
[Sensing that the magic had begun to get out of control, Doctor Strange immediately activated the mana......! Try to control the flow of energy that goes berserk!]

[Under control, the golden energy flow raging in the air began to gradually converge!]

[And at the moment when the energy flow was concentrated, the basement that had already collapsed...... It's back to the same state again!]


[Doctor Strange shouted, his hands clasped together!]

[And the tide of energy that almost distorted reality was finally condensed by him to a point and transformed into a golden-red polyhedron.] 】


[Looking at the polyhedron suspended in mid-air, Doctor Strange and Peter Parker were speechless for a moment. 】

[In the end, it was Peter who had the courage to ask:]

["Your magic has worked, has it?"


[Doctor Strange said with some excitement:]

["You changed my spell 6 times!"]

["Well, it's only 5 times, actually."] "】

[Peter Parker's "Spit Soul" seems to have fully awakened, and instinctively corrected Doctor Strange's statement. 】

[As soon as he saw that this little ghost was still talking back, Doctor Strange suddenly became even angrier:]

["You changed my spell!"]

["If you don't stop in time, that spell will get completely out of control! Difficult. "】

[Sensing the ominous meaning in Doctor Strange's tone, Peter Parker hurriedly tried to defend himself:]

["Stephen! I ......"]

[Doctor Strange rudely interrupts Peter.] 】

["Call me sir!"]

[Obviously, after what just happened, Doctor Strange doesn't want to be close to Peter Parker.] 】

[Sensing that his tone seemed too heavy, Doctor Strange first took a deep breath, and then tried to reason with Peter:]

"Let's put it this way, I really sympathize with you and your classmates for not being able to get into college. "】

["If the university refuses your admission, maybe...... You can try to convince them. "】

[Peter Parker listened with a confused face, and was silent for a while, and then asked weakly:]

"You mean...... Can I call the university and convince them to enroll me?"]

["Can I do this?"]

【“(⊙_⊙)............ (▼Dish▼;)" 】

[Doctor Strange was stunned at first, and then, his expression changed from shock to anger!]

[He walked up to Peter Parker step by step, looking down at the imp with a coercive look. 】

"Are you trying to tell me...... Before you come to me and convince me to wash away the memories of all the people in the world, even ...... Didn't even make a single call to the university?huh?"]


Peter Parker tried to defend himself, but in the next second, he was teleported outside the door of the Supreme Sanctuary. 】

[Doctor Strange didn't even want to say a word to him, and just swept this kid out of the house.] 】

And seeing this, the chat group is also lively.

Hermione Granger: Wash away the memories of people all over the world, this Doctor Strange...... Do you really master such powerful magic?( ̄△ ̄;)

Stephen Strange: Not really. Are Kafka runes really so powerful? (⊙o⊙)

Mage Mordo: Stephen, it seems...... Your character still needs to be honed......

Stephen Strange: Hey, wait! Who's not me on the screen, I haven't even learned this magic!

Loki Odinson: Hmph, you humans, it's unbelievable!

Loki Odinson: What's so special about that little P kid, Peter Parker? If he says anything, you're willing to wash away the memories of the whole world for him?

Rocky Odinson: You're embarrassed to claim that you've even done this kind of thing...... Are you a superhero?(▼へ▼メ)

Wanda Maximov: yes......! My variant, it would be wrong to modify the world to "Mutant Domination".

Wanda Maximov: Strange, how did you do it right to modify the world for that kid?

Wanda Maximov: You're still a hero if you break the rules, and I'm a villain if I break the rules! Convex (艹)

Stephen Strange: ............

Faced with Loki and Wanda's accusations, Strange was also speechless for a while.

To tell the truth, he is also a little difficult to accept what his variant has done!

Modify the world's ...... This is no child's play!

If something goes wrong, what's the matter?

And at this moment, Parker from "Spider-Verse 1" ...... Suddenly, he spoke weakly in the group.

Peter Parker (Spider-Verse 1): Guys, I have an immature idea.

Peter Parker (Spider-Verse 1): If that Doctor Strange could really wash away the memories of people all over the world.

Peter Parker (Spider-Verse 1): So, why didn't he let everyone forget: "Something about Mysterio"?

Peter Parker (Spider-Verse 1): In this way, "Spider-Man kills Mysterio" and "Mysterio exposes Spider-Man's identity" and the like will also be forgotten.

Peter Parker (Spider-Verse 1): The reason Peter had such a bad reputation was because the world thought he had killed Mysterio and erased it. He and his friends...... You'll be able to go to college normally!

Hearing this, the chat group was silent for a while, and then burst into flames.

Stephen Strange: It's!( ̄口 ̄)!!

Gen Mordo: I'll ......

Rocky Odinson: Good boy, you're a genius. O(∩_∩)O haha~!

Tony Stark: Bitter smile, it's not really genius, it's just ......

Tony stopped talking, but everyone understood what he meant.

It's just that...... That Doctor Strange and Spider-Man were too stupid to think in this direction at all!

Kama Taj.


The Ancient One mage sighed softly, and the shaking fan in his hand also stopped.

Next, she looked at the apprentices in the square and said aloud:

"Ladies and gentlemen, please remember that no matter how powerful the magic is, the most important thing is to deal with people...... You still have to know how to think with your heart!"

"Your brains don't just exist for the sake of memory magic!"


Strange lowered his head deeply, only to feel that his face was hot, and he almost didn't dare to look up to see anyone......

At that moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[After being kicked out of the door by Doctor Strange, Peter Parker immediately figured out a way to find an assistant vice president of MIT.] 】

[Now, he doesn't care if he can go to college or not, but his good friend ...... The road to university with MJ must not be cut off!]

[Next, Peter Parker chased all the way to an overpass, wanting to have a good talk with the assistant vice principal.] 】

[But just as Peter was clumsily trying to convince the assistant, his spider sense suddenly took effect!]


[Peter's face changed suddenly, and he jumped directly onto the roof of the car, and activated the spider suit, looking around vigilantly.] 】

[Just a few seconds later......]


[In front of the overpass, one car after another was lifted out!]

[It's like...... Some monsters are here!]


[After a series of explosions, huge mechanical tentacles poked out of the smoke and slammed into the ground. 】

And the owners of these mechanical tentacles also appeared in front of Peter. 】

[He is a middle-aged man with messy hair, a black robe, and sunglasses on his face. 】

[Otto Gunther Octavis!]

[Doctor Octopus, he actually appeared in this MCU world!]


[Looking at Spider-Man who has put on his suit, Doctor Octopus, he smiled coldly:]

["Hello, Peter Parker!"]

["Uh...... Hello, who are you?"]

[Peter Parker looked confused when he heard this, but instinctively greeted Doctor Octopus.] 】

[In the next moment, Doctor Octopus changed his face.] 】

["What did you do to my machine?"]

["I've taken the energy of the sun into my palm, but now it's all gone!"]

["Ah...... Huh?"]

Peter Parker blinks, completely unsure of how to reply. 】

Seeing this, there was also an uproar in the chat group.

Wanda Maksimov: I'll go, isn't this the Doctor Octopus, and how did he come back to life?∑( ̄△ ̄*||

Stephen Strange: What's more, it's not Doctor Octopus's universe at all!

Peter Parker (Spider-Verse 1): Dr. Octavis, you...... (⊙o⊙)

Bruce Wayne: No, this Doctor Octopus is still looking for the "artificial sun" machine.

Bruce Wayne: Looks like he didn't have any remorse at all!

Stephen Strange: Time, there's something wrong with this Doctor Octopus's timeline!

Stephen Strange: If I'm not mistaken, "he" must have traveled from the timeline before the "final battle" with Parker!

Peter Parker (Spider-Verse 1): Uh...... I don't understand. ╥﹏╥

Wanda Maximov: Is that hard to understand? This Doctor Octopus, just before he died...... Traveled to other worlds!

Peter Parker (Spider-Verse 1): Unbelievable, how could this happen?

Stephen Strange: Who knows?

Mage Mordo: It's magic!

Mage Mordo: Stephen, it's your variant whose magic has gone wrong!

Gen-la Mordo: That's why it has this effect.

Stephen Strange: What? Is that memory magic so powerful?( ̄口 ̄)!!

Mage Mordo: Kafka's runes can penetrate the boundaries between realities, and there is a great chance that they will open up the multiverse!

Gen-la Mordo: If this happens, no one knows what will turn out to be!

Wanda Maximov: Stephen, what do you see you've done?

Hermione Granger: Breaking through the multiverse, it turns out that this is the true power of magic!

Stephen Strange: No...... Wouldn't it?

Just as Strange was about to cry without tears, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[Seeing that Dr. Octopus opened and closed his mouth was his "machine", the little spider couldn't understand it at all, so he could only talk casually, but he didn't expect it...... This infuriated him!]

["Are you trying to lie to me? Peter Parker!"]

[Doctor Octopus is furious.] Grab the car on the overpass with your mechanical tentacles and smash it at the spider!]


[The little spider was in a hurry while avoiding the car and trying to save the people who fell off the bridge. 】

["You think your fancy new suit can save you?"]

[Seize the opportunity, Doctor Octopus, first grab the spider with his tentacles, and then throw him out hard.] 】

["Bang bang bang!"

[Like a cannonball, the spider's body passes through several buildings in a row, and finally smashes into a car.] 】

[Seeing this, Dr. Octopus was still puzzled and said coldly:]

["Originally, I should have slaughtered your little girlfriend. "】

["What did you say?"]

[Hearing that the enemy in front of him actually pulled his girlfriend, the little spider finally became angry. 】


[4 sharp mechanical spider legs protruding from the little spider suit!]

[Apparently, Peter has launched a brand new feature that Tony Darkk designed for him!]


[Looking at the spider legs that "grow" on Peter's body, Doctor Octopus turned his head and smiled at his mechanical tentacles:]

["It looks like we've met an opponent."] "】


[Next, Spider-Man manipulated those mechanical spider legs and fought with Doctor Octopus's tentacles!]

[For a while, it was the opponent of chess, and no one could help anyone. 】

[But in the middle of the scuffle, Spider-Man suddenly heard an exclamation from the side again:]

["Peter, help!"]

[Spider-Man looks back and sees that the assistant principal of MIT is somehow trapped in the car, and her car ...... I look like I'm about to fall off the overpass!]

[Seeing that the assistant principal is about to be thrown to death again, Spider-Man. Even Dr. Octopus couldn't take care of it, so he rushed forward desperately!]


[At the last minute, Spider-Man.] Stuck the car with spider silk and stuck himself on the bridge with his spider legs. 】

[But because Spider-Man focused on that assistant, he was accidentally attacked by Doctor Octopus!]


[Spider-Man was grabbed by Doctor Octopus's tentacles and pressed to the bridge pier!]


[Not only that, Doctor Octopus also took a fancy to Peter's new suit, operated another tentacle, and tore off a piece of the suit. 】

["Nanotechnology, you're better than I thought."] "】

[After Dr. Octopus grabbed some of the spider suits, he didn't know what means he used, so he directly dismantled them, and then "fused" them into his 4 tentacles. 】

"Peter, I really underestimated you. "】

[Words of admiration are spoken, but Doctor Octopus's actions are merciless:]

"Now, you can die. "】


[Seeing the soul-chasing tentacles shooting straight over, Peter had no choice but to transfer the spider suit on his head to the murderous mouth to block this fatal blow. 】


[Looking at the true face of Peter Parker, who had lost his hood, Doctor Octopus was stunned for a moment. 】

["Boy, who are you?"]

[And just when Doctor Octopus looked confused and couldn't figure out the situation at all, a change suddenly occurred.] 】

["Squeak...... Chirping...... Squeak ......"]

[I saw that the 4 mechanical tentacles that he fused with the nanospider Zhan Yi suddenly began to disobey the call. 】

[At the same time, the battle suit on Peter Parker's body made a sound:]

"A new device has been detected. "】


[Peter smiles violently, and then begins to manipulate the control system on the spider suit.] 】

["Adapting to the new device."] "】

[In the next second, those 4 mechanical tentacles were completely out of the control of Doctor Octopus.] 】

["Hey, you should listen to me, you shouldn't listen to that kid!"]

[Doctor Octopus struggles in vain, but to no avail.] 】

[Under the operation of the nanomachinery invented by Tony, his tentacles have been turned into Spider-Man's toys.] 】


[These mechanical tentacles controlled by Spider-Man put the assistant principal's car back on the bridge.] 】

[The female assistant for the rest of her life was shocked, and her eyes when she looked at Peter changed. 】

["Peter, you're a hero, I'm not only going to enroll your friends in school, I'm going to let you in!"]


[In the face of this surprise that fell from the sky, Peter's face bloomed with joy. 】

[Under his control, the mechanical tentacles also tied up Doctor Octopus firmly.] 】

[Seeing that Peter Parker has won a big victory, in the next moment, there is a new abnormality!]


[Peter Parker's spider senses and senses a new threat!]

[Immediately after that, a small green ball was suddenly thrown over.] 】

["Da...... Da ...... Boom!"]

[The green ball exploded, stirring up a sky-high flame!]

Seeing the ball, some people in the chat group suddenly exclaimed.

Peter Parker (Spider-Verse 1): That's the Green Goblin Bomb!

Peter Parker (Spider-Verse 1): Oh my God......! Or did Harry go to that universe too?( ̄△ ̄;)

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