If the confession is successful, can it be regarded as having opened up to yourself?

Walking on the way home with the sleeping elf girl on his back, feeling the sound of breathing coming from behind, and the weight that was so light that he couldn't feel it, Xia Zhi thought in his heart.

"Sure enough, Mr. Xia Zhi is very good at dealing with such a little girl, and the difficulty is not at the same level at all. "

Kurumi Tokizaki sighed in his mind

"Is it easy to say, or is it easy to catch?"

Don't talk nonsense, Yuzun and Yakuya didn't have much effort that time, right?

Xia Zhi complained in his heart.

It's better to say that only Mijiu is in a special situation because of her own extreme personality, right?

And it stands to reason that the character of the Seven Sins should be the same level as Mei Jiu, and if it weren't for that inexplicable trust, he would have spent a lot of effort.

Xia Zhi thought to himself and looked at the girl who was sleeping on his back behind him.

As if 10 felt his gaze, Seven Sins whimpered indistinctly, and the arm around his neck tightened even more.


Xia Zhi sighed slightly.

It's just the first official date, and he turned someone into his girlfriend...... I don't know what Hinata would think of herself if she found out about this.

"Ah, Mr. Summer Solstice!"

As if he had calculated the time, Hinata stopped when he saw the young figure at the end of the corridor and was about to go back to his room with a book in his arms, and a happy smile appeared on his face

"You're back, how ...... today's date"

Before she could finish speaking, Xia Zhi raised her finger and made a silent gesture, gesturing to the sleeping elf girl on her back.

Seeing this, Hinata quickly reacted and nodded clearly.

"Do you need our help preparing dinner together tonight?"

She stepped forward with a light step, glanced at the girl with her eyes closed on Xia Zhi's back, and asked the young man intimately.

Xia Solstice shook his head.

This child can be said to have not slept all night yesterday, and now he finally falls asleep with peace of mind, so he should not disturb her.

Today they can say that they have been eating all day without worrying about whether they will go hungry...... The only thing you need to care about is whether you need to go to the toilet halfway.

After declining Hinata's kindness, Xia Solstice brought the Seven Sins back to the house.

...... It seems that there is no need to ask.

Looking at the backs of the two of them disappearing behind the door, Hinata blinked and thought to herself.


Returning to the girl's room, carefully helping her take off her shoes, untie her straps, gently put her back on the bed, and after covering the quilt, Xia Zhi finally breathed a sigh of relief.

While taking care of her and tidying up, you have to be careful not to wake her up, which feels more tiring than dating.

Xia Zhi thought to himself, and didn't walk away immediately, sitting on the edge of the bed and looking at the elf girl who was sleeping quietly in front of him.

At this time, the Seven Sins no longer have the usual gloomy and inferior self-esteem and cowardly feeling, the quiet sleeping face is quiet and lovely, and it looks like an ordinary girl of the same age

In the past, she would never have allowed herself to sleep so peacefully in front of others as she was now, right?

Does this mean that she has completely trusted herself in her heart?

"How does it feel to have a little girlfriend?" asked Kurumi Tokizaki in his mind.

"It's okay. "

Xia Zhi retracted his gaze and replied vaguely.

Kurumi Tokizaki thought for a moment...... It seems to be the same, after all, the boy is already experienced in a hundred battles, right?

"Miss Mad Three, what do you think?" After thinking about it, Xia Zhi suddenly asked out loud.

"Congratulations?" asked Kurumi Tokizaki in response.

"Thank you, but that's not what I'm talking about. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Xia Zhi shook his head and said.

He knew that the girl should know what she was asking.

"Perhaps, you also happen to be her favorite type?" said Kurumi Tokizaki next.

What does "also" mean? Xia Zhi complained in his heart and didn't ask anything more...... He already had some guesses in his mind about the question just now.

On the other hand, just like the summer solstice, Kurumi Tokizaki also has some ideas, but he can't be completely sure yet

“...... Either way, it turned out to be good, wasn't it?" she said.

That's what I said......

Xia Zhi breathed a sigh of relief and was about to get up to leave, but felt a slight tugging sensation coming from his clothes

He lowered his head, and saw that the girl's little hand kept tugging at the corner of his clothes and did not let go.

“... 487..."

Under his gaze, as if she knew that she was being discovered pretending to be asleep, a blush gradually appeared on the girl's cheeks.

However, despite this, she had no intention of letting go of her hand.

"Don't go ......"

Seven Sins opened his eyes, looked at him with a hint of nervousness, and a little uneasiness, and whispered as if pleading

“...... Is that okay?"


Xia Zhi's expression softened slightly, and he gently held her hand

"Well, I'm not leaving. "

The girl's expression was relieved.

...... Although it was agreed to it as soon as it came up

It's just that I don't have to sit here all night, right?

Xia Zhi thought to himself with some hesitation.

As if with this issue in mind, the cheeks of the Seven Sins were once again stained with a layer of red

She moved to the side, making a place beside herself, not daring to look into the young man's eyes, and whispered nervously in a slightly trembling voice:

"Summer Solstice...... ...... can lie here."

Summer solstice:......

Is this progress too fast?


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