business deal for him. He stopped paying attention to Angelano and walked up to greet him. “Dear distinguished guest, what would you like to look at?”

Seeing that the catfish-headed boss actually ignored him, Angelano was filled with greater displeasure as he scurried over, and yelled, “Hey, catfish monster, did you hear me? Bring that Divine Sea Pillar over, I want it!”

Not wanting Angelano to affect his business, the owner had no choice but to toss a silver coin at him in disdain. “Okay, take this money and leave quickly, don’t affect my business!”

The silver coin made a crisp sound as it rolled towards Angelano’s feet. Dumbfounded to see the silver coin, Angelano turned to look at Lin Li, and asked, “Hey, do I look so much like a clown?”

Lin Li and Connoris both nodded affirmatively.

At this moment, the human nobleman who entered, looked at the catfish-headed owner with glistening eyes, and said, “You have the Divine Sea Pillar here!? Where is it? I need to purchase a decorative ornament for my castle. The Divine Sea Pillar sounds like it could match my castle, I’m going to buy it!”

This nobleman is really impressive, he wants to buy the Divine Sea Pillar without even asking about the price, and he even wants to use it as a decorative object for the castle!

Hearing this, the catfish-headed owner’s eyes lit up immediately, as if he wouldn’t be at ease unless he ripped such an impressive nobleman off. He rubbed his hands, bowed forward lower, almost drooling, and said, “I can tell that you have a good taste and judgment. This Divine Seal Pillar is the condensation of the laws of the sea. With it…”

The catfish-headed owner sang praises for the Divine Sea Pillar, making it sound as if there was only one of it in this world, and that the owner thereof would immediately become a deity who could rule the world.

After hearing his long speech, the nobleman waved his hand impatiently, and said, “I don’t care what it is, as long as it matches my castle and no one else has it, that’s enough. I can’t be bothered to hear your long-winded speech. Name your price.”

The catfish-headed owner choked on his saliva, but he didn’t show a single trace of dissatisfaction on his face. Instead, he said with a subservient smile, “Yes, yes, the Divine Sea Pillar is really rare. Since you like, I’ll sell it to you at the lowest price I can go, 43,000,000 gold coins.”

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