Just as Tony Stark and Stephen Strange were taken aback, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[After observing the situation in the dark dimension through the ball of Agomoto, the Supreme Mage Tony was about to tell his male servant Strange about something, when he suddenly ......]

[In the Supreme Sanctuary, a spatial crack suddenly appeared on the ground!]

[A blue-faced, fanged monster rushes out of the crack and yells at Tony as he yells :]

["Damn mortal spies, take your life in the name of Dormammu!"]

["Oh, did Dormammu send you?"]

[Seeing the monster pounce on him, Supreme Mage Tony Stark's eyes flashed.] 】

[It seems that his peeping into the dark dimension just now has been discovered by Dormammu, so he sent this monster to assassinate him.] 】

["But...... Just such a nobody, and he wants to take my life?"]


[Supreme Mage Tony pinched a magic seal in his right hand, and a curtain of light immediately enveloped him and Stanlanch. 】

["Doctor, stay behind the Seraph's Shield, and I'll take care of the rest."] "】

[And at the same time as casting the defensive spell, the "detector" on Tony's face also instantly detected the enemy's movements. 】

["Enemy Name: Balsack, from the Dark Dimension, Warrior Level!"]

["Cast a spell, ball lightning!!" Counter spell...... It's in place!"]


[After making all the preparations, Tony Darkk unleashed a magic with a finger in his hand. 】

["Setolak Crimson Band! Bound My Enemies!"]


[In an instant, Tony's hand released a large number of red magic belts!]

[This magic trick is borrowed from the "Crimson Dimension Lord Setolak"...... The power is amazing!]


[That monster Balzac from the dark dimension, before he could react, was tightly tied by the crimson magic belt, like a mummy, and he couldn't move at all. 】

[The sturdy monster tied up in front of him, Tony stepped forward directly to interrogate:]

["Dormammu sent a guy like you to kill me?" or...... My detection of the Dark Dimension automatically triggered your attack?"]

["Hmph, you don't want to get love from me!"]

[I saw that after this monster finished saying this, its body suddenly exploded! 】

【"Oh...... It's just too bad. "】

[Supreme Mage Tony, looking at the library that was in a mess with monster stumps, shook his head, turned around and patted Strange on the shoulder. 】

["Old friend, I need to investigate this matter, so I'll ask you to clean it up here. "】

[Hearing Tony's words, Strange's face suddenly turned as black as the bottom of a pot:]

["You're going to save the world, and I'm going to clean up this damn mess!......"

[Before Strange finished speaking, he saw that Tony had disappeared.] 】


[Silently cleaning the monster's stump, the muscles on Strange's face twitched, and finally roared.] 】

["Doctor, this bastard still has the face to call me doctor!"]

["If it weren't for him, how could I have fallen into this field and do these subordinate jobs all day long?"]

[In a fit of rage, Strange involuntarily recalled the events of that year. 】

[Years ago, as a leading surgeon, he became a drinking buddy with billionaire Tonysdark. 】

[The two often spend time together. 】

[One day, Tony Darkk drove Strange for a ride in a sports car. 】

[But that time, Tony had a car accident.] 】

[But the strange thing is that Tony, who was driving, was not injured himself, and Strange, who was sitting in the passenger seat, lost his hands and became disabled. 】

[Strange, whose career is ruined, is in pain and puts all the blame on Tony.] 】

And Tony is extremely guilty, and does everything he can to heal Strange's hand. 】

[Whether it is black technology or modern medicine, Tony has tried all methods, but none of them have worked. 】

[In desperation, Tony takes Strange to Nepal with some kind of grapevine. 】

There, they met an old man who claimed to be the Ancient One. 】

[The Ancient One claims that he can't heal Strange's hands.] 】

[However, if Tony and Strange are willing to stay and learn magic, maybe they can find a cure on their own.] 】

[It was already exhaustive, and these two people did not hesitate, so they all chose to stay. 】

[And in the process of learning magic, Strange accidentally discovers the disciple of the Ancient One...... Mage Mordo, who is secretly casting a curse on the Ancient One. 】

[Righteous Strange tried to expose Mordo's conspiracy, but was sealed in a temple with magic.] 】

[During the time when Strange was banned, Tonis Darker worked hard to practice magic under the Ancient One, and his strength increased day by day. 】

[In the end, Tony Stark used magic to expel Mage Mordo, and Strange was released.] 】

[And because of Tony's amazing talent, the Ancient One Mage gave him the position of Supreme Mage. 】

[Although he didn't learn magic because of a mistake, Strange was still unwilling to give up hope of healing his hands. 】

[Therefore, he followed the "Supreme Master Tony" to the Supreme Sanctuary and became his servant and steward. 】

[But after so many years, although Supreme Mage Tony has tried various methods, he has never been able to heal his hands. 】

[Seeing that Tony Starck can perform cool magic every day, and not only is his hands crippled, but he can only take care of chores for him, the anger in Strange's heart is burning more and more!]

[But Tony, he didn't have time to pay attention to Strange's mental state. 】

[Over the years, he has fused his talent in mechanical engineering with magic to create a magic suit that is unique in the world!]

[The detector that comes with this suit can not only analyze the enemy's combat effectiveness, but also predict the enemy's magic attack in advance!]

[In this way, Tony, the Supreme Mage, can use targeted magic to counter the enemy!]

[And by directly transmitting magical energy, as long as you put on the suit, Tonydak can even skip the chanting of the spell and directly release the magic attack!]

[It can be said that as long as he wears a magic suit, Tony Stark is not afraid of any enemy!]

[It is precisely because of this that Supreme Mage Tony has the confidence to infiltrate the dark dimension alone to fight his most powerful enemy...... Dark Demon God Dormammu!]

[After finally meeting Dormammu, Supreme Mage Tony did not go to war directly, but asked Dormammu a question:]

["Dark Lord, I'll only ask you once, will you give up invading Earth?"]

["Ignorant mortals, you are here to find death!"]

[Dormammu's head is like a flame, releasing an endless sense of oppression!] and he looks at Tony like an ant. 】

[Immediately after, a great battle that shook the entire dark dimension suddenly broke out!]

["Boom, boom!"]

[Tony, who is wearing a magic suit, seems to have endless magical energy, and no matter how powerful the spell is, he doesn't need to cast a spell at all!]

[In the face of such an unimaginable magic turret, even Dormammu...... It even fell behind!]

"Surrender, Dormammu! Don't say I didn't warn you. "】

[Tony, the Supreme Mage who is completely victorious, is full of the pride of the victor in his tone. 】

["Mortal, do you think you won?"]

[Accompanied by Dormammu's cold words, I saw that this dark demon god suddenly made a strange move!]

["Bring your armor!"]


[Under Tonysdak's incredulous gaze, I saw that Dormammu just stretched out his hand and pointed at the magic suit that he had spent countless efforts to produce...... Fall apart immediately!]

["How can it be ???"]

[Almost all of his life's strength is on this suit, and Tony, who was stripped of his suit, was immediately defeated by Dormammu. 】

[But even though he was restrained by magical energy, Tonydak's eyes were still full of disbelief. 】

[He didn't understand at all, how did Dormammu do it?]

[It was he who actually crossed his magical defense and easily took off his armor!]

[What is this possible?]

[And at this moment, a familiar man suddenly appeared in front of Tony Dark. 】

"Hello, Stark. "】

["You...... Strange!"]

[Looking at his friend in front of him, a flash of realization suddenly flashed in the eyes of Supreme Mage Tony. 】

[Only this person who he trusts the most can steal the design blueprints of the magic suit from the Supreme Sanctuary.] 】

[Only by obtaining that blueprint can Dormammu easily break through and defeat himself.] 】

[Dan...... Why?]

[Why did Strange betray?]

[Next, Dormammu's actions immediately gave the answer. 】

[I saw that the dark demon god just waved his hand, and he healed Strange's hands.] 】

["Hahaha! my hand!"]

[Raising his healed hands, Strange is so happy that he is going crazy.] 】

[It turns out that since becoming the Supreme Mage, Tonis Darker has been busy all day, and he has begun to lose his attention to the treatment of his crippled hands. 】

[It was Strange, who was gradually despairing, who finally found a way to communicate with Dormammu by looking through the books in the library of the Holy Sanctuary. 】

[And the next thing is a matter of course.] 】

[By betraying Tonysdark, Strange successfully healed his own hands. 】

[But the price is that Dormammu is about to ...... the undefended Earth Unleash a full-scale invasion!]

And just as Strange was about to leave the Dark Dimension and return to Earth, Dormammu's niece suddenly found him and told him the terrible truth. 】

[It turns out that Strange believes that Dormammu invaded Earth just to rule.] And he is not in the slightest interested in who will rule the world. 】

But Dormammu's niece told him a terrible truth. 】

[As a dark demon god, Dormammu is actually preparing to use his own "Heartless Demon" to completely destroy the earth!]

[Faced with this terrifying future, Strange is completely stupid. 】

[If this really happens, even if his hands are healed, isn't there only a dead end?]

[Faced with this desperate situation, Strange finally lifted his spirits. 】

[He infiltrated Dormammu's treasure room and put on the "magic suit" that was placed here as a trophy!]

[Then, Strange immediately went to the prison and rescued Tony Stark, who was imprisoned here. 】

[Tony Stark also used the Eye of Agomoto to see through a terrible truth. 】

[It turned out that Dormammu did not heal Strange's hands, but only used otherworldly monsters to absorb Strange's life force and use it to maintain the operation of his hands. 】

After revealing the truth, Supreme Mage Tony and Dormammu have a final showdown. 】

[During the battle, Tony Stark used a stratagem to lure Dormammu's spirit out of his body and have a spirit-to-spirit duel with him. 】

But at the same time, he drove his magic suit, grabbed Dormammu's body, and burrowed into the otherworldly dimension. 】

[Seeing that his body was gone, Dormammu's spirit body was suddenly shocked and hurriedly ran to find it. 】

[In this way, the Supreme Mage Tony won the final victory, banishing Dormammu into the gaps of countless dimensions!]

[And Strange, whose hands are still crippled, is ashamed of the mistakes he has made, and does not dare to return to Earth, but decides to stay in the dark dimension]

[This is the story of Tony Stark, the Supreme Mage, and Stephen Strange.] 】

Seeing that the screen gradually dimmed, the chat group became lively again.

Rampage Lori Jinx: Hahaha! These two people really love and kill each other, I think ...... They're just together. ^_^

Stephen Strange: Little girl, where did you learn your knack for making people angry?

Tony Stark: Ahem, Strange, I'......

Stephen Strange: Tony, it's something that happens in another universe, and it'......

Stephen Strange: If anything, it's that my variant is not right, and it almost destroyed the planet!

Tony Stark: Hahaha! It's nice that you're so open-minded.

Tony Stark: Honestly, I'm a little surprised that in another universe, the Ancient One is an old man.

Tony Stark: Besides, that Dormammu actually has a niece, and she's pretty good-looking. ^_^

Stephen Strange: ............ →_→

Jerome Valeska: I can understand your variants now.

Rampaging Lori Jinx: Yes, I really empathize, if it were me, I wouldn't fake any Dormammu, I would only do it myself!

Tony Stark: Hey, you're going too far, am I that hated?

And at this moment, the screen, which had been dimmed, suddenly lit up again.

The narration of the system also sounded again.

["In countless parallel universes, there are countless Iron Mans. "】

["And these Iron Men may not necessarily be women. "】

["This is Universe 3490."] "】

["On Earth in this universe, Iron Man is a woman named "Natasha Stark". "】

Moreover, she and Steve Rogers also fell in love. "】

["Originally, because of "Superhero Registration", the superheroes of this world are still facing a civil war. "】

[But due to the marriage of Iron Woman "Natasha Stark" and the captain of the United States, Steve Rogers, this civil war ended early. "】

["In this universe, there are no more cannibalistic tragedies between superheroes. "】

["It's really gratifying, gratifying."] "】

in the live broadcast room.

"Open...... What are you kidding?"

Looking at the scene on the screen where the woman in the steel suit kissed deeply with the captain of the United States, Tonysrak's face twitched wildly, and his expression was as if he had seen a ghost.

In the end, he finally couldn't take it anymore and almost screamed.

"Damn, how can there be such a reality, this must be fake!!"

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