A Bet with Slutty Evil Being!

191 Chapter 191: Call upon Thy!

Power stones☺�☺�☺�☺�


Thaddeus, the Gluttony demon, had a rather unusual appearance. He was dressed in a dark blue jumper with buttons and wore thin, baggy trousers that flapped around his legs. He didn't bother with any shoes or armor, but despite his disheveled and revolting appearance, he exuded an air of confidence.

Aureal, a beautiful yet pallid Fallen Angel, described Thaddeus' appearance to her companions, Nyssa and Lauryn, as they continued their journey.

As they walked, a rodent-like monster suddenly sprang out from behind a boulder, attempting to attack Aureal.

She swiftly swung her hammer, bringing it down on the monster's head, shattering its skull on impact. The creature's blood began to boil as it came into contact with the searing heat of the sun.

Thaddeus' strange and slender frame was accentuated by the bluish-green mane on the side of his head, which was styled like a crown, jutting skyward.

Despite his seemingly fragile build, he had previously ambushed Jessica and her companions with a group of vile creatures that didn't seem to belong to any of the rings. But he appeared to be pretty confident even without any armor or weaponry.

As soon as the newcomers appeared, both Lauryn and Nyssa quickly took action to confront them. They knew they had to be prepared for whatever was to come, but also hoped for the best outcome.

Despite the uncertainty of their opponents' strength, it was clear that Aureal was the strongest among them, with her skills and power that came from being a Fallen Angel.

Nyssa felt a sense of discomfort in admitting that Lauryn had more authority than her, but she knew it was the truth. Lauryn had more experience and a stronger presence, making her a natural leader.

It was a fact that Nyssa had learned to accept and even respect. As for Aureal, it made sense for her to fight one of the demons, rather than the Djinn foe, given her strengths and abilities.

Nyssa was determined to engage in combat with Thaddeus, the demon possessing the sword they were searching for. She wanted to win the sword for her fiancée, which she believed would make him happy.

She assured Lauryn that she would take care of Thaddeus, as he was the more troublesome of the two demons due to his countless repulsive and vexatious servant beings.

Lauryn nodded in agreement and took on the task of facing the Djinn foe. She knew that the Djinn was already on his way to her, and she prepared herself mentally and physically for the upcoming battle.

Meanwhile, Nyssa remained focused on Thaddeus and wondered why he carried the sword around with him. She shared her thoughts with Lauryn and expressed her desire to battle Thaddeus.

"Don't worry, Nyssa. You can take him down," Lauryn said confidently. "And who knows? Maybe we'll learn more about why he's so attached to that sword in the process."

Lauryn's eyes widened with excitement and anticipation as she watched the Djinn slowly making his way towards them. She knew that this would be no easy battle, but she was ready to face it head-on. Her brow furrowed in concentration as she tried to recall something that seemed to be at the tip of her tongue.

Finally, she remembered an ancient incantation that would give her the boost she needed to defeat the Djinn. "I agree," she said to Nyssa. "He does remind me of something, and I think I know just the thing to defeat him."

Lauryn took a deep breath and began to recite the incantation, her voice ringing out clearly and confidently.

"I call upon thy personal pact

Existing among those who are avoided and in the shadows

The unconquerable majesty of Wendigo!"

The Wendigo was a creature that had been created from people themselves, formed through an action that was frowned upon in the human world.

It possessed incredible strength, agility, and stamina, which made it a formidable opponent in the hunt. When Lauryn called upon the covenant of Wendigo, she was granted the same abilities that made the creature so powerful.

As the Djinn drew closer, Lauryn felt a surge of energy coursing through her veins. Her muscles bulged with newfound strength, and she felt more agile and nimble than ever before.

She raised her weapon, ready to face the Djinn in battle, and knew that with the power of Wendigo on her side, she could emerge victorious.

With a boost from the Wendigo pact, Lauryn leaped off a nearby rock, propelling herself towards the Djinn with incredible speed and agility.

Her blade was aimed directly at the Djinn's chest, poised to strike with deadly force. As she closed in on her opponent, the Djinn was taken aback by the sudden attack and his guard was momentarily down.

However, the Djinn quickly regained his composure and was able to fend off Lauryn's assault. The Djinn's skin was an unusual shade, somewhere between tan and blue, and was adorned with intricate black tribal tattoos that covered his entire body. His eyes glinted with a mix of surprise and admiration for Lauryn's impressive display of strength and skill.

Undeterred by her failed attack, Lauryn circled the Djinn warily, keeping her eyes fixed on his every move. She knew that the Djinn was a formidable opponent, and she would need to be quick and agile to avoid his attacks while waiting for an opening to strike.


(A/N: Hello guys done reading. If yes, send a power stone, 1 power stone is pretty enough we just have to increase fan value on the novel, so 1 or 2 power stone is enough, and you can comment too it is like just one time, but if you like the novel I won't mind if you send more stones, and plz don't forget the gifts.)

Thank you very much for all your support.

I will upload 5 extra chapters for every 1 magic castle� . If someone is interested and want extra chapters. You know what to do. � �

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