Now that Kurumi has been roughly aware, it is much easier to explain next.

Summer Solstice Simple and the Maiden gave an overview of the current situation.

"I see......"

After listening to his explanation, Kurumi Tokizaki nodded thoughtfully

"In other words, is it the result of something similar to the magical little objects that Mr. Summer Solstice used before?"

"Who knows. Xia Solstice gave a vague answer.

It's not that the girl's understanding of the anomaly, but ...... Maybe it's not an object.

He thought to himself.

“...... Other words...... Is this the world of the summer solstice......"

On the other hand, I didn't pay much attention to his unclear answer. The girl came to the window, looked at the whole new world outside the window, and muttered to herself.

Xia Zhi came back to his senses, looked at the elf girl who was looking out of the window, and called out to her in confusion:


“...... 07 Nothing. "

Shizaki Kurumi took a deep breath, looked back at him and asked with a smile, "Don't you think it's a good opportunity?"

Golden opportunity?

Xia Zhi tilted his head slightly.

"Since everyone has come to this world, don't you think it's a great opportunity to take advantage of this time to catch all the remaining elves and conquer them all in one fell swoop?" Kurumi Tokizaki replied in a natural tone.

Is it a different multi-line process strategy than before? Thank you for having so much confidence in me.

Xia Zhi complained in his heart.

And, speaking of all the remaining elves......

"Is that you?" he asked.

Shi Qi Kurumi's eyes widened in surprise when he heard this: "Ahhhh "

She said that she was shy, but she didn't see shyness on her face at all.

"But ......"

After a pause, the girl's face returned to a smile:

"I'm useless with a strategy. "

“...... After all, I'm just a doppelganger. "

Compared to the hint last time, I said it directly in front of myself this time.

"Personally, I don't really care about that. "

After thinking about it, Xia Zhi said out loud: "In my eyes, you are all Kurumi Shizaki. "

This is not to comfort or say anything nice, but to state a fact, at least he thinks so, as if Natsuori and Yuori are both "Kitahara Natsuori" in his opinion, his own sister.

Sometimes the definition of existence depends only on a change of perception...... Not to mention, as long as he wants to, he can make this sentence an objective reality at any time.

Hearing his words, Shizaki Kurumi was slightly stunned for a moment, and only after a moment did he smile again and said:

"Mr. Xia Zhi is really not picky. "

Sounds like I'm talking about hunger...... She's talking about herself, isn't she? Xia Zhi complained in her heart.

"But that's not what matters, because I can't let you waste your precious time on me. The girl shook her head lightly.

Although Xia Zhi doesn't feel that his time is precious, it is better to say that the most important thing he lacks is time

On the other side, after a pause, Shi Qi turned around:

"Besides, there is no way to say it. "

In the young man's puzzled eyes, she spread her hands and explained, "I can't use angels anymore." "

Can't use angels? (read violent novels, just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Xia Zhi was slightly stunned.

Kurumi Tokizaki had explained to him before that due to the cooperation she had done with the Divine Tree before, and the fact that the original space-time barrier was formed based on her and the power of the Divine Tree, she could do it as long as it was within the scope of the space-time barrier, and any "self" could use the power of angels at will.

Now she says she can't use angels...... Is it because the space-time node "outside" is not under the shroud of the enchantment, or is the current world cut off from the connection between her and the ontology?

"So ......"

Unconsciously, Kurumi Shizaki came to Xia Zhi's side, bent down slightly to get closer to him, fingers against the lightly hooked pink lips, and asked with a smile in a seductive voice: "I'm just an ordinary person now...... What Mr. Xia Zhi wants to do to me, he can't resist it~"

Is this also part of "no time wasted"?

Xia Zhi thought to himself, and casually looked away from the snow-white in front of him, looked at Kurumi's cheek and asked, "Do you know that you are still so close to me?"

"Ah, could it be that Mr. Xia Solstice is moved?" the girl blinked.

If you don't want to talk about it for the time being, you can't resist what I wanted to do to you, right?

...... In other words, I don't know if it's the illusion of the summer solstice. Do you always feel that compared to before, she seems to be in a much more relaxed mood now?

Kurumi Tokizaki also seemed to realize this, chuckled lightly and returned to his seat, looked at him and tilted his head slightly and asked:

"So, what about Mr. Xia Zhi's decision?"

Although it is a little exciting, but ......

"Miss Kurumi may have misunderstood, I'm not that kind of person. "The summer solstice is righteous and righteous.

Misunderstanding?[]207 Shizaki Kurumi lowered his head and glanced at himself, and quickly reacted, glancing at the young man opposite, his cheeks flushed slightly.

“...... I'm referring to the other elf things. She looked away casually.

Oh, this......

Xia Zhi coughed lightly twice in embarrassment.

Back to business. He felt that the most important thing now was to understand the unknown anomaly...... However, as Kurumi Tokizaki said, these two things do not conflict, and he can do it on multiple lines at the same time

...... Of course, it's not the Raiders line.

"So...... How about starting with Honjo Erya?" Seeing that the boy agreed, Kurumi Tokizaki also gave a suggestion after thinking for a while.

"Why her?" asked Xia Zhi.

"You want to start with your own sister, I don't care. The girl gave this answer.

She's not...... Well, she's my sister now.

However, this is not a deduction in terms of priority, is it? After all, if you want to count it, Xia Zhi should be the first person to like herself, in other words, her first "strategy" is also her sister...... belch

...... It was only then that Xia Zhi suddenly realized the above fact


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