The night breeze gently brushes the cheeks, bringing a hint of coolness. The moon hangs high in the clear night sky, and its light shines on every corner of the mountains, illuminating everything.

The rustling of the trees in the distance with the breeze and the silence of the night seem to forget the hustle and bustle of the city.

Standing under the street lamp light of the forest park on the mountainside, Tokizaki looked at the city in front of him like a moonlight inlaid world. The brightly lit buildings shimmer with a faint glow that dots the entire expanse of the city.

The blurred outline of the distant skyline reflects the silvery moonlight, and the windows of the towering buildings shine in patches of warm yellow light, like stars, swaying in the night sky. The lights on both sides of the street are intertwined into a bright river, and the traffic in the distance is like a flickering band of light, shuttling between the busy city.

The city bathed in the moonlight gives people a sense of stability and beauty, as if time stands still here, and all the complicated worlds are temporarily left behind.

"It's really peaceful, the world ......"

Standing halfway up the mountain, carefully observing the beautiful scenes of the city, Tokizaki Kurumi couldn't help but sigh softly.

"It's just the world you see that is peaceful. "

Familiar voices came from the shadows beyond the lights not far away, breaking the silence of the night.

Xia Solstice came to the girl's side and looked at the beautiful and peaceful city in the moonlight in the distance, and said so

"Even in such a safe city, all kinds of evils are constantly being staged. "

...... Is this the opening line of some detective novel?

Kurumi Shizaki sighed slightly, withdrew his gaze from the night view of the city in the distance, and turned his head to look at the black-haired boy beside him,

"It's not a good habit to follow a beautiful girl, Xia Zhi. "

"I'm not tailgating. "

Xia Zhi defended himself

"It's just that I didn't come home after seeing you so late, so I came to take a look. "

In fact, this was already after he went home to accompany a certain little guy who missed him, and took a shower after eating.

could have gone to bed and played with his mobile phone with peace of mind, or hugged his little girlfriend to sleep, if it weren't for a certain girl, he wouldn't have made a special trip at night.

Is it?

Kurumi Tokizaki tilted his head slightly

She wasn't very surprised by how Xia Zhi knew her whereabouts. After all, there is an ultra-high-performance AI over there, and in this information age, as long as you don't go to some deep mountains and old forests, as long as you want to know, anyone's whereabouts should be able to know it well.

As for his words......

"May I think, are you worried about me?"

"Didn't you say it yourself? You're just a normal guy now. "

Pretty and cute female friends don't go home after saying goodbye to themselves, and of course they will be worried when they wander around alone outside at night.

Xia Zhi said as he sat down on the bench next to him, took out a rice ball wrapped in plastic wrap from his bag, handed it over, and asked:

"Do you want to eat it? Did you make it on purpose tonight?"

Even if you have afternoon tea in the afternoon and haven't been home until now, you should be hungry at this time, right?

Kurumi Tokizaki glanced at the rice balls he handed over, which were more delicate than the rice balls you see in ordinary convenience stores, probably because of the girl's relatively small hands.

It's just that although the boy said "deliberately", she doesn't remember that her relationship with Shiito is so good, it shouldn't be done for herself, right?

"Originally, she wanted me to take it to school for lunch tomorrow, but she thought it was a bit too monotonous, and then she made a new bento, and this one came out more. Xia Zhi continued to take out a few rice balls from his bag and said.

In other words, it's my girlfriend's love lunch.

"Xia Zhi, as always, is very good at dealing with little girls. Tokizaki sighed and sat down beside him by the way.


You say yes, that's it.

Xia Solstice didn't bother to justify anything

He thought for a moment...... Kotori, Shiitono, Juna, Juya...... If you calculate it carefully, it seems that there are more girls around me recently......

...... Ahem, I almost got myself in.

Xia Zhi shook his head, put the question aside, looked at the girl and asked, "If you don't go home after such a night, does our Mad Third Miss have something on her mind?"

"It's just that I still have time after class and want to walk around. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Kurumi Tokizaki took the rice ball he handed over, opened the plastic wrap and took a small bite

The rice is soft, the seaweed is crisp and salty, with a hint of meat and the sweetness of the salad. Although it is simple, the taste is not monotonous at all, and you can feel the girl's intentions when making this bento

Is it dissatisfaction even to this extent?

Tokizaki thought to himself, raised his head to look at the shadows of the bushes on the side of the road not far away gently swaying under the street lamp, and continued: "After all, hanging out after school like this is also a part of campus life. "

That is, you live alone. []

Put it on the side of my former self.,Don't go home from school and hang out outside.,But it will be made up by parents for a full childhood..

Xia Zhi thought so in his heart.

"Just like Xia Zhi, classmate said, I'm just an ordinary person now. Kurumi Tokizaki looked at the sky above the city in the distance, and the stars in the sky were shining with the brilliant lights, and said softly

Without the power of elves, away from the threat of the apocalypse, you don't have to think about things that ordinary people don't need to worry about, you just need to pay attention to your daily life, all kinds of trivial things around you, interpersonal relationships between friends, what to do tomorrow, where to go with friends after school, and a lot of inconsequential little things...... In other words, it should have had nothing to do with itself for a long time, the troubles of youth

She felt that she could probably understand that he had such power and was doing things like saving the world, but why the boy still cherished his every day so much

The girl breathed a sigh of relief and continued

"Thank you Xia Solstice...... The two days of campus life made me feel like I was back in school. "

Xia Zhi only felt that the girl's tone at this moment sounded as if she was lamenting that she was twenty years younger

That's why you're like a little girl today, all kinds of trouble with me?

Xia Zhi complained in his heart

At the same time, he suddenly remembered that Ju Ya had said before that Kurumi Shizaki had deliberately found her and asked her to help arrange the admission

At the time, he was still wondering what the girl's purpose was in doing this, but now it sounded from her words...... Could it be that she just wants to relive this campus life in the past?

"Xia Zhi, what do you think of 1.1 in the world?"

Kurumi Tokizaki turned to look at him and suddenly asked.

Ask him what he thinks of the world...... This was originally his world.

Xia Solstice thought to herself.

However, if you simply ask him what he thinks of the current truncated time and space

He remembered what Rin had said to him...... Just enjoy the world......

Whether it's the encounter with the girls, or the daily love with them, or other small things in life...... Although it is not obvious, the world has indeed been "favoring" itself.


"Putting aside some other factors and just talking about subjective feelings, it's pretty good. "Summer Solstice returns.

As if she had known the answer, the girl was not surprised. After breathing a sigh of relief, he looked into his eyes and asked:

"What about you...... Want it to end?"


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