
When Dai Xiaomei started the car, Xiaoliu became unstable and fell out. He quickly flapped his wings and flew up.

Looking at the white pigeon again, he was standing firmly on the roof of the car, motionless.

"The boss is the boss, awesome!"

Xiao Liu flew up to catch up, looking at the majestic body of the white pigeon and his eyes full of admiring little stars.

We are all birds, why can't I do it?

No, I have to try again.

The parrot Xiao Liu was a little unconvinced, once again Jumped on the roof of the car.


As soon as he landed, he was blown away by the strong wind.

Damn, it doesn’t count this time, the wind is strong.

Come again.

Xiaoliu tried to land on the roof of the car again.

Just as he landed, his feet slipped and he slipped out of the car. The tail is in a mess.

Damn, it's slipping.

Come again........

After several attempts, Xiao Liu realized why he was the younger brother.

Finally, had to fly back to the car.

Seeing this, the little girl couldn't help but be surprised.

Dogs and pigeons are pigeons.

Compared with similar products, it is even more outstanding.

When I got home, it was already eight o'clock in the evening.

Dai Xiaomei ordered takeout, then soaked dog food for Xiao Hei and got some millet for the parrot.

As for dogs and pigeons, it seems like these guys never have to worry about it and can find their own food.

"thanks, thanks!"

Xiao Liu nodded and started to eat millet.

Thank you?


It actually said thank you to me?

The little girl was confused: Is this still the parrot with a foul mouth?

Could it be ?......Transitioned?

She suddenly remembered that it seemed that the parrot had never said any bad words since it followed her.

"Xiaozuer, it’s so strange, why doesn’t Xiaoliu say bad words?"

The little girl Dai looked at the white pigeon. The pigeon cooed twice but didn't make any gestures. The girl looked confused.

"I didn't let it be said."

Xiao Liu translated, and then continued to eat millet.


The little girl was even more confused.

The parrot's words puzzled her. She asked the question of the white pigeon, but the parrot answered it for it.

But it seems that the parrot was used incorrectly. It's a personal pronoun, it should be used instead of me.

Because this question should be answered by the white pigeon, even though it can't speak.

Soon, the little girl no longer struggled with this problem, she understood that it was the dog and the pigeon that conquered the parrot.

This is not surprising People are surprised that it can even subdue a small black bird, let alone a bird

"Have you conquered the parrot?"Dai Xiaomei asked.

Xiaoliu translated:"Yes, he is my little brother now."

Glancing at Xiaoliu, the little girl was dissatisfied and said:"Shut up, I didn't let you speak."

"The boss asked me to say it, not me!"

Xiao Liu is very aggrieved. This time it is what he wants to say.


Dai Xiaomei's mind is messy and she feels that her IQ is not online. She was stunned by a bird.

Dai Xiaomei:"Xiao Zuer, you are its boss, right? ?

Parrot:"I'm the boss.""

Stupid little girl:"Shut up!

Parrot:"Shut up."

Parrot:"Just shut up."

Parrot:"Shut up, your whole family."

Parrot:"Old woman.""

Parrot:" Dog woman.

Parrot:"Ugly woman.""

Stupid little girl:"........"

Dumb girl:"Don't you stop swearing?"

Parrot:"You scolded it first."


Can you figure out the title?

Forget it, who called you a parrot? forgive you

"All right!"

The little girl raised her hands and feet to surrender.

"what happened?"

The little girl looked at the two birds, extremely messy.

Parrot:"I'm thirsty, get me some water.""

What the hell!!!

The stupid little girl has black lines all over her head.

Are the birds today so good?

Dogs and pigeons bully me.

Xiaoliu also bullies me.

Is there any mistake?

I am the head of the family."

Although she was angry, Dai Xiaomei still went to get a glass of water.

When the water came, the parrot did not drink it. The pigeon took two big gulps.

Dai Xiaomei:........

"Xiaoliu, don’t you want some water?

Parrot:"I want water.""

Damn it!

The little girl is going crazy and wants to strangle the bird to death.

Forget it. How can a parrot have any evil intentions? Maybe my requirements are too high.

Parrot: [Boss, this is Lao Wang's house. The millet is very fragrant, do you want to eat it?]

(Note, in the future, when animals speak, they will use this [ ] symbol to facilitate distinction. Tip: People cannot understand animals when they speak.)

White Pigeon: [I’m going out to eat. 】

Parrot: [Is there any delicious food outside? I want to go too.]

White Pigeon: [You can’t see me at night. I’ll take you to breakfast when I have time.]

Parrot: [Thank you, boss.】

"I'm going out!"The parrot suddenly spoke.

The little girl said:"What are you going out for?



Do all birds have such rich lives?

Plop la la~~~

The white dove flew to the window and disappeared.


The parrot is going out for a trip, why are the pigeons gone?

I see.

Dog and Pigeon brought back a translator.

Seeing the white dove disappear, the silly little girl finally understood.

Xiao Liu is the translator, and Xiao Hei is the translator.........bodyguard.

Damn it.

A translator, a bodyguard.

You are a pigeon, why should he be the emperor? correct.

What is my identity in the hearts of dogs and pigeons?

The little girl looked at the tea cup in her hand and felt that she was not feeling well. Servant?

Dai Xiaomei:"Xiao Liu, is Pigeon your boss?"

Parrot:"Boss, boss, boss."

Dai Xiaomei:"What about me?"

Parrot:"Second brother, second child, second child!"

Dai Xiaomei : sister:@¥#@*¥#@!

You are the second child, and your whole family is the second child.

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