["You humans again!"]

[Looking at the familiar Xiaoyu and the others in front of him, the demon wave of the mountain was furious, raised his big foot and stepped on it. 】

["Dragon Charm!"]

[Xiao Yu dodged to the side, raised the dragon charm in his hand, and released a burst of light at Bogang!]


[No one expected that after the violent explosion, Bogang's body didn't even have any bruises!]

[As a mountain demon, the defense of this monster ...... It's so strong!]

["Run, Wow"]

[Jackie Chan caught up, grabbed Xiaoyu with one hand and fled!]

[Watching Bo Gang take a big step and catch up, Xiaoyu knew that the light could not escape, and hurriedly pointed out Jackie Chan:]

["Uncle Long, Fly and Kick! Hurry up and use your Flying Kick." "】

["Huh? Fly...... Body kick?"]

[Jackie Chan was shocked when he heard this, but seeing that Bo Gang had already caught up, he had to rush up...... Jumping is a kick!]


[Under the blessing of the cow charm, the power of Jackie Chan's leg weighed 10,000 jun, and with one blow, he kicked the demon wave of the mountain to the ground with a bang! ]

[But Bo Gang's skin is thick and thick, and this kick won't cause her any harm at all!]

[Seeing that Jackie Chan is alone, I'm afraid I can't beat Bo Gang, Xiaoyu hurriedly urged his father:]

["Daddy, hurry up and chant the mantra!Seal the demon!"]

[Daddy has passed the flip book.] Found the spell that sealed Bogang. 】

[But hearing Xiaoyu's urging, he still said helplessly:]

"I don't have the token of the gods she needs to seal her. "】


[Xiao Yu's head turned, and she quickly remembered the procedure when she sealed the demon before:]

["The Demon of Fire is sealed with a sword...... The seal of the water demon is a gourd ......"]

["Sealing the Heavenly Demon uses a flute ......"]

[While reminiscing and reciting, Xiao Yu opened the bag brought out of the magic pavilion and found one token after another from it:]

["The Demon of the Earth uses flowers, and the Demon of the Wind uses a fan......"]

[It's also strange to say that in the Holy Lord's Magic Pavilion, almost all ...... are stored A token of the gods used to seal other demons!]

[It seems that the Holy Lord has already had bad intentions!I want to play a wave of "brothers, friends, brothers, brothers" with the rest of the demons!]

["By the way, to seal the demon of the mountain, what you need is a drum!"

[Halfway through, Xiaoyu suddenly reacted and looked around. 】

[I saw that not far away, there was a big drum standing right now!]

[And near the big drum, there is still a confused Tru. 】

[In this demon world, Tru seems to have become a miner, and he has also lost his previous memories. 】


[Xiao Yu didn't care if this big man recognized himself or not, and hurriedly ordered loudly:]

["Hurry up and hit that big drum, remember!, be sure to hit it three times!"]

[Although Tru didn't recognize Xiaoyu, under her yell, he still involuntarily walked up and picked up the drumstick. 】

[At this moment, the mountain demon Bo Gang had already caught Jackie Chan and dipped it in salt, wanting to swallow Jackie Chan into his stomach!]

[Fortunately, Dad has already recited the spell, and although Tru doesn't know why, he still beat the drum according to Xiaoyu's instructions:]

["Bang, bang, bang, goblin, goblin, get out...... Demons and monsters get out of ......"]


[Under the power of the magic ritual, the demon wave of the mountain only had time to let out a scream, and was sucked in by the hell gate that appeared, and the "third time" was sealed into the demon hell!]

[At this time, Xiao Yu and the others not only sealed the mountain demon Bogang, but also pulled Tru into their camp. 】

[One more member of the dragon group!]

[Next, Xiao Yu and the others came to the Wind Demon...... Whistling Wind's Territory. 】

[The former dragon group member "Bull Warrior", at this time, is the servant of Howling Wind, responsible for wrestling in the arena every day. 】

[The most incredible thing is that the little heel of the Ox Warrior Parker...... At the moment, he is holding a fan, responsible for cooling the whistling fan. 】

["Gladiators, keep fighting!

[While enjoying Parker's fan service, the howling wind cheered loudly for the warriors in the arena.] 】

[Then in the next moment, a familiar incantation suddenly sounded in his ears:]

["Demons and monsters, get out of here...... Demons and monsters, get out of here!"]

["Oh no!"]

[Just hearing the sound of the spell, Xiao Feng's face immediately changed!]

[Only then did he remember that the "god token" that sealed him was a fan!]

[But he actually ...... The boy who specially equipped himself with a fan!]


[In the next moment, the fan in Parker's hand immediately radiated a magical light!]


[Howling Wind only had time to let out a scream before he was sucked in by the sudden appearance of the Hell Gate. 】

[This stupid wind demon was sealed before he even had time to make a move. 】

[After recruiting the Ox Warriors, the dragon group moved to the territory of the Sky Demon Ximu. 】

[Here, Ximu built a towering demon tower for himself, and also caught the little snake and put it in a cage, so that she could sing to cheer him. 】

[Before the little snake could start singing, the sound of Daddy's spell reached Ximu's ears. 】


[With the opening of the gates of hell, the Sky Demon also returned to his hell. 】

[But...... As soon as the dragon team rescued the little snake, the thunder and lightning demon Zhong Su came out!]

"Humans, you are so bold. "】

[When Zhongsu saw Jackie Chan and others, he directly stretched out his hand and it was a thunderbolt!]


[In order to avoid the thunder of Zhongsu, Xiaoyu accidentally almost fell from the tower, but it was the little snake who rescued her. 】

["My watch!"]

[Although Xiaoyu was saved, the high-tech watch on his wrist still fell under the tower. 】

[Moreover, during the battle, Jackie Chan also accidentally lost his cow charm and couldn't exert superhuman powers. 】

["Damn, I didn't expect the Thunder Demon to appear here, we weren't ready to seal his god token!"]

[Looking at Zhongsu in front of him, surrounded by thunder and lightning, Dad and Xiaoyu were worried. 】

["The token that sealed the Thunder Demon is a castanets, where can I find it now?"]


[The little henchman of the Ox Warrior Parker was stunned when he heard this, and casually took out a castanets from his purse. 】

[It turned out that he usually played music and listened to it by himself. 】

["Great, daddy, hurry up!"]

[Xiao Yu was overjoyed to see it, and hurriedly took the castanets over and made a sound!]


["Don't, ahhhhh!!hh

[With a flash of green light, the thunder and lightning demon Zhong Su was also in a helpless scream...... Pulled into the gates of hell. 】

[But Xiao Yu and the others didn't expect that at this moment, under this demon tower, there was another demon who also came, and that was the Fire Demon Holy Lord!]

["Hehe...... The power of the cow charm has finally returned to my body!"

[Casually integrated the cow charm that Jackie Chan had lost into his body, and the Holy Lord ...... from the ground Picked up the watch that Xiaoyu had just dropped. 】

["This is a product of science and technology, and people in this era should not have it!"]

["It's that little girl!, she escaped the change of history!"]

[At this moment, the remaining three demons also contacted the Holy Lord!]

[In order to fight against the "dragon group" led by Xiaoyu, the demons decided to join forces!]

[On this side, since Xiaoyu has gathered the dragon group, she is ready to go straight to that castle, find the history books of the years, and then change it back to its original state!]

[But on the flying carpet, Jackie Chan, who lost the cow charm...... But he was very frustrated, thinking that if he didn't have a charm, he wouldn't be a hero at all. 】

[Seeing this, Xiaoyu hurriedly comforted him:]

["Uncle Long, when you fought with demons before, you never relied on any spells!"]

["Courage, wisdom and kindness, that is your greatest weapon! and ......"]

[Xiaoyu stood up and made a gesture of kung fu:]

["Uncle Long, I will teach me the kung fu you taught me at the beginning...... I'll teach it to you!"]

[On the flying carpet, Jackie Chan learned his kung fu again from Xiaoyu's hands. 】

[After coming to the destination, the little snake directly used the dragon charm given to him by Xiaoyu to open a big hole in the huge castle!]

[But soon, from the big hole, countless ghost ninjas appeared!]

["The dragon team attack!"]

[Tru, Bull Warrior, Little Snake and others, all relied on their strong strength and agility to defeat one Ghost Ninja after another. 】

[Even Jackie Chan, who has just learned kung fu, also shoots left and right...... Knocked down several!]

[And the most powerful thing is still Daddy's magic!]

["Demons and monsters leave quickly! Demons and monsters leave ......"]

[I saw that Daddy was holding an air-dried lizard in his hand, and there were words in his mouth, and one after another Ghost Ninja turned into green smoke in front of him...... Gone!]

[Soon, all the Ghost Ninjas were wiped out by the dragon team, and Xiao Yu also whistled happily:]

["It's unbelievable, they didn't even use a charm, so they killed all these ninjas. "】

[But at this moment......]



[With a violent roar, the roar of the torrent ......]

[Earth Demon Dikui, Water Demon Bazaar, Moon Demon Curse Blue...... There is also the Fire Demon Holy Lord, all of whom have descended in front of everyone!]

[This time, the demons won't be stupidly waiting for the dragon group...... Defeat each of them!]

[They will join forces to strangle these humans completely!]

["Daddy! "】

[Seeing this, Xiaoyu hurriedly asked Daddy to recite a spell and seal these demons with a magic ritual!]

[But the Holy Lord's eyes are quick, just a glance at his eyes!, and he released the power of the electric eye of the pig charm!]


[The magic materials in Daddy's hand were all destroyed by the Holy Lord's laser eyes. 】

"Oh no! Escape to the castle. "】

[Seeing that the magic used to restrain the demon could not be used, the dragon group and others ...... Hurriedly escaped into the stone castle through the big hole that was blasted out with the dragon charm just now!]

["Let's go separately...... Find out the history books of the years!"]

[Seeing that there are forks in the road everywhere in the stone castle, the dragon group has to separate to see who is lucky...... I can find the history book of the years first!]

[The Holy Lord and the others were not idle, and they directly chased after each other!]

["Human, watch me beat you flat!"]

[The Earth Demon Dikui first found Tru, but Tru had a rabbit charm on his body, and his movements were as fast as lightning, and he couldn't hit at all. 】

[The water demon Basha found the little snake, but the little snake carried a dragon charm! As soon as he stretched out his hand, it was the blasting flame of the Holy Lord!]


[Under the terrible explosion, Basha's body was shattered, turning into a pile of water and scattering to the ground. 】

[However, Bazaar soon condensed and formed again, and continued to entangle the little snake.] 】

[At this time, on the other side, the Moon Demon Curse Blue met the Bull Warrior who had the power to float the Chicken Charm. 】

[Two people who also have the power to float.] Inside the castle, he played hide and seek. 】

[In the end, Jackie Chan is the same as always...... With his agile skills, he entangled the Holy Lord!]

[When these demons were all entangled by the dragon group and others, Daddy, Xiaoyu and Parker finally found the place where the history books of the years were hidden. 】

[But none of them expected that the thickness of the history books of the years was beyond imagination!]

[Daddy flipped through the pages for a long time, sweating profusely, but he didn't find the page that was modified by the Holy Lord. 】

[And during this time, the dragon group finally couldn't defeat the demons such as the Holy Lord, and they were defeated one after another, and even Jackie Chan ...... They were all caught by the Holy Lord!]


[With a burst of wild laughter, the demons led by the Holy Lord came to the space of the history books of the years. 】

[The dragon warrior and the others have all become their captives. 】

["Surrender, Human!"

[The Holy Lord held the fainting Jackie Chan in his hand and said triumphantly:]

["Your team has fallen apart!"]

["So what?"]

[Facing an unprecedented crisis and strong enemy, Xiaoyu's head is under pressure...... Instead, it turned faster. 】

[She stepped forward directly, pushed her father away, picked up the pen, and wrote hard in the history books of the years:]

["If I can't find the page that has been modified by the Holy Lord, then I will simply ...... Revise the book yourself!"]

[I saw Xiaoyu write in the history books of the years:]

【“...... Jackie Chan has grown 20 feet taller!"]

[At the moment when Xiao Yu changed the history books, Jackie Chan's body suddenly began to grow wildly, and he soon turned into a giant! 】


[The giant Jackie Chan flew up and kicked the Holy Lord out!]

["Damn!Stop that girl!"]

[The Earth Demon Di Kui found out that something was wrong, and rushed towards Xiao Yu violently. 】

[But at this moment, Xiaoyu wrote in the history books again:]

【“...... Tru, now it's Super Tru!"]


[With a flash of light, a green leotard appeared on Tru's body, and there was even an extra cloak behind him!]

["Pick up!"]

[Super Tru can not only fly like a superman, but also has an extraordinary strength, knocking the demon of the earth to the ground with one punch!]

[Next, Xiao Yu turned the little snake into a female Iron Man! 】

[On the side, Parker's eyes were hot, and he suddenly snatched the pen from Xiaoyu's hand, and made the Niu Warrior stronger!]

["Hey, hurry up and give me back the pen, Uncle Long is the strongest!"]

["No, the bull warrior is the strongest!"]

["Uncle Long......"]

[Xiaoyu and Parker, the two little ghosts, are like being angry, constantly scrambling to modify Jackie Chan and Niu Warrior...... Make these two people bigger and bigger, and they look like two giants!]

[In front of the strengthened "Super Dragon Group", the demons were all beaten to the ground!]

[However, demons can be defeated in this way, but they cannot be killed.] 】

["Enough, are you finished?"]

[Daddy stood aside, and finally couldn't stand it anymore:]

["If you want to defeat the demons, then write directly on it: Daddy has sealed all the demons!"]

["Oh, yes!"]

[The two bear children glanced at each other and seemed to have finally reached a consensus.] 】

[Next, Xiaoyu picked up the pen and wrote a page of "Modifying Reality" in the history book of the years!]


[I saw a flash of green light, and my father also changed his appearance!]

[This brand-new dad is dressed in a white robe, and his whole body releases the momentum of a master!]

["Demons and monsters, get out of here!"]

[Super Daddy only recited one spell, green magic light...... directly conjured 4 god tokens out of thin air and fell into the hands of 4 people in the dragon group!]

Seeing this, everyone in the chat group was stupid.

Stephen Strange: It's incredible, it's really the power to modify reality!

Nick Fury: It's horrible, such a terrifying power...... It actually fell into the hands of two bear children!

Gen Mordo: If they continue to scribble, the world may be doomed.

Wanda Maximov: Whahahaha! It's magic against magic, modification against modification. (*^▽^*)

Seeing Xiaoyu and Parker, they are in the history books of the years as they like...... Changing the situation of Jackie Chan and others, Xiao Wanda suddenly felt an unprecedented sense of pleasure!

I can't wait to put Xiaoyu ...... It's yourself!

Originally...... It's so much fun to modify reality!

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