A Summoner Awakens [A Card-Based GameLit Progression Fantasy]
Chapter 7 [Three Questions]
Chapter 7 [Three Questions]
I chuckled at the man's sudden revelation. Whether he was giving more away than he meant to in his drunken state or simply wore his heart on his sleeve, I couldn't tell. Either way, the man was an open book, and I found his reactions amusing.
With airy steps, I backed into the fog and circled around my opponent. He continued to swing his weapon, stumbling about as he scowled, yet somehow always managing to keep me at his front.
What insanely high Perception... Tough to imagine what this man could do if he were serious. His soul must be well-developed for a Wielder who's only just begun his ascent, but he's a bit... Is this boozer really from the Order..?
He continuously shifted his awkward stance, never allowing me to get behind him. I was running out of time. This duel needed to end before Overcast timed out. Seeing as there was no escaping the drunkard's acute senses, it was time to change tactics. I Dashed toward him, leaving the fog's shelter and thrusting my blade toward his chest.
"S'bout time ya came outta there, ya brat!" the man grinned and flicked his wrist. The branch whistled through the air, smacking the tip of my sword so forcefully that it was ripped from my grasp. It spun into the air, and I put all my strength into my legs, somersaulting above the man and narrowly avoiding another strike to the gut while following behind the spinning sword. Then, from the corner of my eye, I saw him turn abruptly and bend his knees to leap after me. I couldn't let that happen.
My head ached as I pushed Dash to its limits, turning my body to face the man, upside down as I was. The heel of my boot caught my sword's hilt, and I used all the force I could muster to kick the blade toward the man. It screamed through the air, whistling like an arrow as it closed the distance. His eyes widened, and he dove forward awkwardly, scarcely avoiding the deadly projectile.
I strained my soul further, stopping my momentum and forcing Dash to withdraw before its Effect was drained. As the Effect ended, gravity took over, and I plummeted, landing squarely behind the man as he completed his roll. He hadn't been prepared to dodge and stumbled clumsily to his feet as his dive ended. I dropped low, spinning and sweeping my leg toward his shins before he could regain his balance. In the same movement, I Pulled my blade.
My weapon dislodged from the earth and again flew in the drunkard's direction, its tip aiming for the man's shoulder. I grinned, knowing I had the man. This fight would end without me revealing my trump cards, and I could get some answers.
Then, our eyes met.
For a brief instant, his eyes were clear of the drunken haze, and I knew I'd been wrong. Our bout wasn't over. The drunkard's muscles tensed, and the air between us exploded. He kicked powerfully off the ground while simultaneously tilting his body back.
My leg struck nothing as his body whirled, carrying him safely above my sweeping kick and below my flying blade. I cursed and snatched the hilt of my sword as it sailed overhead. The man's feet hit the ground... and he vanished.
"Behind you!"
At David's sudden warning, I dropped to the ground and felt the rustling of the wind above me. I dove forward and spun to find the man inspecting a tear in the rags he wore. There was a small spot of blood there.
"That almost 'ad me, it did. Hic! Not bad at all," he ran a hand through his unruly hair and stumbled slightly. "Fuckin' 'ell. This mess is gonna wear off soon, yeah?"
I didn't answer. There were less than twenty seconds on Hex, though that cut to his side did manage to reset Affliction and further drop his Agility. That didn't leave me long to finish this, and I didn't plan to lose this match, regardless of his higher Foundations.
"You're a tough one," I chuckled and lifted my blade, shifting my balance, so my body tilted slightly forward. "It seems I'm being discourteous by not giving you my all."
"Oh ho, holdin' back, were ya? Well, come on then. Let's 'ave it." The drunkard held his branch before him and lifted his other arm, holding his palm out. I didn't need an invitation.
I sprinted forward, my chest low to the ground as my legs pushed me as fast as my Foundations would allow. Then, with a huff, I threw my sheath as hard as possible toward the man and looked away.
Bright light filled the space between us and tore a hole in the mist. I revoked the skill almost instantly before its Effects could diminish my Shroud. A heavy thud echoed from the center, followed by a grunt and the sound of wood splintering. The man's weapon was shattered. He'd lost his reach.
Kel grunted in annoyance and tossed the shattered limb off to the side. His eyes were watering, and he could barely see the shape of the young man closing in. He leaned back, scarcely dodging the youth's blade as it whistled toward him.
The boy's strikes were muffled by whatever skills he used, making it tough to keep up with the flurry of strikes that followed. Kel stepped back, blinking rapidly and trying to regain his vision while evading the rapid attacks. Then, suddenly, the sound of the blade ceased.
Kel took the chance to rub the tears away. He opened his eyes and-
"Bloody hell!" Kel jumped back from the apparition that hovered just inches from his face. He could feel his Will being attacked, but its appearance was so sudden that he didn't have the chance to resist.
Before he could recover, Rowan was on him. Kel stumbled back, barely avoiding the sword's point as his arms wheeled. He almost regained his balance before the next assault, and then...
Something snatched on his legs, and Kel fell to the ground. His back slammed into the dirt, and his breath left his body. He tried to stand but felt the tip of a thin blade pressed against the nape of his neck.
"Damnit, kid. 'ow did you-" his voice trailed off when he saw what had tripped him up. Several vines had broken through the soil and wrapped tightly around his legs. He chuckled and turned toward the youth as the sword was pulled away.
Rowan stood behind him with an amused smile. A small Pixie sitting on one of his shoulders, giggling. Over his other shoulder, Kel could see the young apparition that had spooked him hovering upside down, grinning and obviously trying not to laugh. At the same time, whatever status Effects he was under lifted, and his senses cleared. He didn't believe that to be a mere coincidence.
"Boy," Kel shook his head and rose to his feet. "Lookin' at you's just like lookin' at Charles. Spittin' image, I'd say. Anyway, ya passed. Ya won, fair an' square. Ask what ya want, an' I'll answer best I can. Ya got three questions. After that, I'll say what I need to an' be on me merry way."
"David. Rosie. Thank you both for the assistance," I dismissed my Summons before withdrawing Overcast and rescinding the other Cards that were currently active. The drunkard stood a few paces away, digging through a large brown satchel. I hadn't even seen him retrieve it from the base of the tree. "I go by Rowan, though I'm sure you're already aware. And you are?"
"Call me Kel, mate," he didn't look up from his rummaging as he spoke. He pulled a large flask from the bag and shook it gently. A sloshing sound came from the container, and he grinned merrily. "I knew I 'ad another. Now, what is it ya want first, lad? Let's get this bit over with."
Only three questions? I considered the man for a moment while going over the little I'd learned about grandpa Charles and the Order. It wasn't much. I should hear him out first. No point wasting a question that he might answer on his own.
"How's about we hear what you have to say first?" I looked around for my companions and saw Nathaniel leaning on a tree at the edge of the clearing. Aurora sat beside him, whispering something to Nathaniel and staring daggers at Kel.
"Ya got the makin's of a good crew," Kel tossed something toward me, which I caught with my free hand. I wasn't surprised when I saw what it was, an ebony badge in the shape of a pointed heart with a stem jutting from the top. "That ought to show I am who I say I am. Normally, you'd be showin' me yours before we have this chat, but I know who ya are."
I nodded and tossed the badge back to him. He shoved it in his bag and sat cross-legged on the ground, motioning for me to do the same. Not wanting to be rude, I followed suit, casting Cleanse on myself as I did so. The dirt and grime built up during the fight vanished, and I felt more at ease.
"Ya want yer friends 'ere fer this?" Kel asked, uncorking his flask and taking a large gulp. He smacked his lips and wiped them on the back of his sleeve.
I shook my head, "Not that I plan to keep secrets from them, but it's not time."
The drunkard nodded, "That's fine, then. Just keep it in yer 'ead that once ya bring someone into the Order, yer responsible for 'em. Now, onto business. Ya passed yer test, so yer good to be one o' us if that's what ya want."
"If I have to be honest, I don't know enough to make that decision," I shrugged. "Though, as long as it won't interfere with my plans to ascend, I have no qualms."
"Right then," Kel pulled another item from his satchel, this one a small pad. "First, ya gotta meet with the young miss down at That Damned Bazaar in Grandhardt. Show 'er that badge Charles left ya, and she'll give ya the ins and outs of the Order. Don' be approachin' no one else until ya talk to her, yeah? What Charles left makes you look like a higher rankin' member, and those that don't know ya might smell that somefin's off. Wouldn' be good to lose yer 'ead fer somethin' simple as that."
I blinked a few times. The note that grandpa Charles left said that I could access specific amenities in many of the Church of Damnation's establishments. I found myself glad that I hadn't attempted it.
"That's basically it," Kel flipped the pages in his book and scratched his head. "Could've sworn there was more. Well, must not be important then. You go ahead an' ask yer questions so we can get outta here."
If this man is really part of the Order, I'm anxious to see what the rest are like. I traced my thumb around my cane's handle, considering what I should ask the man. It may have been a waste of a question, but I couldn't help but ask, "How did you get involved with my grandfather?"
"Startin' with the 'ard ones first, are we?" Kel chuckled. "There ain't much to that story, actually. Charles got my ass out of a bind with the Inquisitors and gave me a choice to either follow 'em or be on my way. Naturally, I chose the former. He needed a man that 'adn't yet ascended."
I studied the man as he stared into the canopy of leaves above us. Part of me wanted more detail, but that would have to wait until another time. He took another drink and met my gaze.
"I like ya alright, mate, but I don't plan on sittin' 'ere all night exchangin' pleasantries. So let's get on with it, yeah?" he rolled his shoulders and looked toward the stairs. "I've 'ad enough of bein' yer nanny. It's high time I get movin'."
"How long have you been watching me?" I asked.
He quirked a brow, "Strange thing to ask. Don't care to know about the Order? Not that I can answer much. I'm jus' the muscle."
I shrugged, "I'll learn about the Order on my own. I'd rather know more about you and your relationship with my family."
Kel looked at me for a long while, even downing another two swigs before responding, "I can't tell ya much about yer family, lad. I've been watchin' since you were a wee babe. Charles left shortly after you were born, an' yer pops tried to chase after 'em. Yer ma passed early. That's about it. Nothin' ya don't already know."
"I only knew Charles briefly, but he was a good man. Loved you lot, he did," Kel looked at the ground. "He left to keep you and John safe. Lot o' good that did. Said someone was after 'em. Worried Charles enough that he cut all communication with the Order, aside from 'is Party, that is."
Someone was after him. That goes with what his letter said, but...
"You haven't heard from him, then?" That struck me as odd. "Does that mean that he doesn't know about my father? How can you be sure he's alive?"
"That's three questions," Kel smiled sadly. "But yer right. As far as I'm aware, Charles doesn't know about yer pa. He went dark after givin' me my orders. Said the next batch o' Floors would take time to prep for. As for whether or not the old bastard's alive..."
The man rummaged through his bag again before standing and shuffling toward me, "If this 'ere goes cold, that means his body 'as, too."
He offered his hand, and I took it, allowing him to help me to my feet. A warmth spread throughout my palm as Kel shoved an object into my grasp. When he pulled his arm away, I found that I was holding a tiny silver marble. Warmth radiated from the sphere, and I recognized it immediately. A Life Bead.
[Name: Life Bead]
[Class: Bound Relic]
[Rank: 1]
[Description: A keepsake for loved ones. Informs the holder of the Bound Wielder's condition.]
[Effect 1: The Wielder Binds this object. This item will emit a soft warmth as long as the Wielder draws breath. Should the Wielder perish, the stone will grow cold. Bound to Charles Wilder.]
This is... I looked up, intending to thank the man, but he was gone. The shuffling of two pairs of footsteps sounded behind me. Smiling, I stored the bead in a concealed pocket and turned to my companions.
"Rowan! Is everything alright?" Aurora called as she jogged up beside him. "Who was that man?"
"Just an old friend of the family checking up on me," I chuckled and nodded to Nathaniel as he closed in. "Is everything sorted?"
"Ready to go if you are," Nathaniel nodded.
"Very well then," I threw my bag over my shoulders and took one last look around the clearing. "Let's head to the Third Floor."
Kel watched the group ascend from his place in the upper branches of the forest. That Rowan had surprised him. Though he knew of the Pixie, the boy had already managed another Summon in the short time he wasn't watching. He turned up his flask and chugged down the rest of the contents.
A mighty roar left him as the air escaped his stomach. The tree shook violently, and he could hear its leaves falling all around him.
"Bloody hell," Kel shook his head in surprise. "...Maybe I should stop drinking."
He laid back on the broad branch and crossed his arms behind his head. Looking at the ceiling had become a habit of his over the years, and he couldn't help but feel giddy as he did so.
Just how much stronger would he become? And could he really reach Charles before they made their move?
Either way, this was it. He was finally going to begin his ascent. The world started to spin as the effects of that last drink washed over him. He groaned and closed his eyes.
"But first... a nap."
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