"Uh-huh...... Wow......"

In the living room in the afternoon, Xia Zhi was briefly telling the garden about his past experience.

Of course, some of the paid ...... are omitted Well, some parts of the content that are not suitable for children.

Yuan Zi sat on the sofa with his cheeks on his cheeks and listened intently, nodding his head from time to time and making a cheering sound.

Little Origami also sat on the sidelines, her eyes shining with curiosity.

...... Although she didn't know what the boy was talking about, some terms such as "space-time barrier", "elf", "angel" and other terms were also half-understood, but it didn't prevent her from listening to them with relish.

After all, she was very interested in things related to the summer solstice.

Mio in the kitchen was preparing refreshments and listening to the sound of the boy in the room telling a story like a child, and she couldn't help but start imagining

Summer solstice...... I'm sure I'll be a good dad in the future, right?

Thinking of such a picture in the future, the corners of her mouth couldn't help but show a knowing smile

...... It's just that you can't tell such a story to your children when the time comes.

After all, she naturally knew what Xia Solstice had omitted...... Even if you ignore the content that is not suitable for children, it is not appropriate to tell your child about your "cheating" experience, right?

Mio thought to herself, shook her head slightly, and returned to the living room with the brewed coffee and tea

"Thank you, Sister Mio~"

Taking the hot black tea from the girl's hand, the garden smiled sweetly and thanked him.

On the other side, he also took the tea handed by Mio, and after hesitating for a moment, the little origami learned to thank the garden a little nervously: "Thank you...... Mio's sister. "

She naturally has a good impression of this beautiful sister, but she is still a little nervous when she expresses kindness to herself in the face of others other than Xia Zhi.

In a way, this is also a sign that she has not fully accepted others, right?

Xia Zhi thought to himself, thanked him, and took the coffee from Mio

As for the other two members of the family...... After eating a full meal, Cong Yun was lying on Yaye's legs and taking a nap, and it looked like he wouldn't wake up for the time being.

With Yaye's unremitting closeness and efforts, she is already willing to take the initiative to make this level of intimate action, and she has to make people happy for Yaye.

...... As a devout believer, though, the biggest job of the gods is to help the gods with their knees and hair, which sounds a little weird.

"Speaking of which, the girl named Liuqiao is similar to the origami at the beginning. "

Yuan Zi said as he held the doll in his arms and held the pillow while swinging his legs.

"Me?" Little Origami was slightly stunned, a little overwhelmed by the topic being suddenly pulled to her.

"Yes?" Yuan Zi nodded, and continued while reminiscing: "That girl closed her heart, and later with the help of Brother Xia Zhi, she was redeemed and found her true self. "

"You were like that when you first came, it seemed like you closed your heart, except for Brother Xia Zhi, everyone else was ignorant of it. "

This one......

The girl looked away slightly, not knowing how to respond.

"Ah, of course you're much better now, and I like you too~"

Yuanzi thought about it for a while, and said again

"But I also like that cool little origami before~"

Cruel...... Cool ......

Little origami can't associate this word with itself

Looking at the cheerful smile on the girl's face, she didn't know how to answer, and her body unconsciously leaned in the direction of the summer solstice

Don't irritate people, she's not fully recovered.

Xia Zhi complained in his heart, and touched the head of the girl who leaned next to him.

After thinking about it, he took out the pillow from his personal universe and handed it to the girl.

"...... this?"

Little Origami lowered her head and looked at a doll pillow that looked very similar to herself that was stuffed into her arms at the moment, and a puzzled look appeared in her eyes.

"I used to do it when I was idle and bored, but I thought it was a gift for you. "Summer Solstice returns. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

It's like learning to draw comics when I lived with the Seven Sins, after all, in such a long time, in addition to talking about love and dating with the Six Sins, it's normal to occasionally find some other things to have fun, right?

In addition to the small origami, there are a lot of dolls made with reference to the images of other girls in my personal universe.,When the time comes, it's definitely more than enough for one person to give one.,The future gifts are also gone.。

...... By the way, he also used his own memories to make origami when he grew up...... But that's not important.

After thinking about it, Xia Zhi added: "I made it myself." "

When Little Origami heard this, she immediately hugged the doll pillow in her arms slightly.

"That's nice......"

Seeing this scene, Yuan Zi couldn't help but show an expression of envy.

Xia Zhi didn't know what she had to envy: "'Didn't I already give you one last time?'"

"It's not that big, you can't hold it in your arms. "

The girl has a special obsession with the pillow that can be used to hold and sleep.

When Xia Zhi sighed like this in his heart, he felt that the corners of his clothes were gently pulled. He lowered his head and met a pair of familiar blue eyes.

"Can I learn it?" asked Origami with a wink.

Although she was a little puzzled as to why she was suddenly interested in this, since the girl showed signs of turning her interest to this aspect, Xia Zhi was naturally very willing to teach.

...... At least if it's a doll, you don't have to worry about not being able to eat it, right?

It's just that it's certainly impossible to want a church for a while.

After briefly explaining the basic techniques to the girl, Xia Solstice handed her the tools and materials

"Let's make a doll of whatever shape you like. "

He gave the girl a novice assignment.

...... As for the specific teaching content of the follow-up, if there are any other questions, I will leave it to Mio to answer, right?

Just finished teaching the beginning, the "good teacher" teacher Xia Zhi quickly lost his enthusiasm for teaching, and pondered skipping class in his heart...... Ahem, let's find a relative to substitute for the lesson.

"Is that so?"

However, it didn't take long for the girl's voice to come again.

Xia Zhi was slightly stunned for a moment, and his eyes looked towards her.

I saw that in the hands of the little origami, I don't know when a black-haired juvenile doll had been made, although it was not very delicate, but at least it had begun to take on a human form.

Summer solstice:......

Find time to register your child for a class, don't delay.

...... And, how does this thing look so much like itself?

... Claw...

PS: This part of the plot content is from the extra, please don't care if you haven't seen it, just think so~


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