Because the last class of the afternoon was self-study, Xia Zhi gave up his plan to go back to the classroom, and after saying goodbye to Megumi Kato, he turned around and walked towards the teaching building.

It's not that he's planning to leave early after he's experienced absenteeism, it's


As soon as he walked around the corner outside the school building, a girl with short black hair greeted him with a smile on her face as if she had been waiting here.


"Didn't you tell me to come to you later?"

Xia Zhi came to her side and looked at the lunch box she was carrying, and could see some water stains left on it, it seemed that she had just gone to the sink to clean the box and chopsticks.

"Mmmm, I knew that Xia Solstice would definitely understand what I meant. Yono nodded and said with a smile.

In fact, I can't understand it every time, and I ~ can't read minds.

Xia Zhi thought to himself, withdrew his gaze from the lunch box, looked at the girl and asked, "Isn't it okay if you don't have to go back to prepare dinner?"

"It's still early. "

Yono put his hands behind his back with the bento box behind his back and walked with him towards the path leading to the back door of the school, bowing his head and stepping on his own shadow reflected on the ground

"It's a rare opportunity to take a walk on campus with the summer solstice like this. "

After all, one of them is in high school and the other is in college, just like a long-distance couple, Yang Nai seems to be very busy on weekdays, and there are indeed not many opportunities to get along like this.

It's Yukino, since the relationship eased, the two of them can often be seen together.

Xia Zhi thought to himself, and couldn't help but recall what happened in the club classroom just now.

Although on the surface, it seems that Yukino is speaking for Megumi Kato, who is still "pretending" to be her lover, but in fact she is also speaking for herself.

When she has confirmed her relationship with him in a practical sense, her sister suddenly announced that she wants to pursue her boyfriend, which should be an unacceptable thing for her.

What did she think at the time?

Xia Solstice recalled that before leaving, Xue Nai hesitated as if she wanted to say something to herself...... What is it?

"If you're thinking about Yukino's words, it's okay not to pay too much attention to it. "

As he thought so, a girl's voice came to his ears.

Facing the puzzled gaze cast by Xia Zhi, Yang Nai shook his head slightly:

"It's not about you, she's just worried that I'm playing with your feelings. "


Xia Zhi seemed to have just reacted, revealing a look of surprise

"Is that so?"

Forget about Xue Nai, are you still serious?

Yono gave him an angry look.

"Am I going to find a scumbag who has stepped on several boats to play with feelings?"

...... It seems to be the same.

Xia Zhi coughed twice in embarrassment and pulled the topic back: "So, why did the sincere and beautiful Miss Yangnai confess at that time?"

It's not that you can't confess...... It's just that the purpose of confession is to express one's heart to the other party. They had already confirmed their relationship with each other a long time ago, and in that situation, the girl's approach looked more like an oath than a simple confession, right?

In other words, she did it on purpose to show someone.

"Xia Solstice should still remember, right? The matter between you and Megumi Kato, and the matter of asking Yukino to help deal with it, I was also there at the time, wasn't it?"

Yono continued.

Xia Zhi briefly recalled

"Didn't you overhear it outside?"

"Don't worry about such trivial things. "

Yono turned his head slightly to look at him, and naturally continued the topic just now and asked, "Do you know what Yukino plans to do?"

If you know how she is going to solve it, you don't have to ask her, right?

Xia Zhi thought to himself, but the girl's next sentence made him slightly stunned.

"She's going to do the same thing as I do. "

Yang Nai said, stopped, turned his head and carefully looked at Xia Solstice's cheeks, with a good-looking smile on his face

"You really like her. "

This is something that has been known for a long time.

"I like her too. "Summer Solstice returns.

"What about me?" the girl tilted her head slightly.

"I love it all the same. "

Yono's smile became even brighter, and he sighed, "I really want her to hear this." "

What to do, show off?(Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Xia Zhi thought to herself, recalling what she had just said

Intend to do the same thing...... Refers to......

Not paying attention to his contemplation, Yono turned around and took a new step, and said to himself: "There is a study that twins tend to like the same person easily because their personalities and preferences are too similar. "

"Yukino and I are not twins and are not very close in age, but it seems that our sisters still have a lot in common. "

Confirming this matter seemed to make her very happy, and even her steps were much lighter, and with the uniform she was wearing at the moment, it did give people a feeling of youth and vitality like a high school student.

"What she wants to do is actually quite simple. After a brief sigh, Yono began to explain.

It is necessary to let this pretending lover identity end, but also not to ask the two to take the initiative to break up, so that Xia Zhi's reputation will decline because of this incident, and become a scumbag in the eyes of his classmates

"As long as there is another third party, wouldn't it be okay to ruin this relationship?" said Yang Nai as a matter of course.

Of course, the boy who is easily led away by a third party is a scumbag, but as long as he can persist in the pursuit of another excellent and beautiful girl, the wind review will become very good.

In such a situation, if the two of them failed to continue their relationship for other reasons, outsiders would only feel regretful, and no one could blame anyone, right?

If you want to blame, you can only blame the guy who doesn't know how to meddle.

"As long as the operation is done properly, it is easy to blame the fault of the breakup on the third party who destroyed the feelings of others, and the breakup incident can be perfectly resolved. Yono finally concluded.

That's what she's doing...... Or rather, Snow is what it was meant to do.

There is no doubt that the reputation of that third party will become very bad. But Yukino didn't care about that. []

Except that she didn't particularly care about other people's opinions in the first place

"She really likes you. "

Xia Zhi's mind recalled Yang Nai's words just now.

He breathed a sigh of relief and set his eyes on the smiling short-haired black girl beside him.

He now knew why Yono had declared his public pursuit of himself at that time.

After realizing Yukino's thoughts, she took the initiative to do this kind of thing before she took action...... It can be regarded as a kind of protection for Yukino as an older sister.

Just, in the eyes of the summer solstice

"Actually, you don't have to......"

Just as Xue Nai doesn't care about the eyes of others, Xia Solstice also doesn't care much about his own reputation.

The reason why he echoed this matter at the time was just that he cared about Megumi Kato's thoughts. If it can be solved smoothly, of course, it is great, and if it can't be solved, it is not a big deal.

It's really not good to talk to him, Xia Zhi doesn't mind being a scumbag...... He was meant to be anyway.

Whether it's her or Yukino, there's no need to hurt her reputation because of this, presumably this is something that Megumi Kato doesn't want to see.

However, Yono said this

"I'm having a lot of fun with what you're talking about. "

She tilted her head slightly, a smile on her face

"While you can play tricks on your cute sister, you can pursue the boy you like in the open

Isn't that the best opportunity for me?"

After all, as a sister and a latecomer, she fell in love with her sister's lover, and she originally felt a loss in her heart, so she proposed to limit that relationship to another world at the beginning.

Although it still didn't hold on later.

Therefore, I didn't plan to be in front of Yukino...... At least I didn't plan to reveal my liking so early.

But this incident gave her an excellent opportunity, which can be said to be a tailor-made opportunity for her.

Yang Nai held up a finger and gently placed it in front of Xia Solstice's lips

"So, I'm serious about you. "

However, Xia Zhi couldn't accept her "pursuit", after all, the purpose of the commission was not to let him be seen as a bad man.

"Xia Zhi, do you have to hold on?" she said with a wink.

"That's too hard, isn't it?" Xia Zhi complained. He suspected he wouldn't be able to hold out for long.

"It's none of my business. "

Yono chuckled and turned around, her shoulder-length hair swaying gently in line with her movements, and waved her hand to the summer solstice as she walked towards the parking lot

"Please ask Xia Zhi to work hard~"

... Earth....

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