Over the years, in the course of the Balancer's pursuit of the Black Moon, he has encountered all sorts of strange "anomalies". "】

These include "strange creatures", "objects with magical powers", and various "unexplained events."] "】

["The balancer thinks...... Among these "anomalies", there may be hidden the key to his defeat of his old enemy. "】

Moreover, in the course of his travels, the Balancer also met some people with extraordinary talents and outstanding figures. "】

["Eventually, he assembled a committee of 13 of the most prominent and trustworthy people. "】

["This committee was named "O5" years later.] "】

["It took many years for the O5 Council to finally form an organization dedicated to "understanding" and "fighting" all kinds of "weirdness". "】

["And the ultimate goal of this organization is to destroy the Black Moon. "】

["The O5 Council named this organization the SCp Foundation!"]

["They will control, protect, and contain all kinds of anomalies to ensure that humanity is not affected by them!"]

And with the establishment of the Foundation, the Balancer also received a new title. "】

[That's the Administrator."] "】

And the "Black Moon" itself has been given a code name by the Foundation. "】


["Time flies, and soon, the Foundation has been established for 100 years. "】

"Time is also approaching the 21st century. "】

["But...... The Foundation still has no clue how to destroy the Black Moon. "】

["However, years of research on various anomalies have yielded results after all. "】

["Foundation researchers believe that no matter how powerful the Black Moon is, it will not howl as long as it is observed. "】

"As for why this is so, it involves very complex quantum physics. "】

["To put it simply, the observation itself can have a certain impact on the black moon. "】

"But the problem is that the Black Moon doesn't exist in the human universe at all. "】

["In this case, how should humans observe it?"]

["Thankfully, through the study of countless SCPs, a large number of talented scientists have emerged in the Foundation. "】

["In the 90s of the 20th century, a young doctor, under the guidance of the Administrator, launched a project aimed at targeting the Black Moon. "】

["This project is called "Key". "】

[The core of the "Key" project is to realize the possibility of fighting against the Black Moon through the transformation of SCP. "】

"This young doctor has a bold idea. "】

["If humans can't directly observe the Black Moon, then the Foundation can create a special SCP to replace the Black Moon and let humans observe it!"]

["To put it simply, it's to create a stand-in doll for the Black Moon!"]

["And to do this, this artificial SCP, three conditions need to be met. "】

["First, it stops acting when observed. "】

["Second, hostility to sentient beings. "】

["Third, when not observed, it will end sentient life on its own. "】

["As long as the Foundation can successfully create such an SCP through "concept engineering", it can be ...... between these objects and the Black Moon.] Get connected!"]

["Next, as long as humans continue to observe these "Black Moon stand-in SCPs", they will be able to "indirectly" stop the howl of the Black Moon!"]

["But while this theory sounds promising, the young doctor's experiment was far from smooth sailing. "】

["The first successful experiment this doctor has ever made...... It is a humanoid sculpture designated "SCP-001-Key-03". "】

["If no human observes it, it will appear behind the closest human to it and act scary."] "】

["But that's all, this SCP is not lethal in any way, it is a failure. "】

["The second test subject of the Doctor is a giant sculpture of a human head. Referred to as "SCP-001-Key-13". "】

["During the experiment, when someone looked away from observing it, the sculpture of the human head immediately smashed through the wall, breached containment, and attempted to escape into the desert near the test base. "】

["Thankfully, Foundation agents arrived just in time to re-contain it. "】

["However, in the process of the "Human Head Sculpture" breaching containment, 19 people were killed. "】

["The third work of the young doctor is a spherical sculpture. "】

["After only 0.2 seconds of no observation, the ball exploded, killing a total of 12 people. "】

["Of all the Doctor's works, the fourth is the worst. "】

["After 0.2 seconds of detachment from observation, the SCP, which appears to be composed of stalagmites and stalactites, directly caused the deaths of 142 people. "】

Since then, the young doctor's experiments have been completely terminated. "】

["This young scientist has been forced to endure the strange stares of the people around him since then. "】

But he gritted his teeth and persevered, and finally finished a near-perfect work. "】

["This work meets all the conditions to become a "Black Moon Stand-in". "】

["It's a concrete sculpture that can't move when observed, but if no one observes it, within a second, it will try to break the neck of its nearest sapient being."] "】

["The young doctor thinks that although his previous experimental accident caused terrible casualties, as long as there is such a perfect result, then everything is worth it!"]

But what happened next gave him a heavy blow. "】

[After receiving the Young Doctor's report, the Foundation decided to conduct a formal observational experiment on Project Key. "】

["In other words, by observing that concrete statue, try to stop the howl of the Black Moon!"]

["But this observation directly led to the complete erasure of the two tourists in the city. "】

[The "Key Project" was a complete failure. "】

"All the people who died because of the "Key Project"...... It's all in vain, and the Black Moon can't be stopped by "indirect observations" at all!"]

"This blow is too big for the young doctor. "】

"He endured so much, but in the end he got nothing. "】

[In the end, he simply left a note in his office stating his apologies and guilt for the "administrator."] "】

And then the young doctor arrived...... In the makeshift containment chamber of the concrete statue of his own making. "】

By the time the others found him, his neck had been torched. "】

["This is how the Wise Men atone for their sins. "】

[Since then, Project Key has been shut down entirely, and the only surviving statue has been transferred to Base 19.] "】

"In this base, it was renamed ...... SCP-173!"】

Seeing this, the chat group also became lively.

Rampage Lori Jinx: I see, that strange statue...... It was made by the Foundation!

Bruce Banner: Speaking of which, it's a lot like the world in which Spiral Road is located.

Bruce Banner: The Foundation created the SCPs themselves, and then they were responsible for containing.

Reed Richards: Ahem, you can't say that, in the process of science, sometimes...... It is inevitable to take some detours.

Bruce Banner: I don't think you should have said that! How many people died in that doctor's experiment?

Bruce Banner: Luckily, he ended up acting like a man and knowing to take responsibility.

Bruce Banner: Otherwise, what's the difference with those mad scientists? (▼Dish▼;)

It was because of the military's experiments that he became the Hulk, and Bruce Banner never had any good feelings about this kind of experiment that disregarded human life!

Tony Stark: Honestly, what the hell are these guys up to?

Tony Stark: In the face of this high-dimensional evil god, they actually came to make a stand-in doll? Is this brain water? (╯_╰)

Bruce Wayne: I guess I'm going to the doctor in a hurry.

Bruce Wayne: Foundation ...... I can't think of a better way.

Dr. Manhattan: Low-dimensional beings want to fight, or even kill, high-dimensional beings, just like people in a storybook want to kill the author!

Deadpool: Wow, Blue Eagle, isn't this Foundation universe going to end?

Dr. Manhattan: Unless, unless, they can also achieve "self-ascension," ...... Whatever you do is in vain.

Wanda Maximov: Ascension?( ̄△ ̄;)

Nick Fury: How can this be done?

Captain of the United States: ............

Just when everyone was speechless, a new image appeared on the screen.

The calm narration sounded again.

["Just when everyone was speechless, a new image appeared on the screen. "】

The calm narration also sounded again. "】

With the howl of the black moon, time continued to move forward, and soon another 1,000 years passed. "】

["The Administrator is still alive, but all of his contemporaries have long since been buried in the ground. "】

["After a thousand years, the Foundation's technology has also advanced to an incredible level!"]

["However, even if all the scientific and technological forces of the Foundation are gathered, it is still not enough to compete with the high-dimensional power of the "Black Moon"!"]

As time passed, the Black Moon's howls became more and more frequent. "】

Finally, in 3156, the Foundation launched the "Seek" project. "】

["As more and more people are wiped out on the planet, the Administrator has finally come to a painful conclusion. "】

"On Earth, they can't find a way to end the Black Moon. "】

["So, in desperation, the Foundation set its sights on the starry sky of the universe. "】

["With the help of SCPs and super futuristic technology, the Foundation has built an unmanned spaceship. "】

["This spacecraft is powered by artificial intelligence and is equipped with hundreds of space drones!"]

["Once launched, the spacecraft will sail through the universe at unimaginable speeds, searching for any information related to the Black Moon!"]

["No one knows if the "SEEK" spacecraft will be able to bring answers to the earth. "】

"But this ...... It's almost the Foundation's last hope. "】

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