After all, Wakaba is the class president of the class, so it is unlikely that he will stay here for too long, and after being briefly entertained and tasting the food, he and Hinata will go back quickly.

As the two left, the tent suddenly became much more spacious.

This tent was specially bought for camping on the summer solstice recently.

If it were the same single tent that I used when I was sleeping out with Yukino, I wouldn't be able to sit four people no matter what, right?

After all, there were RVs back then.

Xia Zhi thought to himself, his eyes fell on the black-haired girl who had been silent since just now, and tilted his head slightly

"Ten incense?"

The girl came back to her senses and looked up at him in confusion: "Huh, what's wrong?"

"It feels like you don't have any ~ energy. "

It's really rare to put it on a girl...... When I accompanied him all night shopping, I was still full of energy.

"Want to sleep?" he asked, confused.

Shika shook her head, hesitated for a moment, and then said in a loud voice, "I want to go around here, is that okay?"

Such a simple request, of course, Xia Zhi could not agree to it. The attitude of taking it easy and completely forgetting the things that Wakaba had just warned about that might be dangerous...... Or maybe they didn't take it to heart.

After simply cleaning up the dishes and chopsticks, and resting for a while, Xia Zhi walked out of the shrine with the girl.

Wander through the uninhabited mountain forest, surrounded by the smell of fresh earth.

Although it is a mountainous area, it can be used as a place for school trips, and it can be regarded as a scenic spot to some extent, and the infrastructure is relatively complete.

In addition, the intensity of the earthquake just now was not too large, and the road did not break so much.

In the empty mountains and forests, the footsteps of the two echoed. Shika's expression was obviously much soothed, she looked down at the shadows under their feet, and after thinking about it, she quickened her pace a little, until the shadows of the two overlapped, and then nodded in satisfaction.

Like a child.

Xia Zhi, who witnessed this scene, thought in his heart.

However, considering that she and Mio are elves who have not been born for a long time, it is inevitable that there will be such childish performances occasionally, right?

"It's so quiet......"

The girl couldn't help but sigh.

In the previous date, she had basically been dealing with people, and the scene of only the two of them in the world around her like this made her find the feeling of going on a date alone late at night with the summer solstice

As for which one you prefer......

Shika compared it in her heart...... Some of them can't tell the difference.

Suddenly, her ears twitched slightly.

"There's the sound of water?"

Where is the water leaking?

"Maybe it's a creek or something?" Xia Zhi replied after thinking for a moment.

Hearing this, Shika seemed to be interested, and pulled him towards the direction where the sound of water came from.

Leaving the artificially paved road, walking through the forest and following a path for a short time, the two soon found a small stream

"You see the summer solstice, it's really a stream!"

The girl smug on her face, as if boasting about her discovery.

Xia Zhi touched her head as a compliment and came to the stream

The earthquake just now did not cause a landslide, and the water is still crystal clear despite being polluted with mud.

"It's very eco-friendly. The elf girl in her mind sighed.

After all, it's a scenic spot, and it's around the shrine.

Xia Zhi squatted down, picked up a small pinch of stream water and checked it, the water quality is indeed quite good.

If you can use the water to make tea, it will taste pretty good...... It's a pity that he doesn't drink tea.

"Do you know why mountain spring water feels extra sweet when you drink it?" he asked the elf girl in his heart.

"Because of the minerals in the water?"

If that's the case, bottled mineral water tastes pretty much the same, right?

Xia Zhi thought to himself, and was about to answer, but he heard the sound of "whooshing" water not far away.

He looked up, followed the sound, and saw that the girl had taken off her shoes and carefully put her feet into the river.

Feeling the cool feeling of the water running over her instep, she tried to kick twice, splashing on the water.

"Summer solstice, hurry up and come down together!" Seeing the young man's gaze, Shixiang greeted him happily.

“...... Do you still want to drink?" asked Kurumi Tokizaki in his mind.


Xia Zhi let go of his hands, got up and returned to the girl's side, looked at the shoes and socks scattered on the ground, and sighed helplessly.

Seeing this, Shika also came to her senses, and stuck out her tongue in embarrassment, and when she wanted to tidy it up herself, she was already sorted out by the boy and put aside.

“...... Summer solstice, just like my mother. She couldn't help but sigh.

Can you stop talking about it?

Xia Solstice thought to himself angrily, and did not go down to the stream as the girl invited, but just sat down beside her.

Shika didn't care, just quietly felt the coldness of the stream running through his little feet, and the warmth of the young man next to him clinging to his body

“...... Summer solstice. After a moment, she raised her head, looked at Xia Solstice and asked. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


"What will the future world look like?"

What's this......

"It's pretty much the same as it is now. "

Xia Zhi replied after thinking about it

Except that there are a little fewer people than now, and the resources are all supported by the Divine Tree, there is nothing unsatisfactory about life

...... If you ignore the threat from the gods that may come at any time.

And now, when the gods are gone, this threat no longer exists.

"It won't take long for us to return to our current level of civilization, right?" Xia Solstice speculated.


Toka lowered her head again and looked at the reflection on the water.

In the past three hundred years, not only has there been no progress, but it has regressed to a worse state

The current situation is already terrible in her opinion...... What kind of world will people live in 300 years from now?

The girl pursed her lips slightly, not knowing what she was thinking.

“...... Actually, I don't like the world. "

After a long silence, she suddenly said.

"As soon as I opened my eyes, I was already in this world. "

Facing the boy's puzzled gaze, she continued to explain

"I didn't know anything at the time, and I was under attack by the gods until the summer solstice, and no one could help me...... It's as if the whole world is full of malice towards me. "

In this case, it's impossible to make her like the world, right?

However, this is no longer the case.

"You were the first to show me these wonderful things. "

The girl continued

"Sundaes, milk coffee, crepes, donuts, takoyaki, hot pot, fried chestnuts with sugar, tamagoyaki...... It was the summer solstice that you let me know, it turns out that there are so many beautiful things in this world. "

In your heart, is the beauty of this world food?

Xia Zhi complained in his heart.

"And the summer solstice. She looked at the boy and said.

"Thank you for putting me in the same gear as Sundae. "

Xia Zhi rubbed her head and said.

"It's not the same gear, it's ...... Something even better!" The girl shook her head and quickly defended.

As long as you don't see me as food. Xia Solstice thought to herself.

"So, the summer solstice ......"

The girl rested her head lightly on his shoulder, closed her eyes, and whispered

"I'm kind of in the world. "

... Righteousness....

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