"Miku Yoiyo, 17 years old, likes to sing, and used to work as an idol singer......"

After getting the address of the elf, Xia Solstice is walking towards her residence.

Along the way, Kurumi Tokizaki provided him with information about Miku in his mind, so that he could familiarize himself with the ninth-sequence elf beforehand.

"You're the same age as me. "

Xia Solstice sighed.

In this regard, Shizaki Kurumi just said "heh" lightly, although he didn't say anything, but the voice revealed obvious disbelief.

Why do you want me to take out my ID card and show it to you?

Xia Zhi complained in his heart.

The elf girl ignored him and continued to herself: "165 cm tall, unknown weight, ...... measurements"

"No, forget it. "

Summer Solstice stopped her...... In other words, he just went to meet first, and he knew what Sanwei was doing?

"Isn't it better to know as well as you know about the target of the strategy?" asked Kurumi Tokizaki rhetorically.

"I didn't say I was going to raid her. Xia Zhi replied.

"People are silver and purple haired~"

“...... You say, if you come to visit, wouldn't it be better to buy some gifts?"

A girl's chuckle came to my head.

Of course, Xia Zhi was joking, and he naturally knew what hair color this idol elf was.

Compared to Natsuyo, Heluwa and Mio, the seductive Miku in their memories should be more of a purple hair color...... That is, pseudo-silver hair similar to Irena and Empty Silver.

The pseudo-silver hair is not enough to achieve a special attack on him. Xia Zhi thought in his heart.

While chatting with Kurumi Tokizaki in his mind, he unknowingly came to the target location marked on the map.

Not far away is an ordinary two-story house that is somewhat similar to Xia Zhi's home in reality.

It's a common house for ordinary people, but if it's a popular idol, it's too ordinary.

It seems that this singer is not living a very good life.

"By the way, she's probably not an idol anymore. "


Xia Zhi asked in his heart, walked forward and knocked lightly on the door.

"I heard that before she became an elf, she was unable to speak because of some mental illness. "

Kurumi Tokizaki explained.

"Didn't you say that before, after offering the spirit crystal, that elf became an ordinary person. "

Correspondingly, the loss of the spirit crystal also made her lose the voice that she had already recovered. "

Without a voice, you can't sing, and naturally you can't be an idol singer anymore.

I like to sing, but I lost my voice because of something...... Why does this attribute sound so familiar?

The figure of a wheat-yellow girl came to Xia Zhi's mind.

Shaking his head, he pulled his thoughts back.

After standing in the doorway and waiting for a moment, no sound came from inside

Isn't it at home?

Xia Zhi looked to the side and noticed a note pasted next to the door, on which a line of text was written in a delicate font

Just leave it at the door

Probably for takeouts and the like, right?

But speaking of which, it's all like this, is there still anyone delivering takeaways?

Xia Zhi thought to himself, ignored the hint above, and knocked on the door again.

After a long time, under his persistent "harassment", as if impatient, there was a sound of footsteps inside

The door was opened, and what emerged from behind the door was a silver-purple haired girl with messy hair, who seemed to have not been taken care of for a long time, and looked tired, but could not hide her beautiful and delicate appearance.

The door was not fully opened, but was stuck in a chain, ajar enough to allow only one hand to pass through, as if to deliberately guard him.

The girl glanced at his hands, a visibly wary look on her face.

Look, I said I was going to bring a gift to the door, right? (If you read a violent novel, you can go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Xia Zhi thought in his heart and opened his mouth slightly:

"Miss Miku, Miss Yoiyo......"

The girl's face turned cold, and she immediately wanted to close the door

“...... Or should I call you, Miss Elf?"


The girl stopped what she was doing and looked at him warily

She didn't get out of the way, still blocked the door, took out her mobile phone from her pocket, and quickly clicked on it a few times to show the screen to Xia Zhi

Who are you?

Xia Zhi knew that this step was a success.

According to Kurumi Tokizaki, the world line of this peculiar point has been reshaped by the four-dimensional enchantment, and the humans in it are still in the process of getting acquainted with the brave, and they are even less aware of the existence of elves.

The only people who can know about the existence of elves are the girl herself, who used to be Miss Time Elf, and some Taisha personnel who have received oracles from the "future".

Revealing her elf identity by herself will naturally arouse her curiosity.

"I'm here to help you......"

Seeing that although the girl was still vigilant, frowning as if she was enduring something, she had no intention of closing the door again, Xia Zhi continued

"Actually, I'm from the future. "

Miku Yoi showed an expression of obvious disbelief

You don't think I'm going to believe it just by saying that, right?

That's right.

Normal people usually react like this when they hear someone say to themselves that he is coming back from the future, right?

But girls are different...... She must have been in contact with something similar.

And, with the attitude she showed at the beginning, if she really thought she was entertaining her, she should have slammed the door and ignored him.

Maybe it's because I remembered someone (Mano's good) who said something similar to her before?

In any case, with the foreshadowing of the "predecessors", the next step is relatively easy

Xia Zhi thought to himself and decided to give the most important proof

"You should know, Kurumi Tokizaki, right?"

However, the girl's face immediately turned cold

Get out!


Looking at the door slamming shut, Xia Zhi couldn't help but fall into silence.

"It seems that your popularity is not very good. "

He said this to Kurumi Tokizaki in his heart.

In this regard, the elf girl did not deny

“...... There's something I forgot to tell you. "

Kurumi Tokizaki's reminder was long overdue

"It's better not to mention my name in front of her. "

...... Thanks for the reminder.

It's just that next time, can you please put this kind of important thing in front of the three measurements?


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