Wanda Maksimov: Hey, don't you all care? That white man, Nick Fury, shot and killed the phoenix Lady Grey!

Loki Odinson: Imp, what's all the fuss about?

Rocky Odinson: She's either not Jean Grey at all, or ...... It's just a woman with no superpowers.

Wanda Maximov: No...... Superpowers? Is it like Wolverine in that world?

Wolverine: ............ →_→

Charles Xavier: But ...... Something is still wrong.

Charles Xavier: According to what "White Nick Fury" said before he died, there are clearly mutants in this unknown world!

Charles Xavier: So, is the Jean Grey he killed genuine?

Charles Xavier: And, does my variant have mind control at all?

Magneto: That's a lot of questions......

Bruce Wayne: More than that. What does Nick Fury mean by the "change in the United States" at the end?

Bruce Wayne: Why, you have to be a mutant to survive?

Tony Stark: Looks ...... Only by continuing to read will it be possible to get the answer.

Just when everyone was puzzled, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[After seeing Nick Fury for the last time, "Philip Shelton" travels to another state.] 】

[Here, he finds a man named Rick Jones.] 】

[This person's eyes are deep-set, his face is full of scum, and he walks staggeringly, looking three points not like a person, and seven points like a ghost. 】

[But the most outrageous thing is that even such a guy who is not a human or a ghost actually has a girlfriend in the house. 】

[While talking to Philip, Rick Jones also opened the medicine bottle and poured painkillers into his mouth. 】

[Philip looked at the label on the medicine bottle, and already knew it.] 】

[There is only one kind of person who needs to keep taking this painkiller. 】

[That's a terminal cancer patient.] 】

[Facing Philip, Rick Jones said something.] 】

[This incident was a turning point in his life. 】

[Many years ago, Lee Jones was a musician, sitting next to a water tower in the middle of the desert, playing the guitar and singing. 】

Suddenly, he spotted a man in a white lab coat riding a motorcycle, rushing towards her as if he were desperate. 】

[While riding, the "man in the white coat" was still waving at Rick Jones and shouting something. 】

[But Rick Jones only heard, words like "test, trench."] 】

[When he knew that the building next to him was not a "water tower", and this person named Bruce Banner was here to save his life...... It's too late. 】


[Bruce Banner rushes off the motorbike and desperately pushes Rick Jones into the nearby trench.] 】

[But at this moment, that "water tower" exploded.] 】

[That's a gamma bomb.] 】


[Rick Jones, lying in the trench, stared at him in disbelief.] 】

[I saw that the man named Bruce Banner was completely overwhelmed by the blast of the gamma bomb......]

[But he didn't die!]

[Rick Jones saw it with his own eyes...... Bruce Banner's body first turned green, and then countless cracks opened in his skin!]

["Click...... Peng!"]

[With a strange explosion, Bruce Banner's body completely collapsed, and countless swollen tumors poured out of his body!]

[The radiation of the gamma bomb actually put this man ...... Turned into a green tumor troll!]

["Although he turned into a green monster, the man didn't die!"]

[Nick Jones screams nervously:]

["I investigated!"] The men locked him up in a cave under a lake. "】

["I also gave it a code name, called 'Hulk'!"]

"He is alive to this day...... He's alive!"]

[Although pushed into the trench by Bruce Banner, Rick Jones is still ...... due to gamma radiation And with cancer, it is obvious that his life is not long. 】

[Dan...... Thinking of the man who had saved his life, and the tragic situation of Bruce Banner who was now worse than death, Nick Jones's eyes finally revealed uncontrollable fear. 】

[After learning of this horrific fact, Philip Sheldon staggered out of Rick Jones's house. 】

[Philip knows...... I don't have long to live. 】

[There is only one thought that supports him, that is, to learn as much as possible before he dies...... The truth about these superhumans!]


[Walking on the snowy street, Philip suddenly tripped over a corpse. 】

[Looking at the familiar white skeleton on this corpse, Philip suddenly understood. 】

[This man who was shot and killed indiscriminately is a well-known civilian hero in the news...... Punisher. 】

He doesn't have any superpowers, but he still tries to fight crime in his own way. 】

[But it is clear that the mortal punisher of the flesh has finally met an enemy that he cannot handle. 】

Seeing this, the chat group also became lively.

Reid Richards: Dr. Banner, I'm sorry you saw this......

Bruce Banner: No, to me, it's not really a shock.

Rampage Lori Jinx: Huh? Are you really not afraid? Or are you just hard-mouthed?

Bruce Banner: Actually, for a long time, I was scared: will the Hulk become a further alienation and end up being a complete monster!

Bruce Banner: But then I wanted to open it too. Whatever you have to do, at least...... I have to live.

Bruce Banner: And I know very well that if I am captured by General Ross, I will definitely be locked up by them and sent to the test bench!

Big bones boiled into soup: Isn't the experimental bench a hole in the ground?( ̄△ ̄;)

Bruce Banner: Well, if General Ross catches me and doesn't slice me alive!

Bruce Banner: Just imprisoned?

Big bones boiled into soup: ( ̄口 ̄)!! Is this a horror movie? It's horrible!

Rampage Lori Jinx: Hehe, humans sometimes ...... But it's even more terrifying than monsters! It would be good for you to learn about this fact sooner.

Big bones into soup: ............

Ghost Rider: Punisher! This guy didn't get superpowers in the end, so he died at the hands of criminals.

Nick Fury: Speaking of which, the jealous Punisher, and your superpowers...... It's a good match.

Nick Fury: It's a pity that in this universe, he didn't make it to Ghost Rider.

Ghost Rider: Hmph! If there were more people like us, those villains wouldn't dare be so presumptuous!

At that moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[Philip Shelton sits on a passenger plane and prepares to travel to a new destination. 】

[Suddenly, on the plane, a woman sitting next to him suddenly changed her face and let out an amazing scream!]


[With a cry of terror, this woman's face began to twist and tear, and finally collapsed and disintegrated! Even the bones were exposed!]

[The most terrifying thing is that on her face, there is even a second ...... The third mouth! and the third ...... 4th Eye!]

[It's like...... Several faces appeared on this woman's head at the same time, and they were fighting with each other for the right to use their faces!]


[Looking at the terrifying scene in front of him, Philip hid his face and trembled in fright, and his whole body shrunk into a ball in his seat, and his clothes were wet in cold sweat. 】

[Because of such a terrible abnormality, the passenger plane that had already taken off had to make an emergency landing, and this woman who didn't know life and death was also taken away by a group of people in black. 】

[The men in black claim that the woman, Raven Duckholm, is a "shapeshifter.] 】

[Due to changing identities several times in a short period of time, Raven also suffers from multiple personality disorder.] 】

[Worst of all, before Raven went out today...... Forgetting to take the medicine, the multiple personalities in her body conflicted with each other, which directly caused her to ...... Trying to turn into three people at the same time!, and even squeezing her head!]

[After this terrifying experience, a pale-faced Philip stepped off the plane. 】

[But at this moment, the airport was in the middle of the ...... Another horrific incident happened!]

[Not far from Philip, a man in black agent casually pushed away a man who looked like a hippie. 】


[Unexpectedly, in the next moment, the sound of metal and glass shattering suddenly sounded in everyone's ears!]


[In an instant, the agent closest to the hippie had all the iron in his blood sucked out!]

[The strong magnetic force envelops the entire airport!]

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