Victoria doesn't quite know where Megumi Kato went after exchanging identities, but Xia Solstice can probably guess it.

He brought his lunch box and Megumi Kato's school bag, and went to the club classroom with Victoria, and sure enough, he found the figure of the girl here.


After listening to Xia Zhi's general account of the situation just now, Megumi Kato showed a slightly troubled expression.

"What should I do?"

Look, you're causing trouble to others.

Xia Solstice looked at Victoria like this.

The girl looked away a little weakly.

Just when she was about to apologize to Megumi Kato, she heard the other party continue to say~ said:

"However, it has already happened, so there is no way - right? "

“...... Huh?"

Victoria was stunned for a moment, tilting her head slightly.

Forget it?

Xia Zhi on the other side couldn't help but complain.

"Don't you care?" he asked.

Megumi Kato shook her head: "The scandal of someone like me is worthless, and everyone will forget about it in a few days." "

Xia Zhi shook his head: "You can't say that, the value is also relative to people." "

It has nothing to do with who it is, value has always been subjective, if it is a stranger who has never known him, then no matter how he is, it is insignificant to people he does not know.

"Megumi is very important to me. Xia Zhi comforted her.

Megumi Kato blinked and didn't speak.

Victoria, who was on the side, looked at him with a change in his eyes.

Your girlfriend is next to you, isn't it a little too much to say that other girls are important to you in front of her?

Feeling her gaze, Xia Zhi coughed lightly and changed the topic casually:

Moreover, the value of a scandal does not depend on one person. "

After all, scandals are a matter of two people.

It's like a celebrity falling in love with an ordinary person, of course no one cares about the scandal of an ordinary person, but it's different if his love object is a star.

"Is the scandal on the summer solstice valuable?" said Megumi Kato's eyes with a hint of doubt.


That's just as well.

Xia Zhi thought about it, and he didn't care.

"Speaking of which, is it okay for you to be like this?"

He beckoned Victoria to sit down beside him, returned Megumi Kato's bag to her, and took out his lunch box and placed it on the table.

Although there were more people, because Megumi Kato prepared a small bento for the teenager as before, and Victoria herself brought the lunch she made especially for the summer solstice, the lunch was not only not insufficient, but also much richer.

"Because Miss Victoria wants to experience student life. "

Megumi Kato replied absentmindedly, and after standing up, she naturally picked up the black mug that belonged to the teenager with the number fourteen printed on the table next to her, looked at him and asked, "What do you want to drink on the summer solstice?"

"Coffee was fine. Xia Zhi replied.

Speaking of which, in addition to black tea, the only drinks prepared in the club are instant coffee, right?

The black tea was brought by Yukino from home, and the most recent one is not the same as the previous one, and it seems to be sponsored by Yono? As for the coffee, it was bought by himself after Xia Zhi joined the club and saw that there was only black tea in the club.

The variety is still a little less, so find time to prepare more, right?

He thought to himself.

"Where's Miss Victoria?" said Megumi Kato, looking at the gray-haired girl. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"It's the same as the summer solstice, I'm sorry for you. Victoria thanked her and replied.

Then, her gaze shifted to the white mug that belonged to Megumi Kato on the other side, which looked somewhat similar, and tilted her head slightly.

It looks like it's the same style as the summer solstice?

Was it bought in the same store?

"But then, you're going to have to stay here for a while, right?"

Taking the coffee handed by the girl, Xia Zhi looked at her and asked.

In the eyes of others, Megumi Kato should be just a strange girl from another school, right? There is no way to return to the classroom, and if she is seen by the security guard or the teacher walking around the school at will during class, there is a high probability that she will be shouted and questioned, and it is not impossible to even be kicked out.

"It's PE class this afternoon anyway, so it's okay to stay here...... It's a good time to catch up on the homework you missed yesterday. Megumi Kato replied.

Unlike Xia Zhi, she is just an ordinary female high school student, and of course she will feel anxious and troubled when the final exam is approaching, not to mention that she took a day off yesterday and missed a lot of homework.

If you don't do well in any of the exams and are left for tutoring during the summer vacation, it will be bad...... There shouldn't be any failed subjects on the summer solstice, right?


Xia Zhi took a sip of coffee gently, and the sweet and delicious taste spread in his mouth, with a warmth and mellowness, which made people have an endless aftertaste...... It is perfectly blended according to the taste of the public, and it is the taste of standard industrial instant coffee.

Since Megumi Kato himself said so, he has nothing to insist on

It's just that there's one more thing he's concerned about

"Still, can you at least talk to Victoria and ask her to bring you lunch?"

The girl left temporarily, without the schoolbag containing her lunchbox. If she hadn't noticed this and brought her lunch with her, she probably wouldn't have had lunch at noon, right?

"Now you can't go back for the time being, what if I don't find you and I'm hungry in the afternoon?"

Victoria doesn't know where the girl went after swapping identities with her, indicating that Megumi didn't even think about asking her to help her bring food.

Don't want to bother others?

Or did she actually forget about it at the time?

Xia Zhi thought so and got the girl's answer.

"It's okay. "

Megumi Kato shook her head slightly.

"Because ......"

She paused for a moment, her clear eyes stared at Xia Zhi's eyes, a soft smile appeared on her face, and she smiled and whispered:

“...... Didn't you find me?"

... Again....

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