In the end, Natsuori left with a puff of breath after dropping the sentence "I'm going to cook...... By the way, he also took Elluk away.

Xia Solstice is a little strange, isn't he praising her beauty in disguise? You know, Kaguya is one of the most beautiful people in his aesthetics, why are they angry when they look like them?

Also, what did you do when you pulled me Elok away?

It can't be that Kaguya has nothing to eat at home, so you have to make up for her, right?" he complained in his heart.

"Why don't you catch up and comfort me?"

Suwako looked at the girl's departing back, looked at him and asked.

Xia Zhi shook his head: "Xia Zhi's words, it's okay. "

...... Judging by the degree of anger

If you change to Xana or Youngori, it won't be so easy. He sighed in his heart~

"Fake anger?" Suwako tilted her head slightly.

"Not really. Xia Zhi thought for a while and replied, "It's true to be angry, and it's true to cook." "

"Probably by the time she finished cooking, her anger had almost disappeared. "

Like Eluko, Natsuori also belongs to the "best coaxing" category, and may even be better coaxed than Eluko...... Of course, this refers specifically to the current Xia Zhi, who was not among them when she was a child.

"Xia Zhi, I really know my sister. Suwako couldn't help but sigh.

"Of course, it's my own sister after all. Xia Zhi replied.

I know everything about her.

"What about me?"

The girl's next words came from her ears, and Xia Zhi was slightly stunned for a moment, and lowered her head to meet her light gray eyes.

I saw Suwako tilting her head slightly, looking at him and asking.

"How are you going to comfort me?"

...... Comfort what?

The summer solstice is full of question marks.

"A certain believer has casually taken the special favor of the gods to him and gave it to others...... Do you think I, as a god, should be angry?" Seeing the puzzled look on his face, Suwako asked with a deliberately angry look.

That's what you mean?

"That's what I prayed for. Xia Zhi replied after thinking about it.

Suwako: ?

"What are you capable of?"

Xia Zhi chuckled, reached out and stroked the hair around her ear, gently touched her delicate cheeks with his fingers, and replied, "I have the ability to make you like me." "


Listening to his soft words and feeling the soft touch on his face, Suwako's heart was a little numb, and her cheeks couldn't help but flush a layer of crimson, slightly deflecting her gaze, and she no longer had the momentum she had just now.

Also...... In this case, there is really no way to take you. The god girl thought to herself.

"And, if you don't want to give it, wouldn't it be nice if you refused at that time?" Xia Zhi gently hugged her into his arms as a comfort, stroked her hair and asked.

Suwako's eyes narrowed comfortably, then shook her head slightly, buried her head in his arms, and replied in a muffled voice, "How could I ...... Refuse your request. "

Listening to the words of the girl in her arms, Xia Zhi couldn't help but feel more pity.

Just as he opened his mouth to say something more, he noticed that not far away, Kaguya yawned undeservedly and walked out of the house, and behind her, another silver-haired girl in a red and blue dress followed.

"Isn't this Yonglin? It's been a long time. Xia Zhi's gaze skimmed over Her Royal Highness the Princess, who did not look like a princess at all, and landed on Yonglin behind her, and said hello to the sage of the moon who she hadn't seen for a long time.

"Have you finished entertaining the guests?"

Kaguya paused slightly as she yawned, and a question mark popped up on her head.

What about me? Husband, don't you have your daughter's fiancée in your eyes?

On the other side, Yonglin didn't answer for the time being, but first fell on the blonde Lori that Xia Zhi was holding in his arms.

...... As the fiancé of Her Royal Highness the Princess, isn't it a little bad to be so kind to other women in front of her and her family?

She thought to herself, glancing at the long black straight girl beside her, but found that Her Royal Highness the princess didn't seem to care much about this, but was thinking about something else, and couldn't help but sigh slightly.

"Long time no see, Mr. Summer Solstice...... How do you feel about this exhibition at the Forever Pavilion?" she asked, looking at the boy.

Xia Zhi was stunned for a moment.

What is the exhibition?

Then he remembered...... Oh, I seem to have come here to play because of the exhibition, but I played with Kaguya and Natsuori for too long, and I ran out with Megumi again as soon as I came back, and I completely forgot about it. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Well, it's pretty good......," Xia Zhi replied vaguely.

"Yes, I thought you weren't satisfied, so you left in the afternoon to go somewhere else. Yonglin said in an unchanged tone.

I was discovered.

Xia Zhi looked away a little embarrassedly.

In fact, both he and Kaguya knew very well that the so-called exhibition was just an excuse for Kaguya to invite him over, and the exhibition itself was not very important, and it was impossible for Yonglin, who was the sage of the moon, not to know this, but why did she still care so much?

Xia Zhi roughly heard the meaning behind her words.

Next time, if you have time, why don't you come here and see Kaguya.

He thought about it in his heart, and after thinking about it, he replied:

"Actually, I didn't play much, because it was raining, and I was taken in by the kind human messenger, and I stayed with her for a long time. "

"Hmm, did you say the humanoid envoy named Alice?" asked Yonglin.

Xia Zhi tilted his head: "Do you know her?"

"Of course, she's a regular visitor to my place. She replied.


Xia Zhi had some doubts in his heart.

Obviously, Yonglin's "frequent guest" here naturally does not refer to a guest who is invited to come like herself, but should be a guest who is biased towards a normal transaction and buying relationship in another context.

As for what kind of sale......

If I'm not mistaken, Yonglin seems to have the identity of a doctor, and he is still the top one.

Even the immortal Penglai medicine was made by her with Kaguya's ability. Ordinary minor illnesses, even some terminal illnesses in the eyes of ordinary people, are not a big trouble for her.

Can mingle with her as a regular here......

“...... Alice, she shouldn't have some serious terminal illness, right?" Xia Zhi asked suspiciously.

"Not really. Yonglin shook her head and replied, "It's just that she comes over from time to time to buy a pill with me that can make people sleep peacefully." "

Subsequently, seeing that the young man was a little confused, Yonglin briefly explained.

Because Gensokyo's youkai are all groups that are not susceptible to disease, but some of them are very fragile mentally, and that pill is the spiritual healing medicine she made for the stressful youkai, as long as you take a few before going to bed, you can have no nightmares all night, and it will also usher in a comfortable morning with wonderful dreams.

...... It's sleeping pills, right? Xia Zhi summed up in his heart.

It's just that...... Why did Alice come out of the way to buy this drug?

Recalling some of her performances and pictures when she was with the girl, Xia Zhi felt as if she understood something......

... Why?...

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