Ancient Godly Monarch

Chapter 1729 - Heavenly Deities Giving Lectures

Translator: Lordbluefire  Editor: Lordbluefire

Everyone respectively gained the approval of the heavenly deities but Qin Wentian discovered one point. These heavenly deities treated Jun Mengchen, Little Rascal and the close friends around him more warmly. As for the Darknorth Immortal Emperor, Evergreen Immortal Emperor and the others of the elder generation, they didn’t seem to be able to attract the interest of the heavenly deities. Many could also see this point. These elders could only sigh in their hearts. In the vast rivers, the later tides would always push the earlier tides. The judgements of these heavenly deities were extremely accurate, clearly able to tell that their talents were lower compared to the juniors.

Naturally, although they weren’t really paid attention to, these heavenly deities would also promise to guide them on cultivation. For example, the Futian Battle God chose an expert from the Battle Saint Tribe to inherit his will but he was also alright with guiding the other members of the Battle Saint Tribe in cultivation. There wasn’t any conflict here, it seemed that he intentionally wanted to take care of everyone or maybe, he wanted to nurture more experts so there would be more hope for Azure Mystic. Ultimately, everyone either inherited the will of a heavenly deity or had their approval to follow them for cultivation. Everyone with the exception of Qin Wentian.

“What about you, why don’t you release your astral souls?” A heavenly deity noticed Qin Wentian. Qin Wentian was the last one and wasn’t chosen because he was the lead character in the prophecy. The return of the undying was referring to him and these heavenly deities naturally also paid the most attention to him. It was just that they chose to settle everyone else before turning their attention to him.

“Mhm.” Qin Wentian nodded lightly, releasing his incomparably resplendent astral souls. For a period of time, light illuminated this entire space, it was extremely dazzling.

A devil god, a spatial gate, a supreme sword formation, a thousand-armed buddha, a pair of phantasm eyes, a divinity of light, an ancient tree of life…

His seven astral souls were all of the same luster and were extremely blinding. Also, they all came from the eighth heavenly layer with no exceptions. When he released his astral souls, this entire space fell into temporary silence. The eyes of all the heavenly deities turned to him, unable to remain calm in their hearts. Such powerful astral souls were rarely seen. Even for them who were heavenly deity characters, despite living for such a long time and having vast experiences, they had never seen such a fearsome group of astral souls. Qin Wentian’s law attribute energy would far surpass those on the same level as him, his source origins would naturally also be more powerful as well. If he could comprehend a world heart and gain insights into heavenheart mandates, he would surely surpass all his peers and be invincible among world overlords as well.

If he ascended and became a heavenly deity, he would definitely be able to crush all deities beneath him.

“When the return of the undying is here, Ancient Azure Mystic shall reappear and bring peace to all the thirty-three heavens.” Everyone involuntarily thought back to that ancient sounding voice that spoke the prophecy. This voice reverberated in their minds, seemingly capable of passing through time.

Was this the choice made by the Imperishable Heaven Lord? How did she manage to predict this?

“Everyone, who will guide him?” The Skybreak Heavenly Deity asked.

“Since he is the person selected by that existence, the main character of the prophecy, there’s no need for us to guide him. Skybreak, since you are the one who brought him here, why doesn’t your will just follow him for now. If we have time, we can all also share our insights with him.” Futian Battle God spoke.

The eyes of all the deities flashed, in fact, everyone really wanted to guide Qin Wentian in their hearts. He was such a good seedling, who didn’t want him to inherit their will? But because he was the person in the prophecy and was already considered the ‘undying successor.’ In that case, no one would be able to pass their will to him. By making the suggestion whereby all the heavenly deities would be sharing insights with him, the Futian Battle God was satisfying the hearts of everyone as well as taking care of the Skybreak Heavenly Deity.

“Qin Wentian, what is your opinion?” The Futian Battle God stared at Qin Wentian as he asked.

“I will follow the arrangements of all of you seniors.” Qin Wentian replied.

“Alright then. Skybreak, you don’t have any objections, right?” Futian Battle God asked.

“No problem.” The Skybreak Heavenly Deity nodded. He naturally wouldn’t have any objections. Since his will would be the one following Qin Wentian, he would naturally do his best to guide this ‘undying successor.’

“Over here other than him, who had broken through to the empyrean realm and comprehended source origins, all the others are still stuck at the immortal emperor realm. Why don’t you guys give them some dao lectures and allow them to enter some of the secret realms here to temper them in order to aid them in breaking through?” The Futian Battle God spoke. He then continued, “However, in order to avoid a shaky foundation, it’s best that everyone doesn’t interfere when they are in the process of comprehending their source origins. In the end, they still need to depend on themselves to gain the necessary insights. Only then would they truly understand the source origins of their laws. If we force things, there might be a negative effect instead. Everyone here is a heavenly deity and I believe you guys don’t need me to talk about how to guide juniors. Just remember not be hasty and have short sighted vision, seeking instant benefits.”

The other heavenly deities naturally understood. Actually, the Futian Battle God’s words had another meaning to it. Other than warning the juniors, the last sentence of his words also told the heavenly deities not to be hasty.

“Right. Currently, the experts from the Supreme Ancient Immortal Realms are already here but they would still need a period of time before they find this floating city. During these days, we will do our best to guide the juniors.” The Skybreak Heavenly Deity spoke.

“Okay. Let’s give a dao lecture to them before the divine statue of the Imperishable Heaven Lord. I hope that she would be able to see what we are doing and bless us in our quest to restore Azure Mystic.” The Futian Battle God spoke as everyone else nodded. The illusory-looking spirit projections formed from the wills of the heavenly deities all sat down cross-legged. Qin Wentian and the others also sat down.

“Futian, you be the one to give the lecture.” A heavenly deity suggested. Futian nodded his head. He glanced at Qin Wentian, “Have you told them your experiences about how to break through to the empyrean realm?”

“Yes.” Qin Wentian nodded.

“All of you, close your eyes and sense your surroundings.” The Futian Battle God spoke, the others all respectively closed their eyes.

“Enter a meditative state, sense the air around you, the gentle breeze, and everything else.” The Futian Battle God slowly spoke as everyone followed his instructions, quietly sensing their surroundings. They naturally knew how to meditate, this was the first step everyone had to learn the moment they stepped upon the martial path. Only through meditation could one sense the astral energy of the nine heavenly layers and condense an astral soul.

It’s just that now in this place, their perceptions were even stronger than before. They could sense everything in their surroundings extremely clearly. They then continued in this state for some days.

“Everything you guys are sensing now, are source origins of different laws.” The Futian Battle God slowly continued. The hearts of everyone trembled, everything they sensed during these days were all actually source origins?

“Source origins are the true nature of laws. Forming laws with a single thought, my will is heaven’s will. In fact, it just means that it’s a perfect fusion of our energy with the energy from heaven and earth. Source origins exist everywhere and come in a myriad of forms. They can be gentle, they can be violent, but once you comprehended them, you can transform them to whatever you will them to be. The gentle wind could become sharp swords, the weak raindrops can penetrate through divine armors. Only by truly comprehending the source origins of your laws can you be considered to have reached a true connection with heavens and earth, entering the empyrean realm. By that time, you would have transcend the ordinary, your will would be the representative of heaven’s will.”

What sort of character was the Futian Battle God? His senses were naturally much stronger compared to Qin Wentian, his understand deeper and his lecture clearer. Just a simple few sentences caused everyone to feel a sense of being enlightened. For example for characters like the Southern Phoenix Matriarch who had been stuck at the peak-stage of the immortal emperor realm for many years, she felt that she was already very close to a break through.

Just like what these heavenly deities has said earlier, the reason why these people had a low cultivation base wasn’t definitely because they had weak talents. It was simply because they basically didn’t have any opportunities to come in contact with existences of higher cultivation realms and didn’t have the slightest idea what the later cultivation bases were like, they didn’t even know if a higher cultivation base existed. Since they had never even seen it before, how were they going to break through? Unless, there was a bout of good fortune aiding them.

After the Futian Battle God lectured, the other heavenly deities also started to do the same, sharing their own insights. All of their lectures were different. These lofty existences had never once so patiently explained dao lectures even to world overlords before, let alone a bunch of immortal emperors. To them, immortal emperors were simply too low level.

When all the heavenly deities finished their lectures, many emperors here were currently in a wondrous state. If you didn’t manage to enter this state after a heavenly deity gave his lecture, what about two heavenly deities, three, four? There would surely be a heavenly deity that once had insights that could stir the hearts of these immortal emperors. It was tough even if they didn’t want to have an epiphany. Such beneficial conditions like so many deities giving dao lectures, was something even those from the heavenly deity race didn’t have.

A group of heavenly deities gathered together just to explain their insights to juniors. How could there be anywhere in the world better than this? This was undoubtedly an extremely beneficial condition to the juniors.

Upon seeing the immortal emperors entering the state of epiphany, all the heavenly deities smiled. At the very least, their comprehension wasn’t too bad. After they awakened, the heavenly deities decided to send these emperors into some secret realms to temper themselves while showing examples of the insights they gained. They didn’t believe that these emperors wouldn’t be able to break through then? If they couldn’t even enter the empyrean realm despite all of these factors, these heavenly deities wouldn’t have the face to meet with anyone anymore. Their purpose was naturally to help the peak-stage emperors to break through by comprehending the source origins of their various laws. For those with weaker cultivation bases, they had to step into the peak-stage of the immortal emperor realm first before attempting a break through to the empyrean realm.

Futian Battle God glanced at Qin Wentian again and asked, “With regards to the World Overlord Realm, how much information do you know?”

“Junior doesn’t know much. I only know that in order to step into the World Overlord Realm, one must first comprehend a world heart and gain insight into a Heavenheart Mandate.” Qin Wentian replied.

“What are world hearts? What are heavenheart mandates?” The Futian Battle God asked again.

“I heard that one must fuse their source origins to form a brand new energy and from there, gain insights into heavenheart mandates.” Qin Wentian didn’t really know much about the world overlord realm.

“That’s merely the most basic of understandings. If this is the case, how would those people who only cultivated a single-type of law energy be able to breakthrough?” The Futian Battle God asked. Qin Wentian started, he had never thought of this before. Although those who cultivated only a single type of law energy was very rare, they do indeed exist. Could it be that they really weren’t able to break through to the world overlord realm?

“Also what exactly are world hearts and heavenheart mandates? What connection do they have? So if one wants to break through to the world overlord realm, should they first comprehend a world heart or first comprehend a heavenheart mandate?” The Futian Battle God continued asking. Although Qin Wentian knew about the world overlord realm and had even felt the sensation of power of a heavenheart mandate, he discovered that he still didn’t know many things.

If he couldn’t even be sure of these questions, how can he even breakthrough to the world overlord realm?

“Actually, there’s another saying for world hearts. They are considered the world domains of overlords. After becoming a world overlord, you would have a world heart and gain insights into heavenheart mandates. For example, if your laws have something to do with illusions, you can cause your surroundings to become a world belonging to you alone with just a single thought. This domain draws its energy from the power of your heart, you could create a world of illusion, and everyone inside there would live in that illusion, forever not knowing the truth. Unless, they have the same cultivation level as you do and can sense the heart of your world domain.”

Futian continued to explain. Qin Wentian instantly thought about the Heavenly Talisman Realm, was this a realm formed by the world heart of an overlord-level expert?

“World hearts and heavenheart mandates complement each other. If humans were trees, world hearts would be their roots and heavenheart mandates would be their branches and leaves. A world heart is one’s heart domain, while heavenheart mandates were insights into laws that could be directly applied in your attacks.” Futian Battle God patiently spoke. He then continued, “In addition, there’s no difference in priority for world hearts and heavenheart mandates, it’s the same no matter which comes first. To the vast majority of overlords, their understanding is the same as what you said earlier. They would first fuse their source origins into a new type of energy, gaining insights into their heavenheart mandates before their world heart is born. But there are also unique existences whose understanding of laws sprang from their heart. They would first ascertain what kind of energy they want to cultivate. After that, they choose to form their world hearts first before gaining insights into the heavenheart mandates they wish to comprehend. For those who choose to form their world hearts first, these existences are extremely rare among world overlords because the requirement for one’s comprehension ability must be exceedingly high!”

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