Summer Solstice is now thinking about a question.

The love letter sent out is back in my hands, so can this love letter be used again to give to others?

Looking at the pink envelope in his hand, he thought to himself with some hesitation

It stands to reason that no one will reuse love letters, especially the ones that have been successfully sent. But the problem is, isn't this your average love letter?

Xia Zhi admitted that he was a little negligent

I knew that I had asked Irena to write in pencil in the first place......

I don't know if it's okay to erase the name with correction fluid

He thought to himself, looking up at the gray-haired girl sitting beside him

At this moment, the girl was sipping a drink, and her legs wrapped in black pantyhose under the table touched the ground lightly, swaying slightly, obviously she was in a very good mood now.

Noticing his gaze, Victoria tilted her head slightly: "What's wrong?"

Can you help me magically remove the name from it?

...... If you say something like that, you're going to be angry, right?

After thinking about it, Xia Zhi changed the topic and sighed: "Although I have grown up, I haven't fully grown up yet." "


Victoria didn't understand what he was talking about at first, until he followed his gaze and landed on his feet, which were about to touch the ground as he sat in his chair, and then reacted, his cheeks flushed with shame, and retorted:

"I'm still developing!"

"It's a coincidence, Natsuori said the same thing every time she couldn't reach the cupboard. "

Although she hasn't grown taller for more than half a year, she probably has reached her limit, right?

Xia Solstice thought to himself.

Hearing the name again, Victoria tilted her head and asked with some curiosity, "So, who is Natsuori?"

"My sister. "

"You still have a sister?"

It's so strange, why can't I have a sister?

Xia Zhi thought to himself, stood up from his position, and said to her:

"Let's go. "

Victoria was slightly stunned: "Where are you going?"

"Buy drinks. Xia Solstice replied.

"Do I have this?"

I didn't.

Xia Zhi rolled his eyes and turned around and walked towards the juice shop before.

Looking at his back, Victoria looked down at the drink she was holding.

I said I have it......

She pouted and thought to herself dissatisfied, but when she saw that the boy was getting farther and farther, she got up and chased after him.


“...... Please bring me another glass of juice. "

Xia Zhi said as he discharged a copper coin.

The waiter glanced at the copper coins on the counter and reminded him, "Sir, the price of our glass of juice is four copper coins." "

"Didn't you just say that if you buy two drinks, you'll give me the same price as that couple?" Xia Zhi reminded him not to forget what he had just said.

"I mean buying ...... together"

The waiter was talking, but he heard a pleasant voice from behind the young man, "Wait for me", and then a beautiful and lovely gray-haired girl chased after him, grabbed his arms with both hands, and looked up at the young man with some anger, as if annoyed that he had abandoned his move to run away first.


So, did you go and find a girlfriend just for this half-price drink?

The waiter complained in his heart, and then a little doubt appeared on his face.

Moreover, why does this girl feel that she looks a little familiar?

It looks like it's the ...... The Grey Witch?


"How's it going? It's nice to be with me, isn't it?"

Recalling the surprised and envious eyes of the waiter just now, Victoria walked briskly beside the young man, raised her head to look at him, and said proudly:

Although she has the blessing of being a witch, she can't hide her original appearance and personality, right?

The girl thought to herself. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


People in this country are really idle enough, do they have the time not to think about doing more screwing?

Xia Zhi complained in his heart.

"Don't do that next time. He thought for a moment and said to the girl.

"Why?" Victoria tilted her head slightly.

"The impact is not good. Xia Solstice replied.

"I haven't even said anything. The girl said dissatisfiedly.

"I mean to me. "


A question mark popped up on the girl's head.

What impact can it have on you, are you married?

"Speaking ......"

Xia Solstice did not continue the topic, but instead turned her gaze to the broom that she was holding in her hand, which seemed to be broken in two, and changed the subject and asked, "What's wrong with it?"

"It's broken. The girl replied.

I know it's broken

Xia Zhi thought to herself, recalling the "click" sound she heard when she jumped down from mid-air and fell into her arms

Could it have been broken at that time?

"Can it be fixed?" he asked.

If memory serves, Irena has also used the magic of repairing items, which seems to be quite simple for a witch like them.

Victoria shook her head: "The wand is also broken." "

Although she is a powerful witch, once she has no wand, she can no longer use magic, and she is no different from ordinary people.

"That's bad luck. "

"Who do you think caused it?" the girl replied.

Who is it? Could it be me?

Xia Zhi complained in his heart.

However, the girl has obviously divided the responsibilities in her heart (good Zhao Zhao).

"I have no magic, and I can't protect myself anymore. "

She raised her head again, looked at the boy and continued:

"So, you have to be responsible. "

...... This is porcelain, right?

Xia Solstice thought to herself

I don't know where this kid learned from, but it's obvious that he's been bad at learning over the years.

"So, I didn't ......," he said, trying to keep trying to clear the shot.

"I don't care. "

Victoria interrupted firmly.

She took a deep breath and looked earnestly at the young man in front of her with clear glass-colored eyes

This changed the trajectory of her life, left a deep imprint and traces in her life and memory, and was the one who took away her important things

She wasn't ready to ask for it back


“...... In short, please take responsibility. "


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