["Staring at Dr. Marris in front of her, Marianne Wheeler said calmly:"]

["When you retired from the Antimemetics Department, we routinely used drugs to wash away your memories and recreate a new identity for you. "】

["And, on the day of your retirement, you signed a document and decided to dedicate the last day of your life to the Antimemetics Division. "】

"Now, we need the deepest memories buried in your head. "】

["Please tell me!"]

["Founder of the Antimemetics Division...... Dr. Marris took a deep breath and began to state the memory that had been forcibly erased. "】

["That memory was erased so completely that it could only be restored with the most powerful mnestic enhancer. "】

[That's why Dr. Maris decided to tell this secret on the last day of his life."] "】

["Because after using the mnestic agent, he will definitely die."] "】

["...... a few decades ago"]

Dr. Maris said slowly: "

["We've finally developed a mnestic enhancer that allows us to deal with those terrible antimemes, and the Antimemetics Department has been established. "】

["We have contained a large number of antimemetic SCPs, and everything seems to be normal. "】

["But...... It's all so normal!"]

["A twinkle flashed in Dr. Maris's eyes:"]

["At that time, I discovered one thing, even with mnestics, I can't recall what happened before the establishment of the Antimemetics Department!"]

["I studied a lot of documents and finally came to a terrible conclusion. "】

["The Antimemetics Division we have established is not the first Antimemetics Division!"]

["Before that, there was a similar department, and I was the only survivor of that department!"]

Thinking of this, Dr. Marris's face showed a thoughtful look again. "】

["Obviously, the power to erase his memories is too powerful, even with the largest dose of mnestics. It is also not possible to get it back completely. "】

["Seeing this, Marianne Wheeler went on to inject Dr. Marris with a second dose of Class-X mnestics. "】

["He's going to die today anyway, so in order not to make his death worthless, Marianne must get Dr. Mariss's memory."] "】

["After the second needle went down, the youthful glow on Dr. Marris's face disappeared again, and he reverted to the appearance of his old age. "】

At the same time, the memories in his mind were finally unsealed. "】

["It turns out that the "Antimemetics Department" before the establishment of the Antimemetics Department was not affiliated with the Foundation, but belonged to the Mi Army. "】

["This organization was created to create an antimemetic bomb, after it explodes. It can erase the memories of a large area of humans. "】

["However, at that time, the people of this organization did not really understand the horror of antimemes. "】

So, they tested this "antimemetic bomb". "】

As a result, everyone forgets about ...... They made this bomb. "】

In this case, they had to start from scratch and re-develop an antimemetic bomb. "】

["Then try to explode again, forget ...... again"]

["This logical loop has been repeated many times. "】

["And in the end, it was a sudden cult activity that interrupted this dead cycle of the Antimemetics Department."] "】

["This cult, known as the "5th Cult Society", is spreading at a frantic speed through the country with some terrible meme, and is about to sweep the whole country. "】

["At this juncture, the SCP Foundation contacted Dr. Marris and their Antimemetics Division!"]

["After understanding the gravity of the situation, Dr. Marris and the others categorically used the antimemetic bomb they had created. "】

[After the explosion, the "5th Church" completely disappeared, and no one remembered the existence of such an organization, and a terrible crisis was suddenly dissolved. "】

["The number of casualties is 0."] "】

["After that, Dr. Marris and his colleagues remained at the Foundation, re-establishing a new Antimemetics Division."] "】

["With Foundation funding, they have contained countless antimemetic SCPs. "】

["But there is an SCP that they have never been able to contain. "】

"That's SCP3125. "】

Hearing the code name 3125, Marianne's eyes flickered slightly. "】

["Actually, that's what she's here for!"]

["And Dr. Marris, still continuing to state his long-forgotten memories:"]

["3125 is the most terrible antimemetic SP. "】

["If you know it exists, it will know yours!"]

["The more you know about it, the more it will understand you!"]

["If you can see it, it can see you!"]

"And the more you know about it, the faster it will find you!"]

["Seeing Dr. Maritz's demeanor change drastically, Marianne Wheeler's pupils also contracted. "】

[Only then did she realize that something was wrong. "】

["Why did you come here alone?"]

【"Why...... Will she bring no support?"]

["It's like, she's forgotten all this!"]

["When she realized this, Marianne pulled out her gun and aimed it at the old Dr. Maris:"]

["Where's 3125? Is he in your body?"]

Dr. Marris closes his eyes. "】

"The only way to destroy it is to destroy all knowledge associated with it. "】

["And the way to bring it back...... It's to restore my memory!"]

["But all this can be saved!"]

[The doctor shouted in a hoarse voice:"]

["That bomb!"]

["You're going to find that antimemetic bomb!"]


Marianne was a little confused. "】

"We don't have this bomb!] "】


[Dr. Maris yells:"]

["There's a hole the size of a football field in the ground of Site-41, and the bomb is there!"]

"But that won't solve the problem. "】

["Marianne's face showed a stubborn look:"]

["If we use an antimemetic bomb, all memories of 3125 will be forgotten and we won't be able to contain it."] "】

["We can't contain it!never!"]

["Dr. Maris's face was full of bitterness:"]

["Don't you get it? Our entire department...... It's always going in circles!"]

["Either that monster eats us, or we erase our memories to protect ourselves!"]

["Perhaps, the previous humans have already fallen into this cycle. "】

["Maybe it's been hundreds of years!"]

["Dr. Maris wanted to speak again, but a spider's leg had already emerged from his eye!"]

["It's 3125!"]

["After Dr. Maris regained his memory, he was already targeted!"]

["And this terrible antimemetic SCP, as long as it is known, can attack humans from afar!"]

["Help me!"]

["Dr. Maris let out a painful roar while a second spider leg was born out of his trachea!"]


Seeing that the founder of the Antimemetics Department had completely turned into a monster, Marianne made a quick decision. Shoot directly. Ended the pain of the other party. "】

["Marianne immediately took out the amnestic potion from her bosom. "】

After calculating the dose, she immediately injected herself with a needle. "】

Then, she forgot all about her conversation with Dr. Marris. "】

["I forgot about the existence of 3125 as well."] "】

["So, 3125 didn't target her anymore."] "】

But that's not the end. "】

["In the Foundation's internal project logs, Scp-3125 is contained in a sealed cell. "】

["This room has a layer of lead, a layer of sound insulation, and a layer of telepathic insulation...... And there are no monitoring devices. "】

In other words, there is no way to see, hear, or perceive what's in the room. "】

["Moreover, the Foundation has a strange protective measure against 3125. "】

["Anyone who emerges from 3125's containment chamber must be amnesticized. Forced oblivion of everything that happened in the room. "】

"But there's a very strange rule in the Foundation. "】

["Every 6 weeks, a senior member of the Antimemetics Department must enter 3125's containment chamber. "】

["On this day, Marianne brought a young agent and prepared to visit 3125. "】

["This young agent is the one who killed the "man in the suit" before. "】

"The young agent seems to be very incomprehensible about this visit. "】

["Since every time a person visits, after coming out, his memory must be erased. "】

"Then why do we ...... every 6 weeks? How about sending someone in to visit?"]

["What's the point of that?"]

["And such a dangerous SCP, it should be completely contained, and then never bothered."] "】

["Hearing the complaints of the young subordinates, Maria did not reply. "】

["Instinctively, she felt like she should go into that room. "】

"So, she did it. "】

As soon as she entered the room, Marianne found that the walls were covered with various documents and notes. "】

"There was also a table in the room with a laptop on it. "】

["However, there is nothing that looks like an SCP."] "】

Marianne sighed slightly. "】

She knew what that meant. "】

["For the members of the Antimemetics Division, the basics of their work. It is to "forget everything" and find out the current situation by gathering intelligence. "】

But just as she was about to close the papers, the laptop in the room began to play a video automatically. "】

["An image of Marianne herself appeared on the video. "】

"Marianne on the laptop screen doesn't look tired, not sick. There were no injuries, but there was no fighting spirit. "】

["To put it simply, she is a woman who has been completely defeated. "】

Marianne on the screen said dejectedly: "

["You've already noticed that 3125 isn't contained here. "】

["In fact, this is the only room in the world where 3125 does not exist. "】

["This is called reverse containment. "】

["At present, 3125 has spread all over the world, and this room is our only safe haven. "】

Marianne on the screen sighed slightly: "]

["Any antimemetic project we run will eventually lead us to 3125, because it's all over the world and everywhere. "】

And when we discover it, it will also discover us. "】

Then he will kill everyone who discovers it, and all those associated with it...... As well as their parents and children, all loved ones!"]

["3125 is the black hole of antimemetics, as long as you touch it...... will be destroyed!"]

["Marianne on the screen is a little excited:"]

["Seven years ago, there were more than 400 antimemetics research teams around the world, affiliated with various countries, the military, universities, and private groups. "】

"We even have a relationship with them. "】

["But now, these teams are all gone, and they are all eaten!"]

["Three years ago, there were more than 4,000 people in the Antimemetics Division!"]

"Now there are only 90 people. "】

Looking at the image on the screen, Marianne gasped, and a chill instantly swept through her body. "】

["If this is a war, then it is clear that humanity is being completely defeated!"]

At this time, Marianne on the screen was still continuing to narrate: "]

["The 3125 we recognize is just another existence, a projection in the material world!"]

And as she spoke, Marianne on the screen drew a pentagram in the air with her hand. "】

["Looks...... It's like a starfish. "】

["This sign is the god of the 5th Church!"]

["That is, the body of 3125!"]

["A Supreme Divinity!"]

in the live broadcast room.

"Isn't it!"

"That's an exaggeration. "

Exclamation...... One after another, it rang out.

Everyone looked at each other, and they all saw the horror in each other's eyes.

As long as he knows about 3125's existence, he can turn you into a monster in the air! devour the memories associated with you and make everyone around you ...... Forget about your existence!

How can there be such a terrifying monster in the world?

Such an existence...... It's unbeatable.

PS: Have you seen the new trailer for Doctor Strange II? Even the bald Professor X has come out!

PS2: A new live stream will start this week, and when the live stream begins, how about letting the small class in the Teen Hacker join? ^_^

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